How do you feel about people that hate MAC?


Well-known member
this so reminds me of my brother (okay not because of makeup!) but the idea behind other's comments. He always used to say he HATES playstation, that he'd never get one, they suck for whatever reason--and I was looking up to him for advice on technology as some games piqued my interest. Anyways after he moved out, what did he buy within 6 months? a Playstation.

I believe that sometimes people say they "hate" something because they either haven't tried it, or just loathe the fact their wallet can't keep up with their eyes.

I've never been solely all about one brand, though its heavily mac focused (i think this has a lot to do with the sheer volume of collections).

It just irks me when people knock something they may not have tried.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MsWestchesterNY
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tish are u mad? Chocolate is the best thing in the WORLD! lol

Sorry...allergic to it...therefore I have to not like it


Well-known member
Who cares if someone doesn't like MAC. That's their opinion. Why get upset over someone having an opinion??
Though I've never had anyone say to me that MAC is shit. Everyone that I have spoken to about MAC praises it.
I won't defend MAC to the death.. they won't defend me if I needed them..
What I don't like is people who say to me oh people who wear makeup are fake and makeup is this and that (negative). That stuff I can't stand.


Active member
to be quite honest, as with anything, it should never affect you how someone else feels about something you love. The way I see it; I love MAC. I think MAC is my favorite cosmetic brand out there. Ya, I agree there is a lot of hype behind it, but I still love it. Regardless of what others say. Like everyone's been saying, everyone's entitled to their own opinion, even if its the wrong one ;] haha I'm just kidding, but you know what I mean <3

Teagan :)

I agree with you. It's like they see the $20 price tag on a blush and assume that it's ridiculously expensive compared to their $5 blushes by Covergirl (just an example) - but seriously, MAC is relatively inexpensive compared to NARS, Chanel and Makeup Forever. And every brand has it's great products and bad... and I don't care what ANYONE says, there is NO WAY that ANYONE hates EVERY SINGLE THING that MAC makes. Everyone is bound to find a product they adore.

And some people on this thread are being incredibly rude. I get that you respect people's opinions on brands, but do you have to get all worked up about someone caring about something? I mean all of on Specktra do have strong feelings for makeup (don't lie, children!) and when someone trashes your favourite brand, you know deep down that it does pluck a nerve.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by frostiana
I's just makeup. I don't quite understand why it gets taken so personally that someone else might not like the same thing as you.

You know to some people it's more then just makeup. To some people it's their career, it's something they love doing and have practiced over and over again to perfect their craft. And then to other hobbyists it's something they collect and take pride in owning.

I am admittedly a mac junkie. 99.9% of my makeup is mac. The only mac item i truly dislike is their mascara. But i will always choose mac makeup over another brand - even highly coveted ones like Nars and Makeupforever. When it comes to people criticizing mac i've heard it all - i have one friend who says stupid ignorant shit like that mac is only for african americans and that mac is only for drag queens. That type of stuff does offend me because it's so blatenly rude. So if someone comes up to me and is like "oh i don't like mac makeup because i like xxxxxxxx makeup better" then fine. But when someone says they don't like mac because of some dick ass reason that has no justification behind it, then i get mad.

Sorry for the rant, i had one of my close friend tonight ask me why i need more makeup cause i was telling her about how excited i was for color craft next week.


Active member
i like hearing people's opinions about MAC, whether it's positive or negative. Honestly, I love to hear what bad things they have to say.

But before I let them go on about their rant on MAC, I always ask them if they tried MAC and what 'turned them off' if they do. If they say they didn't try it and that they just hate for whatever reason, then I always try to clear the air and make them understand MAC as a product. I let them see the positive and then make them aware that there's always gonna a negative with the product, as with any other product. Usually it works and their 'hate' for MAC goes down. Hey, I even converted my best friend to MAC. But there's always those die hard haters and there ain't nothing in the world that's going to change their mind.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Teagan :)
And some people on this thread are being incredibly rude. I get that you respect people's opinions on brands, but do you have to get all worked up about someone caring about something? I mean all of on Specktra do have strong feelings for makeup (don't lie, children!) and when someone trashes your favourite brand, you know deep down that it does pluck a nerve.


I'm a former MAC addict and still a big fan and I can honestly say it doesn't pluck a nerve with me. To some of us it really is just makeup. We like it and it makes us feel gorgeous, but I don't imagine it's something that's saved anyone's life from the depths of hell or something that we owe it them to defend MAC's honor at all costs. I can't bring myself to get even slightly upset and argue over people's dislike for it. I personally feel like there are better things to get upset about.

Now it would be different if someone worked for MAC and then someone else attacked them personally for their career choice. Or if they were a MAC wearer and someone attacked them personally for that too, but that's not the case that the OP brought up.


Well-known member
Eh, it doesn't bug me. When I first started getting into makeup, MAC was a total turn off for me because I thought half their counter staff looked like trannie hookers working the day shift (no offense to trannies) because the makeup was so overdone. What changed? I don't know, because now I love it. So I can understand it's just not for some people. I personally don't like Urban Decay, and some other brands as well. To each their own! It's nothing to get offended over.


Well-known member
I loveeee MAC and am pretty damn MAC loyal as 98-99% of my kit is MAC and MAC is what I've worn since high school BUT when I hear people talking shit about it, my feelings don't get hurt and I don't get offended because at the end of the day MAC is still *my* #1 choice. People like different things. At the end of the day, what someone says isn't going to change how I feel, when I know good and well what works for me and what doesn't. Like with anything popular, you're going to have the ones who are just wayyyy too damn cool to jump onto a trend so instead they bash it and belittle it. It's like those people who love certain bands but when the band gets popular they talk about how lame they are and how much their music sucks. I'd say right now, especially with all the youtube guru's, makeup sites, etc MAC is at the height of their popularity and they just keep getting more popular.

The only time I get pissy is when someone trash talks a product and #1 hasn't used the damn product or #2 is using the product wrong and is bitching about how the product doesn't work and then comes to the conclusion that the entire brand must suck ass.


Well-known member
doesnt bother me. some people feel hurt if i say that wet and wild makeup is gross. i remember feeling old when i first came to makeup forums and so many young girls were talking about how lancome makeup is for old ladies. we all like different things, that's why there is so much to buy!


New member
I like to think that I make informed decisions about about what brand to get and where I spend my money. So I guess when I hear someone bashing the thing I just bought (MAC or anything really), I'm
because I think "oh geeze what did I just get? Was it worth it or did I make a bad buy?". But then you just have to remember why you bought it and that everyone has a different preference, it might not work with their features/skin type/hair color/budget, or even maybe they don't know what they're talking about in the first place!


Active member
I used to kind of think that way just because a bad taste got left in my mouth from some MUA swappers. I was just put off because I've dealt with some real "mac snobs" (not mac addicts/ lovers
). I've since come around to not letting a few people ruin the brand for me and I am now obsessed!


Active member
hahahahaha i know what you mean. It's a personal perference tho, i guess they're entitled to like or hate whatever brand. But at the same time I kinda do understand how you feel, coz a few days ago i was talking about how much i love george clooney to a girlfriend, and she was like"omg he's old and he's disgusting, etc.." I was like okay.. you don't have be so rude like there's something wrong with my taste... grrr!


Well-known member
I don't get upset over people's opinions of brands of makeup, but sometimes it does piss me off the way people bitch about cosmetic employees online. I've read some stories where I thought, "Wow, their MA/SA was kind of rude." I read more where I think that the person complaining might have taken something wrong, took something too personal, had a sense of entitlement, went in the store on the defense thus having a foul attitude (which does not make it fun to help you), oh, I could go on and on. Some stories seem so ridiculous I could not even imagine it happening, but I guess anything is possible, lol. This is more the case on other boards.

Poster number one: "I walked in and the SA smiled at me, but I KNOW she was thinking I was a piece of poo, because I had on sweats."

Poster number two: "Complain!"

Poster number three: "Yes, complain! Call the manager! Write MAC Corp!"

Poster number four: "Yes, you should complain. She should be fired. People like that don't need to be in customer service. Write in to the website and you will get free stuff."

Me: *headdesk*

Sorry, not to offend, but I had to get that out. I don't look down at what people are wearing or if they don't have makeup on. Maybe I am admiring their fabulous lashes or perfect skin. Most likely I am thinking about

And to keep it on topic, people say a lot of things online they would not say in person, because they can hide behind a keyboard. To the OP, don't let those ladies get to you, next week they'll move on to another brand to hate.