How full should a pigment jar be? Pigment Weights and Sizes.


Well-known member
The tester is really not an indication of how much is really in a jar. We sometimes combine testers for various reasons i.e. someone spilled a jar and only a little was left so we might combine it with another jar just so we can b2m the other jar.


Well-known member
again, pigments are sold by weight, not volume. it's very normal for some pigments to be less full than others, and if i remember correctly, apricot pink was one of them. testers often get combined, or have product added to them, so they're not always indicative of how the product should look when new.

in fact, pigments from sweetie cake on have been slightly lower, which i also attribute to a change in the packaging or distribution center, because all pigments post-sweetie cake have had loose pigment residue falling out all over the jars and boxes. and yes, they came like this, as i have purchased alo my pigments BNIB from stores. my favorite MA even mentioned that the box that they were shipped in had some residue, and that several customers had complained.


Well-known member
How full?

How full should pigments be? I only own three. The first two that I bought were brimming over the top. I've used them tons and they still appear full when the lid is screwed on. But I opened my entremauve today and noticed it's only about 3/4ths full, like to right where the silver MAC logo is. Is this sort of inconsistency normal? because I'm tempted to complain, seeing as I got way less pigment for my money.


Well-known member
Some pigments don't get filled to the top. They are filled by weight and not by the volume of the jar. Its normal, you didnt get jipped, dont worry =)


Active member
My jar of entremauve wasn't full to the top either. Seems a bit "heavier" than some other pigments so that is probably why.

Yours is fine.


Well-known member
neither was my jar of accent red or apricot pink. it's ok though because it's the same amount in weight, which is what they are measured by.


Well-known member
MAC selling less pigment for the same price as regular sized pigment

You may or may not have noticed this... some of the Overrich pigments are only 4.3 g as opposed to regular 7.5 g and are still selling for $19.50.


M·A·C Cosmetics | Pigment

7.5g / 0.26 oz or 4.3g / 0.15 oz



Well-known member
Re: MAC selling less pigment for the same price as regular sized pigment

I know, a lot of the girls on specktra already noticed it, and many complained to the cosmetic company i think, the older label was really misleading, since it said 7.5g before, but im glad they changed it. I think the price should be lower since they are giving us less.. but we all know they'll never do that lol.


Well-known member
Re: MAC selling less pigment for the same price as regular sized pigment

It's a very misleading and sneaky way to raise prices.


Well-known member
Re: MAC selling less pigment for the same price as regular sized pigment

Very very sneaky. lol.


Well-known member
Re: MAC selling less pigment for the same price as regular sized pigment

Thats wierd... Has MAC notified the customers, or is it something that has been changed secretly?


Well-known member
Re: MAC selling less pigment for the same price as regular sized pigment

Originally Posted by ThePostcardOrg
Thats wierd... Has MAC notified the customers, or is it something that has been changed secretly?

No, MAC hasn't said anything.

Reducing product, but keeping the package size the same is a common practice to increase profits and is especially prevalent in food items. It is sneaky as hell, but companies never admit to it unless they are a called on it.

Also, different formulas have different density, so that effects weight.


Well-known member
Re: MAC selling less pigment for the same price as regular sized pigment

Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
No, MAC hasn't said anything.

Reducing product, but keeping the package size the same is a common practice to increase profits and is especially prevalent in food items. It is sneaky as hell, but companies never admit to it unless they are a called on it.

Also, different formulas have different density, so that effects weight.

Aren't the overrich pigment's formula metallic and MAD different than any other pigment? I thought that was the reason...


Well-known member
Re: MAC selling less pigment for the same price as regular sized pigment

Yes I just checked the website - which colours are 7.5g and which are 4.3g?

It's dissapointing MAC would do this.


Well-known member
Re: MAC selling less pigment for the same price as regular sized pigment

Yes I just checked the website - which colours are 7.5g and which are 4.3g?

It's dissapointing MAC would do this.


Well-known member
Re: MAC selling less pigment for the same price as regular sized pigment

I asked today, and I was told that the overrich pigments are a different texture so they were measured differently.

The new pigments launching with all the new collections are still 7.5 ladies

So that is that I guess...

I noticed this at the grocery store, I was buying ice cream and one was 2quarts for 2.50 and the other one was 1.5 for 3.99 same brand too, but one was light extra churned and the other regular.
Its just texture and stuff that affects the product.


Well-known member
Re: MAC selling less pigment for the same price as regular sized pigment

Yes right now it's only the overrich pigments... not any of the others .. and not ALL of the overrich. I have mega rich and it's a full 7.5 so is mauvement.


Well-known member
Re: MAC selling less pigment for the same price as regular sized pigment

i bought marine ultra at the pro store and the box is marked 2.5 and i was shocked. the website shows all with the weights above not this one. i called custmer service they were gonna check on it and get back to me and they never did. i called the pro store and they said they were all like that so thats jhow they were suppesto be....


Well-known member
Re: MAC selling less pigment for the same price as regular sized pigment

The best way I can explain it is like my science teacher did to me. Lets say I want to get a pound in bricks and a pound in rice, well obviously I would end up having A LOT more rice (visually) than brick, its just the weight and material. Because its true not all the overrich are 4.3

I hope they do not do this to all other pigments. It doesnt seem like it, cus I saw them at 7.5 but time will tell