How do MAC girls get that all over polished look?


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Originally Posted by vocaltest
i wanna know how MAC ma's get their foundation to look so perfect all day! ugh. mine melts after an hour, stupid oily skin.

Multiple touch ups
My skin is dry and under the hot lights (and with air conditioning) my foundation separates a little bit around my chin... don't have that problem unless I'm at work!


Well-known member
Some really excellent tips here,

I have to use Urban Decay Primer Potion (then a paint pot/paint) on my eyes before anything else, cause after an hour or so I have major creasing. Damn oily lids! But this makes my eyeshadows stay perfect all day.

I put my foundation first and then use loose powder to catch the fallout.

and I agree with everyone that said practice. You will always find me at home in my pj's with full face of makeup, smokey eyes, whatever i'm practicing that night. There are a few things i really struggle with (winged eyeliner!!!!) and its only with practice i'll get better.



Well-known member
Omg. So I today I had an amazing skin day! My skin looked really, polished.

I moisturized w/ Strobe CREAM. Then I did the Studio Mist foundation in Medium, and Mineralized LOOSE in medium! OMG. It looked so pretty, I had not really tried the loose before, and I now love it.

Then on my cheeks I did a bit of mocha blush lightly, and added Light Flush MSF.

just thought I'd share it


im really good with winged eyeliner,. its the eyeshadows i am working on, i am good at it but i want to MASTER it...anyone have any steps taht i can do, using wihich brushes for where and what not?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xocrlox
im really good with winged eyeliner,. its the eyeshadows i am working on, i am good at it but i want to MASTER it...anyone have any steps taht i can do, using wihich brushes for where and what not?

I use a 213 to apply my paint pot, 239 for lid colour then 217 for crease colour.. but that won't work for everyone. I have a lot of space to work with so the 217 is perfect for covering the larger area.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xocrlox
im really good with winged eyeliner,. its the eyeshadows i am working on, i am good at it but i want to MASTER it...anyone have any steps taht i can do, using wihich brushes for where and what not?

I want to master the winged eyeliner. I love how it looks when done properly. Any tips to share?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kimmy
primer, blot powder and blot tissues/papers.

i use all that! minus blot powder because it makes me look ashy ugh! at the moment i'm like oil central


For the winged eye liner, i use liquid eyeliner on the top, the kind with the brush, then at the end to make that winged effect, i switch it off with the pen liquid eyeliner and extend outward. If i mess use a q-tip aroudn it to shape it. I also line teh bottom of the lashes with the liquid and connect it slightly at the wing! I hope that helps xO*


Well-known member

The best way to get a really fierce eye is to not blend too generously and 'refresh' the colour - apply your shadows as required then blend the edges enough to get some graduation but not a full transition of colour (enough to smooth the edges, basically), then switch out to a brush like a 217 and 'pack' colour back where you've blended.

A typical, say, purple smokey eye for me would be to sweep a shimmer lilac over the lid, then work a deeper plum on the outside third and along the contour. Blend off, then deepen the 'body' of colour with the same plum on a 217 brush. This gives all the density of packed shadow with the smoothness of blended shadow.
That's the easiest way to attain a really defined, super-polished eye without it looking blocky.

As for the foundation, that's easy! An appropriate primer, then a medium-coverage cream or liquid, then full coverage powder on top = instant flawless skin that's got enough body of product behind it to handle frequent blotting and touch-ups. My make-up can survive an entire day in the hottest, driest air-con that a department store can dish up.


Well-known member
Along with the proper use of products and technique, I'd say the think that takes a makeup look to a whole new level is DIMENSION.
A simple foundation application with a bit of blush looks nice, but to really give it that extra "somethin'-somethin'"
I like to contour my cheekbones, jaw, and forehead with a dark, matte powder/cream foundation. And then to highlight my cheekbones, nose, chin (sometimes) and forehead (rarely), I use a subtle iridescent (sp?) powder that isn't too frosty and BLEND it in so you don't have any harsh lines.
The same goes with eye makeup. Using two or three shadows looks "nice" but sometimes I'll use two highlighting shadows on my browbone: a really pale one above a satiny, light color. I might use two or more crease colors... who knows...
And bases/ primers are more essential than most people think. Anyone who has used a primer under their foundation knows how much of a difference it makes!
Don't forget to pay attention to detail and being precise and neat with your work really matters.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara

As for the foundation, that's easy! An appropriate primer, then a medium-coverage cream or liquid, then full coverage powder on top = instant flawless skin that's got enough body of product behind it to handle frequent blotting and touch-ups. My make-up can survive an entire day in the hottest, driest air-con that a department store can dish up.

Thank you so much for your tips they really helped!Just wondering what full coverage powder you use on top of your foundation?thanks!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by macaholic2912
Thank you so much for your tips they really helped!Just wondering what full coverage powder you use on top of your foundation?thanks!

Studio Fix foundation powder would be the MAC product of choice.

Personally I use Prescriptives AnyWear powder foundation because they have a better range of colours. I find they don't oxidise on contact with sweat/oil/moisture as well, but that's a personal skin thing.


Well-known member
With regards to the foundation q... i find layering and building up my foundation helps to achieve a long-lasting flawless look.

I just wouldnt waste foundation if I didnt have my p&p on, its beautiful and completely and utterly necessary!! One coat of chosen liquid foundation (select) with 190, second layer where its needed more with 187. Concealer undereyes, around mouth and corners of nose (224)and then fix powder on top buffed and blended to perfection with 187.

Touched up with blot powder and studio fix.


i would really liek to start contouring to emphasize teh hollows of my face, but im not sure what colors to use, anyone with any tips?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xocrlox
i would really liek to start contouring to emphasize teh hollows of my face, but im not sure what colors to use, anyone with any tips?

If you can't find the Sculpt and Shape duo in your shade, a great contour color is Strada, applied with an angled brush. Emote is amazing as well, but that was LE. I also know of a few people who use Cherche (i think that's how it's spelled?) blush creme as well.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xocrlox
i would really liek to start contouring to emphasize teh hollows of my face, but im not sure what colors to use, anyone with any tips?

I personally like using cream foundations for contouring (like studio tech) by doing my over-all foundation then taking a cream foundation that is significantly darker than my skintone and blending it into my foundation wherever you want to create depth.
Same thing goes for using powder foundations. I've never tried it with liquids though.

Some one who is NC20 could contour with NC30 and someone who is NC45 might want to go with NW45-50.


Well-known member
some really excellent suggestions. cant wait to try some of them out

my main one is to always have groomed eyebrows - shaped and tinted if needed, and then always brushed in place. They make SUCH a difference to your face, a subtle difference but it always makes a face look polished and complete.
If at times im in a makeup rut and everything looks yuck and rat on me, as soon as i get my eyebrows shaped and tinted everything looks good again, its a real compliment to your whole face


Well-known member
A lot of times I'll go to a MAC counter and the girls working there look like hot messes! Same thing at Sephora. It often looks a little sloppy and not very polished at all. Or they are wearing soooo much, they look like bad drag queens.