"Black Eyeliner Only"? Hmm...


Well-known member
A while back I went to a MAC counter to purchase a fluidline for the first time. I was looking at Blacktrack definitely, but also wanted to purchase Dipdown. The MA at the counter said that because of my skin tone and features, that I should only wear black eyeliner, and that brown would look off or something...I have coffee-brown eyes, blue-black hair (dyed) and black/brown eyebrows (I use Stud brow pencil)...so is she correct?

Has an MA ever said this to you? I mean I love my black eyeliner--I wear it all the time (blacktrack and graphblack technakohl religiously!), but sometimes I want a softer look, something that just wearing a thinner-than-normal line of black can't resolve...

(Hope this post is appropriate for this forum--I wanted experiences from PoC, but also advice on whether to listen to the MA...)


Well-known member
I'd have to disagree with her. I love my brown liners. I have Richground, but I was also looking at Cocoabar for a while. I also like the Victoria's Secret Dark Chocolate eyeliner (it's a creamy pencil liner). I also like Sephora's glitter liners and there is one that is a glitter brown
. Not to mention my felt tip Lancome Artliner (I know there are two brown ones... one is nice the other not so much). I also have Guerlaine eye khol in Brun which is to die for.


Well-known member
you can wear whatever liner you choose to. there is NO reason you cannot wear brown eyeliner. it's especially good if you want something more subdued than black.


Well-known member
Yeah..that's b.s. Now, there might be certain shades of brown that wouldn't flatter you. However, to say that brown is off limits all together is wrong. I usually wear black but once in awhile I will wear brown myself for a more subtle look.


Well-known member
I completely disagree. My sister (who has nc45 skin) and dark eyes often wears navy blue, teal and brown eyeliner and it looks gorgeous.


Well-known member
I'm C7/NC45 and I have quite a few fluidlines and eyeliners. I'm wearing blue eyeliner right now. I think you can wear any color that you choose. I often wear teal/green and yesterday I had on dark purple. It depends on the look you are going for. I never let people tell me what to wear or buy. That MA has his or her own opinion.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aziajs
Yeah..that's b.s. Now, there might be certain shades of brown that wouldn't flatter you. However, to say that brown is off limits all together is wrong. I usually wear black but once in awhile I will wear brown myself for a more subtle look.

Thanks! (For some reason everyone has a "thanks" button on here except for you...oh well)

So what brown eyeliner do you wear? Dipdown has been sitting on my list forever...


Well-known member
blazeno I'm going to check out those liners you mentioned. Perhaps she just meant shades of brown, like aziajs said...

Thanks for everyone mentioning the other colors for liners...I haven't tried colored liner yet, but I want to

I use my black to change the shape of my eye as opposed to popping the eye, so I'll definitely have to practice with the other colors...Yay! Something to focus on (which means more makeup shopping lol)...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MACa6325xi
I'm C7/NC45 and I have quite a few fluidlines and eyeliners. I'm wearing blue eyeliner right now. I think you can wear any color that you choose. I often wear teal/green and yesterday I had on dark purple. It depends on the look you are going for. I never let people tell me what to wear or buy. That MA has his or her own opinion.

Thanks for saying the bolded. I'm finding that most MA opinions are way off, even when I give them a frame of reference and/or background info when answering my questions. I end up just going in and saying I'm "just looking"...That's how I discovered a bunch of my fave makeup.

OT: You're C7/NC45? I think I am similar in complexion to you. An MA sold me NC50 in SF, though...I don't get them and their system, and I never will...
Thank goodness for the internet.


Well-known member
I totally disagree the MA I think her commnet shows what limited vision she has.
I'm a NW43/45/NC50 & have 3 black e/l & about a dozen in blues, greens & purples.
Like others have said on Specktra I think anyone can make any colour work on them it just depends on the shade, finish, etc that you go for.


Well-known member
I also disagree with what the MA told you. I love brown eyeliner ( Dipdown is one of my faves BTW) and it's my everyday color. I believe anyone can wear it. I do love black eyeliner as well but I don't like to limit my makeup palette to only that color.


Well-known member
I can't believe she said that!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow...... she needs to be fired IMO. You can wear any color in the rainbow! Depends how you wear it etc.
I have brown eyes and some of my favorite color eyeliner colors are: Sweet sage fluidline, forever green powerpoint, macroviolet fluidline and a dark metallic grey from Percriptives that I think was LE.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by elektra513
Thanks! (For some reason everyone has a "thanks" button on here except for you...oh well)

So what brown eyeliner do you wear? Dipdown has been sitting on my list forever...

Yeah. I have no idea what's going on with that "Thanks" button.

As for the liners, I wear Costa Riche, Coffee, and Teddy. I have Dipdown and I like it but I never wear it. Fluidlines are a pain in the ass.


Well-known member
hows she an MA she sounds DUMB!

Im MUFE 75 and i wear brown eyeliner religiously. Its a lot more subtle as mention before and obvioulsy your not going to wear an eyeliner that is identical to your skin. Brown, depending on the shade, is VER suitable for EVERYONE!!!


Well-known member
OT: You're C7/NC45? I think I am similar in complexion to you. An MA sold me NC50 in SF, though...I don't get them and their system, and I never will...
Thank goodness for the internet.[/quote]

I only wear StudioFix Powder in C7 and NC45 in StudioStick Foundation. I don't wear any of the liquid foundations. I say if NC50 looks good wear it, if not go back to the counter and get another MA to match you up.

I have the following Fluidlines:Waveline, Rich Ground, Blacktrack, Dipdown Blue Peep, Shade, Ostentatious, and Delphic

Pencils: Coffee, Teddy, Blooz, Stubborn Brown, Prussian, Mystery, Feline, Jealous, Black Karat

You should take a look at some other colors and see if you like them.


Well-known member
Honestly, I don't like to wear most shades of brown eyeliner because I do feel like they don't show up properly. It would have to be a very dark shade of brown. However, you're completely allowed to try browns out and wear whatever you want. No MA's opinion should limit you.


Well-known member
I'm the same way, faifai. I own a variety of colors but will reach for blacks or Nightfish for my upper lash any day. Even when I've worn lighter colors and brown liners, I didn't think they made my eyes stand out, so I opt to wear them on the waterline instead.


Well-known member
I am in love with black eyeliner and very rarely do I even consider other colors. However, purples on the lower lash line and water are beautifuuuul. They aren't as prominent yet they are noticeably beautiful. Mannn....screw what that MA said.


Well-known member
I have to agree with everyone! I don't see why you shouldnt be able to wear a brown eyeliner. I think everyone should have atleast one brown, just in case.