do you prefer a little haul every week or a giant one each month?


Well-known member
i prefer lots of little hauls because a) looks nicer on the wallet and b) i usually come home and go "wow now i want such-and-such"


Well-known member
Well I prefer Two giant hauls every two weeks or three depending whats out. Little hauls are kool. :p I do those every once inawhile.
So yay I'm not really nice to my wallet... XD


Well-known member
I haul all the time. I am constantly buying stuff off of ebay, here, or MUA. I do buy stuff from Mac once sometimes twice a month. It really depends if there is anything that I want during the middle of the month.

Lately, I have been buying my MSFs and postcards. I just completed my MSF collection and i am obsessed with the postcards.

I prefer little hauls because then I can go a few times. When a new collection comes out, I always go to the store, have a look, and then buy a few things. I will go back a few days later and then get some more stuff.


Well-known member
i like both, but it looks better on the bill if i do small hauls each weekend, which i do enjoy, but it would be fun to do one HUGE haul

Stephie Baby

Well-known member
I don't pay attention to how much I get. Normally, I make a list of stuff I want. That way, I won't be tempted to buy more stuff. I go to MAC almost every other day, so my wallet hurts 24/7. Lol.


Well-known member
I'm like a kid in a candy store when new collections come out so I have one big haul a month. Doesn't seem to mean as much as I don't have as much focus on the stuff I just got if I know I'm going next week.


Well-known member
i usually do the small hauls, I agree much better on the pocketbook in the short term but does sometimes the same or more damage in the long run (I sometimes add another item that maybe I wouldn't have gone back for if I had just done one haul).

But I'm kinda pumped to do a huge haul next week with Neo Sci/Solar/etc and bring one HUGE bag home and just *stare* at all the pretties!


Well-known member
I have a giant haul once a month when the new LE collection comes out. I always buy from a LE collection everything I want at once b/c I am afraid it would be sold out later! I save some money for the next collection every week so a giant haul doesn't hurt that much...

During the month I have usually two small hauls from the perm line or my basic products.


Well-known member
i only do small hauls. i just have a problem spending more than 60 bucks on makeup at one shot, lol.


Well-known member
i usually do one big haul a month (when new collections come out) I prefer it that way because i have lots of pretty things to look at, swatch and play with. On the odd occasion when i stop by MAC and only get one or two items, it doesnt seem as fun.


Well-known member
i like little hauls because it doesnt SEEM like i'm spending an obscene amount of money on makeup.. until i tally up the receipts at the end of the month, that is.

i'm always wanting something new because of awesome FOTDs on here or member recommendations!


Active member
How 'bout a giant one a week?
No, I prefer a giant haul once a month, definitely, because I just love it when it feels like my collection has just exploded in size.

Lately I've been doing smaller hauls, though.


Well-known member
Well the last few times I've been buying MAC (been collecting for about 2 months) they've been big, and I think that's generally what I'll do as I'm not very close to a MAC store to go weekly, and I'm still in school.


Well-known member
i do both. i have little hauls every week, but usually at the beginning or the end of the month is when i do my big haul, and its usually from MAC.


Well-known member
I usually go to the pro store in London every pay day haha. I shouldn't really as I waste money getting to London when I buy stuff I could just buy from my nearest counter! I like big hauls but I always feel so bad when I spend so much money so I write a list of stuff I need just before payday (which I've just done - Thursday yay!) and go get it. I like little hauls too - I'll see something pretty on someone on here etc and think 'oooh I like that' then buy it!


Well-known member
I usually do small hauls every other week, usually no more than two items. I am not one to spend a ton of money in one sitting...I'll buy two or sometimes three things I really want on my payday. Then later on, if I am really wanting something, I will get it, but only one item. I try and be good.