How do you feel about people that hate MAC?


Well-known member
I understand what everybody is saying but if you guys were to read the stuff they wrote you'll be like
and no I'm not defending MAC as if it were my first born because it's not but I love MAC and there's no need to bash it the way they do. I mean I don't care that they don't like it but I really don't want to hear all the bad things they have to say about it. More power to them if they can afford higher end brands and all but don't talk crap about a brand that a lot of people use especially in a makeup board. Let's say for a person that wants to get into makeup and they want to try MAC and they come across something like that what do you think they'll be thinking?
I don't know I just wanted to know what you guys feel about this. All I know is that it bothers me when people bash something that is a cult favorite

Originally Posted by RedRibbon
I wasn't aware that we lived in a worldwide makeup dictatorship where MAC was the only brand of makeup you could buy.

I'm not saying that MAC is the only makeup brand that you can buy. Those words didn't come out of mouth. I will never tell anybody what makeup brand to buy because everybody has different taste. The point is if you don't like MAC don't talk so bad about it because there are people who will get offended.


Well-known member
I always thought it was strange for someone to have such strong feelings about something they claim not to like. It's makeup--if you choose one brand, why do you have to HATE some other brand to the point that you stereotype the users of that brand? I think HATING MAC (or any other brand of a product) is WAY stranger than LOVING it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by foxxylatina07
I understand what everybody is saying but if you guys were to read the stuff they wrote you'll be like
and no I'm not defending MAC as if it were my first born because it's not but I love MAC and there's no need to bash it the way they do. I mean I don't care that they don't like it but I really don't want to hear all the bad things they have to say about it. More power to them if they can afford higher end brands and all but don't talk crap about a brand that a lot of people use especially in a makeup board. Let's say for a person that wants to get into makeup and they want to try MAC and they come across something like that what do you think they'll be thinking?
I don't know I just wanted to know what you guys feel about this. All I know is that it bothers me when people bash something that is a cult favorite

I'm not saying that MAC is the only makeup brand that you can buy. Those words didn't come out of mouth. I will never tell anybody what makeup brand to buy because everybody has different taste. The point is if you don't like MAC don't talk so bad about it because there are people who will get offended.

I wasn't directing that comment at what you posted. If you reread it then it's pretty obvious. I meant that the people complaining seem to assume that MAC is the only makeup brand they can use as they seem oblivious to the fact that you can indeed change makeup brands.


Well-known member
I say who cares. Trash it or not, say what they will I still love MAC and will buy it because it works for me.

I have negative things to say about MAC too .. I hate their Mineralized Satinfisnih foundation and I wish I hadn't wasted money on it. It makes my skin feel hella greasy, shiny and it gets all over everything. I cuddled with my boyfriend one night and when we finished he had brown gunk smeared all over his arm and his shirt, also it never fails to get all over my clothes. IMO this is a crappy, overpriced, cheap grade product.

Also MAC's skin care products do not hold a Candle to Clinique or even Biore.

They aren't perfect to everyone, even us lovers. We don't owe it to the brand to think they're A+ on everything and get mad at those who don't.


Well-known member
I say to each their own...I hate chocolate...But most love it...MAC is a preference not a necessity.


Well-known member
What makeup forum were you on? Was it one for the average makeup wearers, or was it one directed towards makeup Artists?


Well-known member
not everybody likes the same things so i'm not bothered when people don't like something i do. i'm passionate about many things that people slag off! i just remember everybody is allowed top have their own opinion - even if i think it's the wrong one!


Well-known member
hmmm....This is a tough one. I would be lying if I said that I 'didn't care' what is said about mad. It depends on what is being said. If someone said ' I don't like their foundation' I wouldn't be mad. If someone said ' Mac is trash and only stupid ppl buy that shit for that price' Then I would be mad. There is a lot of products I dislike. I keep my opinions to my self. I love what I buy and what I wear.


Well-known member
Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one and no one thinks theirs stinks. That being said there are going to be harsh things said about anything and everything you do, say or like in your life. It's especially hard to listen to people talk crap about things you are passionate about. It's up to you to decide what battles are worth fighting.


I don't necessarily loathe MAC, but I have definite preferences.

I like my eyeshadows and blushes loose, not pressed. Since MAC presses most of their products, that means that they don't appeal to me. I have about six "suppliers" for my loose-powder pigments.

I love MAC's paint pots. They last longer than Benefit's cream shadows, and they've got a wider color range.

I've used MAC mascara, and while it's okay as far as staying power (it does) and clumping (it doesn't), it only really comes in black; and I like black-brown. So I get my mascara elsewhere.

I don't like lip gloss, except for the sheer buxom lip polishes from BE. Most lip glosses feel a bit too heavy for my preferences - so no dazzleglass, lustreglass, et cetera in my collection. (I don't even like BE's lip glosses. Or TSS'. Or anyone else's that I've tried. So eventually I stopped trying them. I am just not a lip gloss person, and as sorrowful a fact as that may be, I've made peace with that.)

I have a few MAC lipsticks (Pervette and the HK Strayin' and Big Bow), but just those. I'm not a fan of the vanilla smell of MAC lipsticks, but the scent doesn't bother most people at all (and many don't even detect it.)

All of these various factors add up to me using *very* few MAC products, even on a semiregular basis. So yeah, I'm no competition for any of you for all of the LE items

Like I said...I have definite preferences. Those preferences are strong, but I don't care to devote my time or energy in lavishing hatred on any brand of makeup (unless it causes severe physical problems for me.) Other folks like or love a wider variety of MAC products - great! But there's no reason (in my view) to slam them or the brand for their buying/using choices.

Besides, I've got no time. I've got too much makeup to organize


Active member
MUA is a review site, and while I don't know what was said specifically, you have to remember that it *probably* wasn't personally directed at you. Having said that, there is a nice way to say almost anything, and people reviewing products need to remember that.

I personally like most MAC products. I'm a professional artist, and it certainly doesn't hurt that I can get MAC products for drugstore prices with my pro card. I will say that before I got my pro card MAC was not always the first line I went to.

HOWEVER, I will say that I do think MAC can often be overrated and, for some odd reason, I have yet to find a MAC associate that doesn't act like she's better than me.

We all have our opinions, I'd like to think most of us that share our views on these types of things are doing it to help other people, right?


Active member
Eh, I don't care if people like or dislike MAC. It's even a little helpful so I know if even they like one MAC product then I know to check it out. But I'm not devoted to MAC so I'm more likely to join in on bashing MACs bad products than be upset by it. ;D


Well-known member
I gave up caring what people think about my cosmetics and appearance in high school. Seriously, I can see getting worked into a lather over a political cause, or a humanitarian cause that is close to you, but I don't understand why you (or they) would waste this much emotional energy on a product.

MAC's a big girl, she can defend herself. Why don't you let MAC worry about what people think of MAC?


Well-known member
It doesn't really bother me.
I just think... for every person that hates it, that's one less person trying to get their hands on that rare limited edition lipstick when a collection you've been waiting months for is released, right? ;]


Well-known member
Thank you guys for posting I actually feel better. You guys are right I shouldn't really care what they say about MAC. As long as I'm the one liking it then I'm happy.


Well-known member
Doesn't bother me.. To each his own.. The only thing I get a little miffed about is when people say that I spend too much money on makeup and act like I'm wasting it.. I prefer to buy 1 thing from MAC that will give good payoff and worth it instead of ten things that fade.


Well-known member
I don't mind people who hate MAC because it's "over rated" or, they've "outgrown" MAC( i.e. channel, Dior). But, the people who hate mac just because they think if not worth the money, or the people who are just being plain ignorant -- those people bother me.


Well-known member
I think the people who talk iish about MAC are just not makeup lovers/have their own favourite brand.
I understand where you're coming from. I've heard people say " OMG why did you buy that $14 eyeshadow when you can buy Covergirl?"
Thn you have the people who buy nothing but MAC< and think that MAC is the GOD of makeup, when it isn't, u know?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
I say to each their own...I hate chocolate...But most love it...MAC is a preference not a necessity.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tish are u mad? Chocolate is the best thing in the WORLD! lol