Blossom's Action Plan


Well-known member
Maintain a weekly activity level that is 1 hr long and at least 4 days/wk.

Current height and weight: 5'4" and 130lbs.
Goal weight: 120 lbs.
Time Frame: End of June 2006

Today's Action Plan:
Walk to the local mall during my lunch break then hit the gym for a workout. Focus: stability ball and weights.

What I ate:
B: Quaker Oatmeal Weight Control Banana Nut Crunch w/ fresh strawberries
S: slim fast muffin bar ~ 90 cals
L: lean gourmet turkey w/ gravy and steamed veggies
S: vanilla yogurt and strawberries

plan on having an orange and some tea before work is over and then hit the gym. i'll add my dinner menu later. ttfn.


Well-known member
so after I had my vanilla yogurt and strawberry, i was cravinnnnngggg chocolate and ended up munching on three little hershey's milk chocolates. =( plus i had some espresso. walking on the treadmill tonight cause i'm too tired to go to the gym.


Well-known member
Thanks for the motivation! I sincerely appreciate it. =)

So yesterday for dinner I had a cup of white rice and some dried herring - it sounds weird but it sooooo yummy.

Unfortunately though, i didn't get to walk on the treadmill as planned because for some reason I was just extremely tired yesterday and plus it was movie night with the fiance so that was nice.

Here are today's plan:

B: oatmeal w/ strawberries, 1 cup of coffee
S: orange
S: bowl of strawberries
L: spinach tortilla wrap, 1 orange, and a small slice of chocolate cake (i know i shouldn't have but I swear it was like 1/2 of a 3x3 inch slice)

Don't know if I'll be able to head out to the gym after work because I have to get fitted for a dress in my best friend's wedding. I'll most likely do some push-ups, sit-ups, and work with some resistance bands tonight to make up for missing the gym. =(


Well-known member
B: oatmeal & cup of coffee
S: orange & cranberry apple tea
L: lean gourmet
S: nuts & almonds

I was absolutely tested today. In my office they ordered 3 pizzas and one of the other departments was having a BBQ during lunch (they were serving hamburgers, hot dogs, and sweets) - I was able to control my appetite and not give in. Woo hoo. I did however eat 1/2 of a hamburger patty because my co-worker said it was a boc burger and i wanted to taste it. not bad.


Well-known member
islandblossom - keep posting your progress! Your goal of losing 10lbs by the end of June is very ambitious!

One thing just to spark some thought: it is common practice in weight loss to assess a person's progress through % body fat lost, rather than weight. When you are only looking to lose 10 lbs, it is hard to assess your success when you are including exercise in your routine, which will result is gained muscle mass (muscle is heavier than fat so you can imagine how much it can throw things off!!). Generally when people have more than 15lbs to lose then total weight is a more accurate measure of success.

If you can, I recommend stopping by your local fitness centre/gym for a % body fat assessment (often they require a membership). At the end of June if you only lost 3lbs total, you might feel discouraged, when in fact you have done amazing! Aiming to lose 3 - 5% body fat (depending on your starting %) is a better and more accurate way to gauge your succes - and a guaranteed way of seeing the fruits of your labour!

Just some food for thought! Keep up the posts!



Well-known member
wattage: yay! thank you so much for the support! i always wanted to go to the gym and get my body fat measured but i'm too self-conscious. i'll think about it some more because your reasoning completely makes sense.

on a more different note, i recently got measured for my best friend's wedding and ughhhh here are the results:

B: 34 1/2
W: 28
H: 40 =(

i'm thinking of re-measuring myself at the end of april. wish me luck everyone. hard work, ugghhhhhhh.


Well-known member
Hi islandblossom!

Your measurements are good - infact, you should be happy to see them the way they are! From what you have described, you have the most desirable body type in terms of healthy weight gain. Healthy weight gain you say!!??!!
When we gain weight, we gain it in all sorts of places! Bummies, hips, boobies, tummies, backs, ankles (which inevitably turn into cankles - ahh!) or anywhere! The thing is, some women (and most men) gain the majority of their weight midbody - think beer bellies! When we gain weight in this place, it puts the most stress on our body because of pressure it puts on our insides. All your important tools are abdomen and chest area - the worst place to gain weight.
There is much speculation that women live on average longer than men do because we, for the most part, gain our weight on our hips and royal-behinds! So next time you think you have ghetto booty - think damn no! I got healthy booty!

Carrying extra pounds can be a bummer (no pun intended) but the important part is that you are healthy. You should be proud of your figure!



Well-known member
B: Protein Shake
S: Banana
L: my boss kidnapped me so we had to do errands during lunch. i ended up getting a jack's spicy chicken sandwich at jack in the box, total cals for lunch 689

after work i'm going to the gym to work out. gotta stay motivated. i wanted to say thanks to everyone that stop by and leaves comments for me-i really do appreciate the support. you guys are awesome!


Well-known member
after work yesterday i hit the gym.

30 - minute cardio on elliptical trainer
10 min of weights
did some lunges with 3lbs weights and worked on the stability ball.

i'm feeling the lunges this morning. =P

B: LF yogurt with strawberries & bananas topped w/ some granola cereal, cup of coffee
S: protein shake & a handful of almonds


Well-known member
i'm pmsing and i'm on a diet.

i'm having a very irritable day today. =(

last night: 20 min- treadmill and weights

B: protein shake, coffee
S: nature valley bar
S: orange


Well-known member
Damn Jamba Juice!

Shoot! Shoot! I went to jamba juice for lunch and looked up the nutrition facts for the smoothie i got and it had 92g of sugar! wth? i went to and it turns out that just one apple has 15g of way! i guess i'm going back on the treadmill tonight. nor more jamba juice for the rest of the year.

L: jamba juice original strawberry wild smoothie w/ protein boost


look at the carbs!


Well-known member
Hi Island Blossom!

My GOSH! It still manages to floor me sometimes when I read what is REALLY in some of the stuff we eat. Crap that is a lot of sugar.

I love smoothies and drinks like this too! I just thought I would share what I do: Buy the smoothie, take it home, freeze 1/2 or more and mix what I want to have with a Perrier. Then, when I want more, I just throw what I want from the smoothie in the blender and mix. It's not so bad for a snack if you only have a bit at a time. Oh and it's got some good fibre in it too, so that's not so bad...

The bottom line really comes down to how many calories it has - 450. This drink is an entire meal's worth of calories. And for 450 cals and only 6g of protein, probably better of having a more satisfying meal with higher quality nutrients and carbohydrates.

Dammit Jamba Juice!! Argh, I swear they are in cahoots with Jugo Juice (we have it in Canada, same idea) - so so good and they market to healthy folks like us - yet they're not that healthy in the end!

I will join you in this little pitty party


Well-known member

B: Protein Shake
S: Orange + Nature Valley Bar
S: Apple + Diet Coke

No major lbs lost yet.... I think it's because I've always been a semi-active person; at least working out 3x a wk so I'm in OKAY shape but I think in order to be in the best shape of my life I should probably work out more.
Other than that, I didn't get to work out last night because my fiance bought a new LCD flat screen tv and we ended up watching LOTR.

I haven't had lunch yet today bc in all honesty... I'm just not hungry and tonight I won't be working out bc our company gets to see the Padres vs. the Mets at Petco Park. So that should be nice. I just have to avoid the trash that they call food over there. :p


Well-known member
To complete yesterday's menu:
L: skipped lunch
Went to ball game
D: Jumbo Jack burger
S: Peanuts & Hot chocolate

Today's Menu:
B: 1/2 belgium waffle topped with fruits (banana and strawberries) + cup of coffee
S: Protein Shake

It's lunch now and I'm not hungry, (really I'm not). So even though it's technically bad to skip lunch - I also don't want to force myself to eat when my body isn't hungry. So please don't think I'm starving myself. ;P


Well-known member
Week of 4/24

Here is my get fit plan for the week:

7PM Hip Hop Class at LFJCC (free)

1 hr workout @ LFJCC concentrating on cardio and a few weights

6PM Abs Blast @ LFJCC (optional)
7:45PM Belly Dancing classes ( I haven't belly danced for over a year now so I'm thinking of going back to the beginner level to loosen up)

6PM Hips, Abs, Butt, & Inner Thigh class at LFJCC (free)


The fiance and I are planning a Champagne tasting party this day so if we don't have to run out for some last minute items, i'll most likely take a belly dancing class in the morning.


Well-known member
B: protein shake & cup of cofee
S: yogurt
L: banquet meal (tv dinner thing ~ 230 cals) 1 chips ahoy cookie and a diet coke


Well-known member
that is INSANE. I just looked at Jack In the Box.... ughhhhh, no fast food anymore! thanks for the link. it's a real wake up call.