Hot Kabuki Brushes!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aleksis210
I played with that brush a little bit when I worked at sephora, it's a beautiful brush but not practical at ALL imo...unless you're applying powder to your entire body or something...and wtf it's just goat hair...$75..nooooo
...not saying I wouldn't love to just have it...just to have it! lol..oh and I love your makeup in the pix cream puffer!

Thank you Aleksis, it was my first time trying that particular eye look. As far as using it for your body, it's big enough but I really like using it for my face. I use it with natural MSF. I don't know but I like it more than my mac kabukis because it covers a lot of area quickly and it really blends. The only problem with it is the price
, if it weren't for the price I'd suggest everyone to go out and get it.


Well-known member
your welcome!
so true about covering a bigger portion of your face...much quicker...blends well too...hmm...oh you are so tempting me early b-day present perhaps?haha...oh and I left out that those colors you used on your eyes(all the makeup you used actually) is SO complementary to your skin tone/eye color...I saved your pic for inspiration!


Well-known member
Okay. So I've been eyeing the Yachiyo and I finally caved into temptation and ordered it last night! I really want the Botan brush but I just can't get myself to spend THAT much on something like this (Yeah, don't remind me I ALWAYS get the 80 dollar special edition of video games, and also got the Stylistics bag!)!! .... =/ I might have to get it for myself at Christmas!! My aunt and uncle always get me a $100 gift card to anywhere I want. Perhaps Sephora?


Well-known member
I looked on eBay... but I am not familiar with the REAL packaging. I don't want to buy unless I know it's real! Anyone have pictures of the packaging, or at least a description? Thanks.


Well-known member
Definitely out of my price range at the moment. Hard to justify purchases like this when my MAC discount makes their makeup brushes super cheap in comparison.

Will definitely check them out when I have an abundance of cash to blow! Its gorgeous and I bet its worth every penny.


Well-known member
Ok, I saw this at Sephora this was calling me or something. But I hung up and walked away, lol. I have a Too Faced Kabuki....but this one looks sooooooo puuuurrty...maybe after I'm a little happier with my makeup stash I may bring this on board.....SO HOT!


Girls, these brushes do look very tempting!!!! I am branching out from my extensive Mac collection now! Im 40 so can justify almost buying anything these days. Mind you, I only started collecting in the last few years.

So Im thinking of getting the botan which is like a cats head!!!! I did touch it in the shop!!!!! And its now stuck in my mind calling me even though I just got the 182 Mac!!!!

Im undecided about the yachiyo because it seems like something to just dot the apple of your cheek??? Not sure if its a hard worker??? But it is very sexy and exotic. I would be upset if it unraveled though. I have touched it in the store and it felt like its great quality, if not a little top heavy being such a skinny handle.

Now my question is......are there 2 ita brushes???? Is there an ita and an ita kabuki??? And what is the difference? Any new comments on the ita would be appreciated. Im thinking of getting the ita for when I travel. That way I can leave most of my brushes at home and have a multi tasker with me instead.

Thanks girls.

btw, my nars 15 is to die is such a quality brush, there are no words for it!!!!! In love here!!!!


Update....I bought two of the nars brushes in the kabuki range. The one that looks like a pastry brush, which Im not sure how to use, but its nice....and the botan.

Well, the botan is shedding like there is no tomorrow. Its actually like a dead cat rather than the lovely cats head I was expecting. Even after a light wash there was hairs all over the place, all over my hands and the sink....and even on my keyboard.

I will be returning it or swapping it tomorrow depending on what the shop can do. Its the worst brush I have ever had in my life so far!!!!!


Well-known member
There are 2 ita brushes, one is the kabuki, which of course is for buffing and the other one is for contouring and blush, hope that helps!
p.s. that's too bad about your botan brush, for $75 it should be your dream brush!


Active member
Originally Posted by silvergirl

Well, the botan is shedding like there is no tomorrow. Its actually like a dead cat rather than the lovely cats head I was expecting.

omg shedding like there is no tomorrow!
i am so sorry to hear that

sure hope you will get a better item instead of it


Well-known member
Originally Posted by silvergirl
Update....I bought two of the nars brushes in the kabuki range. The one that looks like a pastry brush, which Im not sure how to use, but its nice....and the botan.

Well, the botan is shedding like there is no tomorrow. Its actually like a dead cat rather than the lovely cats head I was expecting. Even after a light wash there was hairs all over the place, all over my hands and the sink....and even on my keyboard.

I will be returning it or swapping it tomorrow depending on what the shop can do. Its the worst brush I have ever had in my life so far!!!!!

Did you get it from a reputable retail store? The only time it shed a little was when I washed it the first time. Other that, it's pretty awesome. But then for $75, it should be.


Hi Girls, thanks for the concern! I swapped my botan brush for another and so far so good.

The first one even felt stiffer in the bristles than I was expecting, and I was slightly dissappointed at that. But the shedding was like it was a fairy floss machine. Those little hairs couldnt wriggle their way out of there fast enough!!!!!

The swao over brush seemd softer from the get go. And so far no extreem shedding, maybe just 1 or 2 hairs!!!!

The stockist was very authentic (proper department store) as I have been burnt too many times going cheaper. eg Ebay. (Ebay to me is unusual if its not a fake!!!!!).