Chanel Spring 2011


Well-known member
Oh you know I'm right there with you on the wrapping paper madness!

I always like new themes from year to year, but I had to find a fun way to use up the I did! I save them up for 4 years and then on the 5th year, I use all of the leftover papers from the previous 4 years. I guess it's kinda like a re-mixed Christmas, or blast from the past! It's always very eclectic and fun and everyone really enjoys it (including me!). It gives us a chance to look back on previous years while they're under the tree, and while they're being ripped open! We all love the tradition now, and my Mom and Mother In Law have both joined in too!

Elegant, I had to laugh at the overdoing it on the gifts...we do the same thing! Each year we set a dollar limit for each person (to try and stay on a budget of some kind), and then always without fail at least double or triple that amount when the gifts are all purchased. I really can't help it, I'm a bigtime "giver" and I just LOVE shopping for loved ones! Thankfully the man is the same way or we'd have problems, lol.

Decorations-wise today I'm wrapping empty boxes to place all around the house (lol, do any of you do this?) and I'll be on a shopping/hunting trip for the perfect finishing touches for the table's centerpiece. I'm also searching for awesome festive waffle recipes! I got a rotating belgian waffle maker for my birthday (OMG, LOVE IT!) and special waffles will be Christmas morning breakfast this year, along with bacon and eggs of course. Yum!

All of that is really off-topic, I'm sorry! On topic: I'm really getting impatient lately for swatches and info on MAC collections! The crack down on them has really turned my attention towards Chanel even harder and I'm really, really looking forward to the Spring collection. I can't wait to see swatches!


Well-known member
More pics up on Tempatalia now (sorry if you've seen these already, they're new to me though!)

I can't wait to get my paws on the Ombre Perles palette! Hopefully they don't go too crazy with the prices here in the UK :-(


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Staff member
I'm excited for this collection! I want Black Pearl n/p and I'm drooling over the compact shimmer powder. And Aragonite lip gloss looks nice as well. I hope we get the Spring collection over here, but I think we do. I'm still a bit sad that we didn't get the Holiday collex here in Germany, or Riva n/p as well. I know a lot of people who were looking forward to those, and would've spend a nice amount of money on it.


Well-known member
More pics up on Tempatalia now (sorry if you've seen these already, they're new to me though!)

I can't wait to get my paws on the Ombre Perles palette! Hopefully they don't go too crazy with the prices here in the UK :-(
Holy Cow - I'm in trouble! :) That model looks so lovely. Everything looks awesome. Oh, I WANT that blouse/shirt whatever she is wearing with that flower on it :)

Thanks dear


Well-known member
Oh you know I'm right there with you on the wrapping paper madness!

I always like new themes from year to year, but I had to find a fun way to use up the I did! I save them up for 4 years and then on the 5th year, I use all of the leftover papers from the previous 4 years. I guess it's kinda like a re-mixed Christmas, or blast from the past! It's always very eclectic and fun and everyone really enjoys it (including me!). It gives us a chance to look back on previous years while they're under the tree, and while they're being ripped open! We all love the tradition now, and my Mom and Mother In Law have both joined in too!

Elegant, I had to laugh at the overdoing it on the gifts...we do the same thing! Each year we set a dollar limit for each person (to try and stay on a budget of some kind), and then always without fail at least double or triple that amount when the gifts are all purchased. I really can't help it, I'm a bigtime "giver" and I just LOVE shopping for loved ones! Thankfully the man is the same way or we'd have problems, lol.

Decorations-wise today I'm wrapping empty boxes to place all around the house (lol, do any of you do this?) and I'll be on a shopping/hunting trip for the perfect finishing touches for the table's centerpiece. I'm also searching for awesome festive waffle recipes! I got a rotating belgian waffle maker for my birthday (OMG, LOVE IT!) and special waffles will be Christmas morning breakfast this year, along with bacon and eggs of course. Yum!

All of that is really off-topic, I'm sorry! On topic: I'm really getting impatient lately for swatches and info on MAC collections! The crack down on them has really turned my attention towards Chanel even harder and I'm really, really looking forward to the Spring collection. I can't wait to see swatches!
You know, I'm gonna steal that wrapping paper idea. I always buy more than I need (just in case) so that will work perfectly - Thanks for the idea! I'm glad dh is in on it to - or I would be in really hot water LOL! I talked him into getting the kids an ipad for christmas - but we couldn't wait & gave it to them when they came for Thanksgiving
I always give them new ornaments all wrapped for Thanksgiving, so I waited until later in the evening when they were napping on the couch, quietly wrapped the ipad & put it under the tree so it would be there when they woke up. I wrapped in a big Crate & barrel box to throw them off as to what it was.Needless to say they were so shocked & happy - they LOVE it.


Well-known member
Hello! It's so nice to hear everyone talking about Christmas, I still can't believe it's almost time again! I've seen silently lurking but I have to say, I am going to end up purchasing every single lip product in this collection. I am a lip product fiend, about 90% of my collection are all lip products O_O. I don't know if any of you gals (or guys!) have seen this yet but Fashion Polish has swatches of Black Pearl and Pearl Drop here:



Well-known member
^^Oh my word, that makes me want Pearl Drop, too. So gorgeous!

Elegant -- I love that your son still gets excited about Christmas. So fun. My girls are all so excited, they can't stand it. I seem to go overboard on stocking stuffers. My husband is like "the stockings are only so big" LOL!

Meg -- I love your idea about using up all of the paper. When I saw how much paper and ribbon I already had -- I about died! My husband went out and bought a huge tote for it all -- gotta stay organized :)


Well-known member
Hey everyone! Been a while since I've posted, but I am quite excited about this collection! I'll have to call my counter this week to see if they know anything about when it'll arrive.

I definitely want the quad, especially because it looks quite different then anything I have. There's also one lipstick I like in the pics and both the white and blackish polishes. This'll be my first haul in quite a while by the time it's available.

Elegant, your son sounds so sweet!


Well-known member
I think I've decided to pass on the glossimers. I don't need any other lippies with microglitter, as I have soooo many to go through first. IF these glossimers were the sparkly ones like they used to do a la Bubbles, Pink Ribbons, etc, then I'd probably indulge.


Well-known member
Thanks for the link, I was hoping for swatches as the thread was so busy.

I asked at my chanel counter when we will get the collection and they said last week of January... Cannot wait, this is going to be so expensive.
Meg, I am with you, the glitter and loosing interest in MAC because we do not get swatches any more. Weird, but what can I say.

Two n/p, two l/s and the two eyeshadow palettes... Come on 2011, hurry up.

Please continue with the Christmas talk, I need to get into the mood. I got an Adventskalender (24 days until Christmas) and so far this is the only Christmasy thing I did. Oh, and have lots of Vin Chaud at the Christmas market


Well-known member
^^Bis, we have those here, too -- almost the same name (Advent Calender). My girls love the countdown to Christmas. I am almost done with shopping and got most of the gifts wrapped. I have to finish up my cards and send those out. I am trying to get everything done early this year :)
I am with you -- I can't wait for the next chanel collection to come out. It is going to be hard on the wallet for sure!

Miss QQ

Well-known member
I love the promo pic! So does that mean I need the quad, blush and lipstick to look like her? :p So far from the pics and description, I really like Black pearl and the e/s quint. Can't wait for the swatches!


Well-known member
Wow, I was so excited to see new & old ~ you guys are here!!!! Yay Nora, so glad you're back as I really miss you when you're not here :) I'm so in love with the colors in this collection. Swatches of the lipsticks would be really nice about now. Karen, I'm with you on the glosses. I've been staying away from buying glosses for awhile.


Well-known member
I love the promo pic! So does that mean I need the quad, blush and lipstick to look like her? :p So far from the pics and description, I really like Black pearl and the e/s quint. Can't wait for the swatches!
It's a very nice promo, but somehow I was hoping for the dark smokey eyes we saw from the early show pictures.
With those in the back of my mind the promo looks really tame.

I cannot wait for swatches, I am wondering if the 5er palette colours will be sheer and are supposed to be used as a wash or overlay.


Well-known member
bis...I LOVE Armani Eyes to Kill Mascara!! I think it's worth every penny!! Let us know what you think of it and Rivoli please.

Yup Karin I agree about the glosses. I'm not interested in sheer, glittery ones. If the one ends up being pigmented and with subtle shimmer than I'll consider it ;-)


Well-known member
bis...I LOVE Armani Eyes to Kill Mascara!! I think it's worth every penny!! Let us know what you think of it and Rivoli please.

Yup Karin I agree about the glosses. I'm not interested in sheer, glittery ones. If the one ends up being pigmented and with subtle shimmer than I'll consider it ;-)

Good to hear. I am not sure I want to like it, because it is expensive ;)
I need to finish my Chanel mascara first and then I will take the Armani for a spin. I have aHG mascara, but still I continue trying them out. No idea why though.


Well-known member
It was my first real high end mascara purchase and I LOVE it. I'd always been a drugstore mascara girl because they are so expendible and had only tried a couple mid end ones like MAC and Clinique prior to ETK. I'm hesitant to try anything else now because I am so impressed over anything else I've tried prior.

What is your HG mascara??

Miss QQ

Well-known member
It's a very nice promo, but somehow I was hoping for the dark smokey eyes we saw from the early show pictures. With those in the back of my mind the promo looks really tame.

I cannot wait for swatches, I am wondering if the 5er palette colours will be sheer and are supposed to be used as a wash or overlay.
Tell us how your like Rivoli. I never had an Advent Calendar but they look so fun. Too bad I missed it this year again since it is already the 7th. I should buy one and experience the fun next year, before I'm too old. ;)

I guess Chanel wants a tame promo pic for marketing the items as wearable for everyone, whereas the fashion show was going for a theatric effect. If I buy the quad I want to try the dramatic look too. I hope the e/s of the quint doesn't crease.


Well-known member
I guess Chanel wants a tame promo pic for marketing the items as wearable for everyone, whereas the fashion show was going for a theatric effect. If I buy the quad I want to try the dramatic look too. I hope the e/s of the quint doesn't crease.
You are never too old for an Advent Calendar, never! :)

I agree on the tame promo, definitely works better with the clientele and a Spring collection, but like you I am looking forward to the dark smokey eyes :D
Hope we are getting swatches soon :)


Well-known member
^^ I agree, no one is too old for an advent calender!! We had one growing up that had 24 pockets on it and each one was filled with candy. We thought it was the coolest :)

I wish they would release some press samples of the Spring collection so the bloggers can get swatching!! I love the looks of the coral glossimer -- but if it is sheer and glittery, I am out, too. I am dying to see the lipsticks and blush