How often do you clean your brushes?


Well-known member
Dumb question- I just bought the mac brush cleanser. Do you have to rinse it out of your brush with water or does it evaporate?


Well-known member
I clean my face and eyeshadow brushes about once a week. But eyeliner and creamy eyeshadow (MAC Paint pot, 242 brush) brush after every use.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by HeatherAnn
Dumb question- I just bought the mac brush cleanser. Do you have to rinse it out of your brush with water or does it evaporate?

you rinse it out just like you would shampoo, also your should mix it with water about 50/50 mix of the two because just the cleanser is a little bit to harsh from what I've found

as for me .. I tend to clean my brushes maybe every month or two.. I dont use them every day but that and that I'm lazy doesn't help. I'm also starting to get a few of the same brushes.. which is nice


Active member
I clean my eye brushes after every use and face brushes about once a week. I hate messy brushes...
i usually wash my brushes when ever i have time...i dnt do it very often although i probably should...but i dont think anyhting will happen if you keep it for a month even because its ur brush unless other people are using it then maybe u should wash it all the time but i guess once a week or once every 2 weeks is ok...i usually wipe my eyeshadow brushes on tissue paper and the color comes of pretty easilie.


Well-known member
not as often as i should...
After i use my brushes i run them over the back of my hand or inner arm to get as much of the excess colour off as possible.
I don't use brush cleaner. I shampoo my brushes once every two weeks, if that. i know its wrong, but i honestly dont have time to do it after i do my makeup, and then i forget.

obviously if im doing someone elses makeup, i'd give them a full wash down the night before.


Well-known member
I'm usually in a rush when I apply my makeup on the weekdays, so I usually just wait until the weekend to shampoo them. I usually do it every week.


Well-known member
About once a week, depending how much I use them and wich brushes but I do clean my foundation and concealer brush atleat three times a week.


Well-known member
Yeah, I definitely don't clean my brushes enough then. Hahahaha...
I used to clean them every 2 weeks or so.. but yeah.. I should step it up again...


Well-known member
I rinse or wipe all eyeliner and shadow brushes after each use...

Thoroughly clease all brushes about every 7-10 days

Most of my Blushes have their own brush...I am so anal!


Well-known member
Eye liner - After every use.
Foundation - Every few days. I'm just lazy! But hasn't done my skin any harm.
Eye brushes - Probably about once a week or more if I've used a bright colour.
Ones for blush - Not often enough!!