Forum Pet Peeves

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Well-known member
Originally Posted by jasminbarley
To be honest, I don't find the insinuation that I don't 'have a life', helpful or constructive. We all have lives, we just choose to live them differently. Just because your life is different from mine and you 'care' about different things, doesn't mean that you have a life and I don't. Having read a number of your posts, particularly in the Collections threads where you are such an enabler, I'm a little surprised at your response.

If you disagree with any of the points I've made, perhaps you'd like to put forward some points for discussion. Otherwise, if you don't like my posts and don't want to read them, you could always put me on ignore, then you won't be tempted to throw back sarcastic and dismissive posts that could potentially incite a flame war.

I can see why you might feel this way, but I think that elegant was responding to your statement that "others" get "wound up" regarding the green dots. I really don't think that was directed towards you. Of course I can't speak for her, but I did not interpret it as a direct slam to you. JMO. I don't think you don't have a life. I just think there are a lot of people (not you) who are unnecessarily concerned with the ratio of green dots.


Well-known member
@ rbella

I appreciate your speaking on elegant_one's behalf and giving your interpretation.

However, my thoughts behind my response to her post still remain the same, regardless of whether I add "(or others)" after most of the 'I's in my post or replace the 'I's with "Others." IMHO, it doesn't really alter the fact that she stated that she "has a life," thereby implying that those who 'care' about the green dots "don't have a life."

As you stated, I don't care about the green dots! But perhaps others do. To be honest, I'm actually sorry that I brought them up, even if it was to highlight something else, because my pet peeve wasn't about reputation or the green dots; my pet peeve was disproportionate thanks:thanked ratios. And as I stated in my previous post, MAC_Whore already addressed this.

Anyway, everyone is entitled to an opinion. And, for what it's worth, this kind of opinion is not one that I take offense at, whether or not elegant_one meant it personally or not. But since she did bring it up in addition to quoting part of my post, I was interested enough to respond.


Well-known member
^^^ I understand. I just don't want you to feel bad. I respect your opinion here and like to hear your point of view. I truly believe everyone else does as well!

I probably shouldn't have spoken on her behalf, but since I thanked her post I wanted you to know why. I felt she was just trying to make a statement on the craziness surrounding the rep (green dot) ratios. I don't think she was trying to offend anyone.


Well-known member
@ rbella

No worries - I don't feel bad at all, quite the contrary

After all, it's an internet discussion board and something to do to pass the time! It's very rare that I would advise anyone, let alone myself, to take offence at anything written on the internet.

And I appreciate your explaining why you responded. To be honest, I didn't notice that you'd thanked her post, so it never even crossed my mind to query it. Even if I did see your thanks, as I said, everyone is entitled to an opinion, if you agree with something and disagree with something else, that's your prerogative.

RE the green dots, I agree about the craziness, but I also understand it and can see why people might get het up about their own rep level. Though to be honest, I can't see the reasoning behind getting het up about other people's rep level, but I guess that's because it's a platform where I don't personally feel the need to compete.

LOL @ SMMY - now, there's one person that I definitely wish I could thank but can't.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jasminbarley
@ rbella

No worries - I don't feel bad at all, quite the contrary

After all, it's an internet discussion board and something to do to pass the time! It's very rare that I would advocate anyone, let alone myself, to take offence at anything written on the internet.

And I appreciate your explaining why you responded. To be honest, I didn't notice that you'd thanked her post, so it never even crossed my mind to query it. Even if I did see your thanks, as I said, everyone is entitled to an opinion, if you agree with something and disagree with something else, that's your prerogative.

RE the green dots, I agree about the craziness, but I also understand it and can see why people might get het up about their own rep level. Though to be honest, I can't see the reasoning behind getting het up about other people's rep level, but I guess that's because it's a platform where I don't personally feel the need to compete.

LOL @ SMMY - now, there's one person that I definitely wish I could thank but can't.

After modding, I don't. It is meaningless, as some of our best posters there had very few dots. Just keep in mind that dots are merely indicators of popularity and not necessarily quality. Though I do admit to taking perverse pleasure in watching some very special individuals that were a nightmare for mods, spontaneously combust when they discovered they weren't the forum darlings that they thought they were.

I think of posting here as conversations and as such, don't expect attagirls for anything I post, but that's my posting style. No one else has to give it anymore credence than anyone else's style.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SMMY
I used to mod at another forum. Trust me, some people will actually lose it over dots. We had red (negative rep.) as well as green (positive rep.) dots. Wanna start a flame war? Just start giving people red dots. They.would.lose.their.mind!

Hell yes they do. It's any forum with dots, too. :/


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Hell yes they do. It's any forum with dots, too. :/

Admins here at Speckta were smart to use only positive rep points, otherwise Friday nights become like the Gunfight at the O.K. Corral, only with words and Cat Macros, instead of guns. Fun occasionally, but pretty soon hardly anyone is speaking to each other, including mods and admins. Good times, good times.


Well-known member

You don't understand it? Or you don't something else?

I understand that green dots are mainly indicators of popularity rather than quality - as per my previous posts regarding popularity contests and the visibility of reputation level to others. My personal opinion is that I don't really like visible reputation levels because it generally leads to 'post whoring' and spamming. I'm indifferent to reputation systems that are only visible to the individual user.

With regard to people getting het up about their own rep level - I see it in terms of feedback and incentive, as Janice mentioned. However, I don't understand about people getting het up about other people's rep level because, as you said, it's meaningless. As I wrote in a previous post on this thread, there's no monetary value or any other RL value in comparing your rep level to someone else's.

I think that the 'forum darlings' phenomenon can be exceedingly pleasurable to watch - thus the reasoning behind my post on the 'flame war and trolling' thread. I guess that established members can get into a comfort zone and their self-control mechanisms can become damaged.

With regard to your posting-style, kudos to you! But it would still be nice to be able to thank you without having to create a new post


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jasminbarley

You don't understand it? Or you don't something else?

I understand that green dots are mainly indicators of popularity rather than quality - as per my previous posts regarding popularity contests and the visibility of reputation level to others. My personal opinion is that I don't really like visible reputation levels because it generally leads to 'post whoring' and spamming. I'm indifferent to reputation systems that are only visible to the individual user.

With regard to people getting het up about their own rep level - I see it in terms of feedback and incentive, as Janice mentioned. However, I don't understand about people getting het up about other people's rep level because, as you said, it's meaningless. As I wrote in a previous post on this thread, there's no monetary value or any other RL value in comparing your rep level to someone else's.

I think that the 'forum darlings' phenomenon can be exceedingly pleasurable to watch - thus the reasoning behind my post on the 'flame war and trolling' thread. I guess that established members can get into a comfort zone and their self-control mechanisms can become damaged.

With regard to your posting-style, kudos to you! But it would still be nice to be able to thank you without having to create a new post

I meant I don't understand why people get their dander up over dots. There are plenty of online games if people want to compete and score, why would you care about it at a place where you're socializing? It's like half way through a cocktail party, your host suddenly rates all her guests as to their affability and verbal skills. Seems kind of odd, but that is coming from someone who used to mod and had to deal with some down right silly arguments over reps and who was popular. Don't ever want to go there again.

Forum darlings - yes we had a few of those that were just giant pains in the derrière. I don't see anyone like that here at Specktra, most posters seem to be able to keep their ids inside their pants.


Well-known member

I guess that some people just want to feel that they belong to the in-group and that other people value their contribution. That is, they need and actively seek the approval as part of a support mechanism to help calm their insecurities. And comparing their rep level to other's is a way of reinforcing this.

Other people are lone rangers and they don't want to participate in the 'game', rather they actively seek to avoid it. Perhaps these people want to feel superior because they see popularity contests as beneath them. Or perhaps they genuinely, just.don'

To be honest, I don't really know Specktra well enough yet to be able to point out someone who might be a 'forum darling', so I'll take your word for it that none exist!


Well-known member
"dander up over dots." I friggin' love it!

Red dots would make me laugh my ass off. Except for TUT'S & FOTD's. That would just be mean.

Who would becone enemies?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SMMY
If dots were outlawed, then only outlaws would have dots...

You kill...

oh look, theres my lung on the floor. From laughing so hard haha


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
It's a feature that's on the site to prevent people from typing in all caps.
When someone posts in all caps, the site will automatically reconfigure the post to have only the first letter capitalized.

Ah okay, this makes sense. Now this makes me look at the people who do this even more differently b/c that means they were trying to type their normal comment in all caps.

I would also like to add another hate for forums.... when people sign the bottom of their post. Like that's not what we have signatures and usernames. I especially hate this on Livejournal.


Well-known member
About the Thanks button, use it if you want, and if you don't feel like it, then don't. The intention of the thanks button was certainly not to start a popularity contest and I'm saddened that people see it this way. All users' contributions on here are valued, whether they have a lot of "green dots" or not. Some people just contribute in a way that a lot of people are thankful for, maybe by posting great swatches, or a good tutorial, etc. The thanks button is just a way to show that appreciation. It doesn't mean that poster is "better" than a new member who may not have a lot of thanks yet, just that they are more established, long-term members who have taken the time to contribute in a helpful way to the community, which other people obviously appreciate.

That being said, I don't think the intention of this thread was to upset people or for people to get offended, so I think it's best if this thread is closed for now.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by star25
I don't have that option.
As far as I know it's supposed to be in the bottom right hand corner (I've actually done a search on this) but all I have are the Reply w/ Quote, Multi-quote and Quick Reply.

So that's my reason for not having thanked anyone, and it could be other peoples' as well. Otherwise I have no problem having to click a simple button to express my gratitude.

Just to clarify this for those reading if you are use the older, unsupported Specktra skin (Romantic Speckles) you won't have use of the Thanks! feature. I've made the skin available to those who don't prefer the new one, but as you can see the downside is not being able to take advantage current features. Just FYI.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rbella
If SMMY could receive "thanks", she'd have more than anyone else on this board!!!!!!!

I just fixed the issue with SMMY's account, thank away! xD
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