Dior Cosmetics Discussion


Well-known member
Finally, the review.


T thinks it's similar to the Cosmopolite, but I don't care - the beautiful gold compact is enough to persuade me! I need to see the other one "Sumptuous" ASAP


Well-known member
General Dior-update: Raf Simmons is leaving Dior :-(
[COLOR=EE82EE]   I read that last night.  Implications????[/COLOR]
Well, for me personally: since my brother knows Raf Simons and has even been invited to private parties, for me no more chance for a goodie bag or so, lol. In general: no more incredibly pretty dresses for Nathalie Portman in the Miss Dior commercials? Imho, the Raf Simmons collections for Dior have been the prettiest ones since those of Christian Dior himself. He was so able to capture the true historic Dior spirit, bring them to a contemporary level and still keep them wearable (not that I actually have the body nor the money to wear them). I wonder who will be his successor.


Well-known member
Checked the whole Holiday collection in person today! The highlighters: I will definitely wait for the spring ones! They are very subtle and not worthy the high price point since they are nothing unique and the beige one is really very similar with Fall cosmopolite one! Nothing i haven't seen before ! The blush: well impressive in the pan but quite sheer and powdery in swatch and the sheen isn't obvious on the skin! I really liked blazing fusion mono for adding the something festive to an eye look so I'll get it :) Blazing gold quint really impressed me with its velvety and pigmented texture so it is a maybe! Diorific mats: I think I will pick Troublante! Fascinante is quite similar with Joy Diorific from 2 years ago which I already own. I thought I would fall head over heels with some items but instead I liked others I didn't expect more ! Gris or Diorific lacquer came home with me :)


Well-known member
I wonder who will be his successor.
They hated him over at the fashionspot which is supposed filled with pros (IDK what they're pros at but wtv, maybe whining), but I liked his designs. I stopped going there because the elitism and negativism is just too much, plus I don't understand why they fall all over themselves with really bland stuff.

I also wonder who it will be.


Well-known member
Checked the whole Holiday collection in person today! The highlighters: I will definitely wait for the spring ones! They are very subtle and not worthy the high price point since they are nothing unique and the beige one is really very similar with Fall cosmopolite one! Nothing i haven't seen before ! The blush: well impressive in the pan but quite sheer and powdery in swatch and the sheen isn't obvious on the skin! I really liked blazing fusion mono for adding the something festive to an eye look so I'll get it :) Blazing gold quint really impressed me with its velvety and pigmented texture so it is a maybe! Diorific mats: I think I will pick Troublante! Fascinante is quite similar with Joy Diorific from 2 years ago which I already own. I thought I would fall head over heels with some items but instead I liked others I didn't expect more ! Gris or Diorific lacquer came home with me :)
Thank you for the review!


Well-known member
I thought I would fall head over heels with some items but instead I liked others I didn't expect more ! Gris or Diorific lacquer came home with me
Thank you for your reviews!

I really love the highlighter packaging, but will decide when they arrive if they are worth it, not sure what the price will be here...I much prefer the round packaging for highlighters than the rectangular one cosmopolite came in.


Well-known member
Thank you for your reviews! I really love the highlighter packaging, but will decide when they arrive if they are worth it, not sure what the price will be here...I much prefer the round packaging for highlighters than the rectangular one cosmopolite came in.
Haha I actually prefer also the round ones better than the regular ones! Even in Chanel I prefer the rounded highlighters like Camelia de plumes than those like Infiniment powder! I guess it's a matter of aesthetics and personal taste! But the price of the Diorific ones is so high that I want something spectacular! If my wallet survives from the giant Chanel Holiday haul perhaps I will have one for collective reasons :)


Well-known member
But the price of the Diorific ones is so high that I want something spectacular! If my wallet survives from the giant Chanel Holiday haul perhaps I will have one for collective reasons
I prefer the round compacts too----I'm still over the moon with Diorskin Nude Shimmer Powder, Golden Shimmer Transat Collection. I think that was one of Dior's best


Well-known member

after this post i realized how much i want beige passion that released in EU only. I got my friend in London to buy it for me. I am waiting for it to arrive


Well-known member

after this post i realized how much i want beige passion that released in EU only. I got my friend in London to buy it for me. I am waiting for it to arrive
Yes---it's really pretty!!!


Well-known member
I swatched testers of the 2 highlighters and the blush, I would have probably bought the pink one, but the stock was not in yet.

1st 2 pics- in store in terrible dim lighting, last 2 pics- were on the train home with indoor/outdoor mixed lighting as I was near a window.

Top to Bottom - Blush, Pink HL, Gold HL

L-R - Gold HL , Pink HL, Blush

Top to Bottom - Gold HL Pink HL,

L-R - Gold HL Pink HL,

I think I put less of the Gold HL on as I was more interested in the pink, as you can see it is barely visible in the first pics in the store (the lights were unusually dimmed in the store).

The texture was not smooth like Chanel's silky Holiday blush HL, but it did not seem as awful and chalky as last years Dior offerings.

The SA did not confirm the price for me, he thought it might be around 90 AUD, which is about what I would be willing to pay.

I'll call one of the Dior make-up boutiques who probably already have it in stock to confirm the price tomorrow.

The pink seemed more unique to me and I will probably buy it, however as for the gold I will definitely skip. I was not amazed.

The blush was soft and pigmented, it had a pink berry vibe - I will need to check it out again. I do not need more blush
- but it was really pretty.

I also swatched Fantastique lipstick, it was very pretty but I have so many hot pinks/fuschias so I think I will skip.

Just found some good swatches here too:
