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fresh contrast! neutrals contrasted with fresh blues and green! (pic heavy)


Well-known member
Gorgeous!! And I love your hair, you have to do a tut on your hair too


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jdepp_84
Gorgeous!! And I love your hair, you have to do a tut on your hair too

thank you so much...unfortunately it wouldn't be much of a tutorial because that is what my hair naturally looks like. i don't do much styling, just maybe blow dry after washing and maybe add in some smoothing serum to make my hair shiny and less frizzy. hth


Well-known member
Originally Posted by fingie
You totally need to make a hair tut. Like, now.
Great look

lol as i said a couple of posts above, it really doesn't take me much effort to do my hair :S


Well-known member
This is a great tut and a great look
I love the little pictures of the shades... I'm new to MAC so sometimes when people say what colors they are using, I have to go look them up LOL. And this look has just enough color to be bold, but even I'd be comfortable wearing this look.
Thanks for sharing