HK 90$ Sheer Mystery Powder Compact: worth it or not ?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by eidetica
Hit E bay Health and Beauty and search Hello Kitty and there's a pretty 2 mirror compact with Kitty's face in crystals for around $30 or so. Assorted colors of enamel, and just as cool to pull out of the purse to put on lipstick. $90 for this compact? Pwhoof! The Monogram one has structural problems that scream "I'll break!" And Mystery Powder is just pressed face powder.
A beautiful compact is a very fabulous thing. Glamorous purse equipment. But get the right one, refillable and well made. Lauder does them up SO right; I have 2 of my Grandmothers and just changed the powder color.
I have the Stylistics one and adore it, very contemporary. My grandaughter(s) will adore it too. Draw blood fighting for it some day LMAO. But I didn't pay 100 bucks for it!!! I waited a year and my deal turned up on Ebay. $40 from a lady who'd never used it (Xmas gift) and it really wasn't touched. The powder was the right shade and the big Mystery was... pressed face powder.
Gorgeous, Glamorous, and- patience pays off. But I will get a Dazzleglass. I'm not a completely sensible person.

I love this one's look but am passing, too pricey and not well made. If nobody buys it, next time we may get a better one at a better price.

Is this what you meant on ebay? : faultDomain_0?hash=item260344688836&_trksid=p3286. c0.m14&_trkparms=72%3A570|66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|24 0%3A1318|301%3A1|293%3A1|294%3A50

This compact also has swarovski crystals on it too and is like a fraction of the price of the HK one which I'm not starting to ponder over if I should even get or not. They also have them in different colors, love variety! It's just the whole MAC + HK thing that gets me! It's two of the best things in the world coming together =[ So I'm very much undecided.


Well-known member
i went to see if my mac counter at nordies had any testers out (they had some in the back so they brought it out for me to play with) i end up changing some of my pre-order (i had pre-ordered based off pictures) and actually removed some lipsticks and lipglass from the order, also got rid of tahitian sand - seriously no color payoff on my skin.

but.......i decided to preorder the compact. it just looks so cute. no they did not have any kouture stuff for me to play with, but i LOVE hello kitty.

the SA told me that they fit blush refills. and that these sheer powders get released twice a year - of course in some new compact case, though. so i figure, the previous non-Swarovski crystal compacts w/ extra refill were $50ish - so not bad. i just wished they sell the refills on their own so that i'm not "wasting" another compact.

yes, i wish this compact was cheaper - but their marketing worked on me. i am going to shell out $90 for it.


Well-known member
If blushes pan really fits it's a great plus... so that means shaping and sculpting powder too..

Yeah.. I think I'm in it too, see ? an other argument in the favor of MAC being addictive

If I go to the powder room and use a compact like that, I'll have a tickling feeling of pleasure for sure...


Well-known member
We tested it out at my store and blush pans look like they'll fit in there, even though the weight is a little more for the blushes.


i think i will give it a miss. i will save the 90 dollars for future collections =)
but i think i will get one of the lip gloss.


Active member
i pre-ordered my mystery powder and i am very excited to get it! the HK compact is dazzled with swavroski crystals, this purchase comes with an extra REFILL for the compact, and im $95% sure that the compact is the same size as many others...meaning you can continuously reuse it!


Well-known member
i preordered the compact with a dazzleglass but now i think im going to just cancel it because you cant change the powder and the dazzleglass doesnt have a lot of products. what i can get for both things is probably half the things in the sugarsweet collection releasing a week or two after hk couture. Im so glad i thought it out.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by msjaybooboo
and im $95% sure that the compact is the same size as many others...meaning you can continuously reuse it!

As has been stated many times in this thread, the compact itself is the same standard size as most powder compacts; however, the powder inside is not - it is actually significantly smaller in diameter. Meaning that any other pressed powder (like Studio Fix, Blot Powder, etc.) will be too big to fit into the compact once you've gone through the 2 powders included when you purchase it.

Which is one of the primary reasons I've decided that I just simply cannot justify shelling out $125 for one of these things (which is what it will come to after taxes in Canadian funds).

It is certainly quite a nice little compact, I originally wanted it and was planning to purchase one. And I'd love to have it if for no other reason than for a collector's item. But, it's just too damn expensive.


Well-known member
agh im still debating on whether or not its worth the shell out! I love HK but I know the compact will prob not come out and play since I shell out that much cash I wouldnt want a scratch on it!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SakurasamaLover
Yeah basically, I wanted to know what you girls think about it. I mean I know people are saying:- yes I want it or -Hell no, never gonna pay 90$ for a single item... but I never bought a mystery powder. So for people who bought previous version of it: what are the major ingredients and what is nice or not with it.

And about the compact; it's on the same frame as the monogram one so:
Did the people who bought it have problem with it? Is it sturdy ? Does it scratch easily? Does the powder leak if it's in your purse? Opening/closing device is ok?
Did the mystery powder broke someone out? You like it?

You know.. all info you have about that product. I mean for the price it's an investment.
I need to know more about that before I buy it or not.
Thanks all

"Hell no, never gonna pay 90$ for a single item!" i personally think that you are paying for the jewels on the compact. what a waste of money. but i will admit. its pretty damn cute, but not worth the money lols.


Ok so I've been debating on this and I was wondering that if you hit the pan on the refill could you not just use the pigment pressing method and press a blush or some other powder into that pan?


Well-known member
im getting this they full on got me with this collection.I have to admit when i used to work at mac the LE's wernt a big deal to me most of them i could dupe or were dupes but the barbie loves mac and now the hello kitty they got me lol buying this stuff in bulk. I could care less about the powder i just love hello kitty .


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Snowy_z
Ok so I've been debating on this and I was wondering that if you hit the pan on the refill could you not just use the pigment pressing method and press a blush or some other powder into that pan?

I've wondered about that too. But honestly I don't want to have to go through the pain of doing all of that work haha.

If you were gonna try doing it, I'd suggest using a powdered product that has already been pressed because it'll have fillers in it versus a loose powdered product that wont. I remember that being mentioned on a mineral makeup forum when I was into that stuff.

I'd just break up the pressed powder, and Enkore on youtube has a tutorial on fixing broken e/s. I'd just probably follow his instructions.


Hey, where's the love for the powder itself?! Yes, $90 is WAY TOO MUCH to spend on any one makeup item, even a Swarovski-encrusted Hello Kitty compact. But if you can find this powder at a CCO or eBay, the price is usually $25-$30 and it's worth every least, to me! It's a smooth, HD type powder with more of a natural, sun-kissed color than most other HD or smooth milled powders. Also, a little goes a long way, and it wears better and longer than other powders I've tried.

But the rhinestone cat compact? No