Can't make up my mind! (First FOTD-pic heavy)


Well-known member
both eyes looks great. but the blue one is my fav. nice job with the blending


Well-known member
Aw! thank you all for the encouragement and compliments!

(chocolategoddess, if I could share them with you, I would!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by cupcake_x
Wow! I love both eyes, but that blue one is just AMAZING! The blending and the colors are awesome. I also thought the names you picked for the shadows you made are adorable, I'm gonna name the eyeshadows I made now!

Also, you have the prettiest smile.

I think my favorite part of making shadows is coming up with names for them! And thanks for the compliment about my smile. I know I'm gonna have wrinkles from smiling all the time, but I figure there are worse things!

Originally Posted by makeup_wh0re
Your eye color = AMAZING!

Thank you so much!

Originally Posted by GGBlu
The blue is gorgeous, but I'm partial to that color, so ...

Of course, the green is beautiful as well, but I like that with the eyes closed, the blue is still highly visible, while the green is harder to see.

Thank you for the awesome, specific advice! I am partial to blues and purples as well, so I'm glad they tend to be well-received.

Originally Posted by pmjc69
both eyes looks great. but the blue one is my fav. nice job with the blending

Thanks! I LOVE LOVE LOVE my 219 and 224 brushes. They make this so easy!

Originally Posted by Mec
I'm drawn to the blue!!
The contrast is very lovely with your skin tone!!

Thanks! I appreciate knowing how it looks as a whole.

As a side note, does anyone know why I can't seem to thank people in this thread? Is it an FODT thing, or an "I started the thread" thing, or a "my computer stinks" thing?
I'd love to be able to show my gratitude!