How full should a pigment jar be? Pigment Weights and Sizes.


Well-known member
Re: MAC selling less pigment for the same price as regular sized pigment

Originally Posted by AdlersMommy22
Aren't the overrich pigment's formula metallic and MAD different than any other pigment? I thought that was the reason...

they aren't metallic, but they are a different texture.

Originally Posted by MrsRjizzle
i bought marine ultra at the pro store and the box is marked 2.5 and i was shocked. the website shows all with the weights above not this one. i called custmer service they were gonna check on it and get back to me and they never did. i called the pro store and they said they were all like that so thats jhow they were suppesto be....

most, but not all, of the mattes are 2.5.


Well-known member
Re: MAC selling less pigment for the same price as regular sized pigment

a few bloggers noticed the change when the overrich collection came out! it was part of the reason i passed on that collection, although it would take me forever to use even half of my pigment jar!


Well-known member
Re: MAC selling less pigment for the same price as regular sized pigment

Originally Posted by erine1881
most, but not all, of the mattes are 2.5.

Yep! Forgot about the mattes.


Well-known member
Metal urge cocomotion pigment

Hey everyone!

I've just purchased this pigment and i know some pigments jars are not filled to the top, because it depends on weight... but i was wondering if this one is supposed to be filled to the top or not? Mine isn't...



Well-known member
Re: Metal urge cocomotion pigment

Hi! First post here.

Mine wasn't either. I took the jar back to the counter to show them and my MA checked all 12 jars she had in the drawer and they were the same way, at least a 1/4 to 1/3 short from being full. Mine had the least of all of them so she wound up giving me a sample from the tester to make up for the difference. I know the Overrich pigments were marked as a smaller size on the website but this wasn't, so it did irk me. My Gold Mode on the other hand was completely full to the top.


Well-known member
Re: Metal urge cocomotion pigment

I noticed this with my Reflects Duo Purple glitter! I thought
huh? How come so empty? Pigments are usually full to the top and glitters and this was at least 20% empty!???


Well-known member
Re: Metal urge cocomotion pigment

I think they changed the formula. Alot of the new pigments are like this. This issue came up with all the new pigments that came out right before cult of cherry. If you look on the box there is a new weight listed. Old pigments were 7.5 gm and the new ones are 4.5 I believe. They should changed the packaging I think! Makes you feel less jipped if there was a smaller container that was at least full!


Well-known member
Re: Metal urge cocomotion pigment

Ok !!! Thank you ladies!!! I was so worried!!

I've heard of the new weight, but since it is written BOTH on the jar and on the box "7.5g", i thought i got screwed!! But now i'm relieved... You specktra gals are sooooo amazing!


Well-known member
Re: Metal urge cocomotion pigment

I bought cocomotion last year when it first came out. And I can still post the proof - my jar was filled to the rim. To the point that it was inpractical to use.

I barely used the pigment once (mainly because it 's just glittery and hardly gives you any colour).... I think it must be the reformulation or the fact that they changed the weight (check Heritage Rouge out, same weight difference and only 1/3 rd was filled)

at least we get better quality pigments....

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
Re: Metal urge cocomotion pigment

I bought cocomotion last year when it was first released and mine is very close to the top. Maybe less than five percent not filled when I first got it.


Well-known member
Re: Metal urge cocomotion pigment

I also bought my Cocomotion when it was first released, and it was definitely full.


Well-known member
Re: Metal urge cocomotion pigment

I just bought mine a couple months ago from the CCO [from the rushmetal collection] & mine is full to the rim.


Well-known member
Re: Metal urge cocomotion pigment

Ok... so... to sum up:
Cocomotion has been reformulated, so
The one from Rushmetal is filled to the rim
The newest one, from Metal Urge, is about 3/4 full.
Thanks to all of you!


Well-known member
Re: Metal urge cocomotion pigment

Yeah, I've noticed it on my Vanilla pigment and my Dark Soul Pigment. My other pigments like Electric Coral and Off the Radar are full.