College Students


Well-known member
Quote: Originally Posted by NutMeg

Hah! How do you get anything done with all the construction in Sauder? Or do you guys have your classes in there?

Oh, the newer parts of the building are alright and I have a few classes there, but everything else has been diverted to Swing for the time being. It's kind of a hassle walking back and forth from those two buildings! But hey at least I get my daily exercise ;) The real problem is not having any spaces to study anymore, since our library has been closed the whole term!


Well-known member
I'm in community college because I can't afford a 4 year at the moment, and I actually like it. My major is Nursing.


Well-known member
Wow, quite a few people here are from Canada :) That's nice to see!
I'm from the unknown province called "Saskatchewan" (The province with nothing but grass and a name no one can spell)