fake aLL girL...


Well-known member
Haha sellers hate me! Dont turn this into WW3 - its a discussion, not a feud. If you wanted this to be between yourself and the buyer then you should have messaged them privately - by posting 'your side' as it were, you were opening yourself up for discussion. You can argue this, but its the truth as you used the thread to air your personal thoughts and feelings about the buyer. If you were merely stating you were a geniune seller you could have done this without casting your opinion of missbombchelle in such a manner. That is my opinion. Just like everything ive written on this thread is MY OPINION. What i write is not considered law by anyone, by any means lol, its biased just like every non-factual post/comment...

I assumed that it was from ebay as the majority of fake items are bought from there, for this misunderstanding i apologise, but i stand by everything else i have written. As i say its my opinion, not fact and i havent stated that it was. If you do not agree then just skip my posts - im not going to stop giving my 2 pennies worth on a public topic...



Well-known member
wolfsong Im not hateful really im not. I am just getting frustrated with this whole deal. and trust me ive tried getting in touch with missbombchelle .unless shes had an emergency, shes avoiding me after she said shed send the pigments back. thats why im ill. Ive done what shes wanted and shes not holding up her end.


Well-known member
missBOMBcheLLe - is there a reason that you will not have contact with the seller (should have been asked before i jumped on the seller...)? If you wish for this to be sorted, and for all parties to be happy surely correspondence would be the best bet? She seems genuine (though this is an opinion, not a fact). Im not attacking anyone, nor am i willing to take sides (though i wrongly was in the beginning...), but i think i can now see both issues (biased towards bidder first as i usually am... Which is wrong as both can be victim and innocent, no one dishonest etc.).
This seems like a happy forum, and its a shame if this cant be resolved and both of you are feeling soured by the whole thing. Now hug and make up!



Well-known member
I do agree here that she needs to return the items. Once you receive a refund, they are no longer your property. The buyer says that "she would glady send back the merchandise," so she needs to do that.


Well-known member
Yes that one is fake (the bottom of the jar is thick - only present on fake jars), but members on here have said that they think the other one is real, and im going to believe that until proven otherwise as these people are good at spotting fakes - its a mac counterfeit sub-forum after all...

I hope you two can resolve this.


Well-known member
cynpat2000 the pigment is definitely fake, unfortunately, its a shame you didnt know before you bought it - clearly not your fault. You should contact the seller you bought it from and discuss it with them. However, it still doesnt alter the fact that you should have made sure it was authentic before selling it on - naivity is still no excuse, you have an obligation to make sure the items you sell/swap (whatever) are authentic, honest mistakes can be overlooked, but really you cant take anything for granted, especially MAC - tuck it in your cap for later!

Agreed MACATTAK, she SHOULD return the items as promised, no argument there. This IMHO amounts to stealing..... For the record I found the suss thread regarding missbombshelle, there is no excuse for theft either!


Well-known member
Im never selling again and im never buying anymore pigments off ebay. Good thing I only paid 20 bucks for it, but still. I hate to be cheated.

Youre right I should have paid more attention to it and realized it was fake. but in the end I did refund missbombchelle and I would like the pigments back.I just hope nothing is wrong with her or her family. I dont understand why I cant get in touch with her. like I said ive tried thru here, swaptawk, makeupalley, her email, myspace and so far zilch. Ill pay to get them back so shell be out nothing. she paid 25 dollars and got 25 back. so shes lost nothing. and Like I said ill pay shipping costs.
But hopefully everythingis ok with her and we can resolve this in a civil manner. I want nothing more than for this to be over with.


Well-known member
You have every right to want the pigments back that you refunded, I dont think anyone would disagree with you, and if she is ignoring you regarding the return of the items then you also have a right to appeal the refund.

Its hard to guess pigment authenticity off ebay - most of us have been burnt at some point with a fake, including me too
If you have any questions re pigments on ebay please dont hesitate to ask - members here are happy to help!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by panda0410
cynpat2000 the pigment is definitely fake, unfortunately, its a shame you didnt know before you bought it - clearly not your fault. You should contact the seller you bought it from and discuss it with them. However, it still doesnt alter the fact that you should have made sure it was authentic before selling it on - naivity is still no excuse, you have an obligation to make sure the items you sell/swap (whatever) are authentic, honest mistakes can be overlooked, but really you cant take anything for granted, especially MAC - tuck it in your cap for later!

Agreed MACATTAK, she SHOULD return the items as promised, no argument there. This IMHO amounts to stealing..... For the record I found the suss thread regarding missbombshelle, there is no excuse for theft either!

missBOMBcheLLe claimed that the package I sent her was delivered to Chesapeake, VA...however, the USPS delivery confirmation page shows the truth (9101128882300910976425) and THAT'S why Paypal unfroze the money and gave it back to me.

Cynpat...I hope you get your money back...but don't hold your breath. (I'm sorry...)