Golden Lemon Pigment?

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Well-known member
We just got a shipment of Golden Lemon in at our store, and still not official sound off whether it was d/c or not, but obviously it must have been, lol...

I love how they let US know this shit...


Active member
that's strange because in the Montreal Pro Stores they have tons of Golden Lemon..I actually bought 2 about a couple of weeks ago...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by vickih
that's strange because in the Montreal Pro Stores they have tons of Golden Lemon..I actually bought 2 about a couple of weeks ago...

Well grab it while you can, bc it IS being phased out as per live Chat I just had with Sara. We just got a shipment of it in too, and haven't been formally told it is discontinued, but then it isn't on the site anymore so obviously it HAS been.


Well-known member
I only have a teeny sample of this!!!

And now thats its not on the website..ugh...

I hope they have some whenI go to the counter/store today...


Well-known member
Golden Lemon pigment is part of the Huesence (Sp?) collection now at Nordstrom. This came out at Nordstrom the same day as Formal Black and Nocturnelle if anyone wants to pick one up there. Thats what I did.


Well-known member
Yes, it was recently re-promoted in the Hueessence collection at Nordstrom, but (prior to that and now) it is out of production and discontinued at all locations.


Well-known member
OK, so it's back up on the pro website....without a triangle of death or a diamond(pro). It says comming soon and when I roll over the swatch it doesn't give a description. So in conclusion......I think they are just changing it.


Well-known member
has anyone used it on their eye area and encountered a reaction?

I bought golden lemon awhile ago because I couldn't resist it's beauty, but I only want to put it on my eye! I've only used it maybe 3 times and I always get a sinking feeling like something BAD will happen, but nothing has happened. My eyes are not particularly sensitive, though.


Well-known member
As far as I know, Golden Lemon has now been pulled from all the UK counters permanently. I was lucky to get one a few weeks ago in Glasgow, and the girl who served me said the stock was being pulled that day all over the UK. Not sure if this is 100% correct info though...


Active member
Im glad i have one
I may be willing to sell some samples if anyone is interested. I dont LOVE the pigment. Golden Olive is my fav. I would maybe be willing to do a trade for it? Just PM me


Well-known member
I really hope they come up with a new pigment to replace it...I LOVE golden lemon (well, maybe not so much the texture) and can't life without it...good thing I managed to grab a full jar recently


Well-known member
I don't understand why everyone is stressing this. They pulled it to reformulate it, and it's on the mac site, it just says "coming soon". It'll be back in a little while, so don't go scrambling trying to find one.


Well-known member
Golden Lemon has not been discontinued. I think this thread can be safely closed now.
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