clogged pores


Well-known member
Be careful with the hot water/towels on the face. You don't want it super super hot! My mom actually has broken capillaries all over her nose from doing that when she was younger. Heat can hurt your skin!

Try putting hot water in the sink and putting your head over it (not in it!
, with a towel draped over your head to trap the steam. That's much more gentle and will help open your pores a bit, too.

Also, I just tried a Clarins scrub that I LOVE. My pores look really good.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by milamonster
i dont know if i suck or what but i made the water the hottest i could get it and soaked the towel in there (in my sink filled with the steaming water) and placed it on my face, i reapeated this for 15 minutes, soaking it in and putting it on my face. And then i went to see if it made my pores more open it seemed a bit better. Then I used the scrub 2x from queen helene with my hands and with a washcloth. Then I used a salicilyic toner pad thing over that. But it just didnt do anythign for me. =(. I think next I'm going to try Biore face strips next though. hopefully those work. I don't have any advil right now so I havent tried it. I think I saw some of the on ein packs in my I'm ready to give up.

aww you don't suck. sometimes our skin is just stubborn. when i steam open my pores I usually just put a big heavy towel over my head and stand over the steaming water for like 10 minutes. or, I find this more gentle and relaxing, i just the soak the towel in the hot water but i wring it out really well so the heat of the towel not the water opens up my pores.

anyhoos, don't over do the scrubbing and salicylic acid, etc. you could be hurting your skin more than helping it. as for the biore face strips, my sister-in-law works for a derm and she's recommended that the face strips NOT be used. she said that they will take some stuff out but it also can rip off a layer of skin making the nose/chin areas dry causing them to only make more oil and result in more clogging. but i dunno. anyway, try the uncoated aspirin thing. maybe it'll help. good luck!


Well-known member
you just have a light acne problem. its all good!

I made a thread on my er, HG forum [Im sorry, specktra!],
and its a bunch of clean and clear products that have helped clear up MY skin.

now, I have huge pores and blackheads, and I get whiteheads [remember those white bumps you mentioned?] frequently. this should help you lots!

people do rave about the biore strips. give those a shot, too. :]


Well-known member
I tried the Biore nose strips! My nose looks SO much better, and that was only one time. I think I"m going to steam my face next time to open the pores though. I'm goign to do it again in like 3 days.

QUICK QUESTION!!! can you NOT use the nose strips on your face? I know it says not to, but has anyone done it? I'm asking because I didn't see the face strips at the store.
thanks for all the help everyone!


Well-known member
as an update...
I got melanie's crystals on ebay. And they are working great on my skin. I use them everyday or every 2 days. And you cannot see it as much. As well, my skin texture looks better and it's starting to fade some of the dark spots on my face. I think I"m going to go to either a dermatologist or to get a facial though . But like I said it looks MUCH better. It looks much better than when I used the piore strips.


Well-known member
I've had clogged pores forever but never ever get pimples. It's really weird. LOL.
Anyhoo...I've tried all sorts of Rx topicals from my derm and as a woman of color, let me warn you about using things like Retin A and even Tazorac. They have the potential to lighten your skin more than desired, and they are also very irritating. Also, be very very careful using the nose strips if you end up with a prescription for any type of retinoid. IT WILL PEEL YOUR SKIN OFF! No lie.

What has been working for me is a combination of Azelex cream (rx azelaic acid) and glycolic acid. I still get some clogged pores, but my skin tone is even and the texture is smooth. Azelex also helps with hyperpigmentation and is an antibacterial so in a way, it helps with pimples and clogged pores.
Good luck and keep us updated!


Well-known member
Have you tried Paula's Choice 2% BHA ?! I've been using the liquid for 1½ year now and it really helps to control clogged pores


New member
The Made from Earth Grapefruit Glycolic Scrub has actually helped my pores look smaller, which has been almost impossible with the other products I've used. I think I'm going to like this very much!