I hate this one pharmacy tech...


Well-known member
I have psychiatric illness. So i'm on some pretty hardcore drugs, like benzo's which are sometimes hard to get if you don't need them. I'm also on anti depressants, mood stabilizers, anti psychotics, sleeping medication etc. I've been on uppers, smart drugs, vicodin for a wisdom tooth removal. Soma once for a strained neck. A druggie would have a field day in my medicine cabinet. unfortunately I need some of these to get out of bed and try to feel normal. I hate taking them because i know they aren't healthy for you, but neither is wanting to kill yourself.

Well this girl is so rude to me! I got sick last week and the regular family practice doctor wrote me a prescription for promethazine. I didn't ask for it, he just gave me the script.

I took it to the pharmacy and she pulled up my records and was like "i'm going to have to verify this prescription because your history sounds questionable". I have been going to walgreens for years with the same doctors, a few switch ups in meds etc, and noone is ever rude like this. When I went to pick it up.. the freaking verification took all day.. i know she drew it out...my express pay wasn't working and i had a bunch of stuff on the counter i needed. My mom's card is linked to my walgreens account so i can pickup my prescriptions easier. Well the card got declined because my mom forgot to tell me she switched cards and hadn't hooked up the new card to walgreens yet. I apoligized to the girl for having to return all the items and void everything, since i didn't have any money on me and told her i'd come back in a couple of hours.
She slammed the basket on the ground and yelled I need a full void! Really loud and rudely.
I'm trying to figure her out. She has a lot of tatoos that are covered poorly, probably a few years older and she really dislikes me. She is rude to me everytime i go. And i'm not tripping, i have sat in the waiting chairs observing her manners with other customers and she is much nicer, a totally different person.
I think she thinks i'm doing something illegal. I'm not, i'm just a little crazier than your average joe. And doctors prescribe me the "good" stuff for some reason. She is so sly I can't confront her. Needless to say i just went back in the middle of the night just to avoid her nastiness. Okay, end of rant.


Well-known member
Oh wow. I really think that you should file a complaint against her because she shouldn't behave that way towards you. Tell the company how she behaves towards you. Her rudeness and whatnot maybe they'll have a talk with her. Actually let me ask you something, do you have any other Walgreens around your area? Maybe you can change your info and stuff to another location.
I know that it's not much help but I think the best thing is to tell her superiors about this. Find out her name and take it from there. I wish you luck and keep us updated.


Well-known member
i used to be an "assistant" to a pharmacist in high school (i helped her fill prescriptions even though i was not a licensed pharmacy tech), and i was taught by the pharmacist and that kind of behavior was a HUGE no-no. to judge a person by what kind of medications they take is completely unethical and very disrespectful. when getting confirmation with your doctor about the prescription that should of been it. no attitude or nothing. you should report her to the store manager and if that does not work go to the walgreens corporation. a person like that should not be working in the field invovling people's health and their medication.


Well-known member
Behavior like that is unacceptable and unprofessional. I would also agree with the other ladies and suggest reporting the tech to the pharmacy manager. As a pharmacist-to-be (just gotta pass the boards!), I have to aware of possible "suspicious behavior" and the like but there is no way that I would have treated anybody like that. She shouldn't have even said anything about your medication history being shady as pharm techs, under state and federal law, are not permitted to perform tasks that require professional judgement. That is up to the pharmacist to deal with. Best wishes.

Holy Rapture

Well-known member
That is so bloody rude!! Wow, imagine going to the Pharmacy and listening to that bs. I'd have screamed right back at her and got her superior. I wonder what she does if people buy condoms or sanitary pads ??!! Does she tell them "Your history shows you're a horny whore" or "A leaking tap"??!! I mean c'mon woman!!

In classier words, I mean that it is never right to judge someone based on their health records. Never! You need to report her soon. I wish things turn out good in your favour


Well-known member
And some of the prescriptions like vicodin 5-10 pills, soma 30, and provigil 30 were all spaced out over time. And there were random anitbiotics in my history too. I'll check on walgreen's site, and see if i can do it from there, i don't want to see her again. I actually started using the other non 24 hour walgreens down the road months ago but finally returned out of convenience and figured she would have been gone or forgotten me. Nope.
She didn't handle it properly at all, she should have just said she would have to check with the doctor first about the prescription and not copped an attitude. and it sucks you had to do a return, but it's something called "work".
i've been shopping around on prices the last 3 months and cvs is also rude. I had a pharmacist tell me he wouldn't fill a prescription depending on his license. because i take 2 benzos as needed. So far i haven't overdosed or gone over my limit per month, requested extra prescriptions, it obvious i don't eat them or sell them or whatever they think. Wal mart so far is the cheapest, but their hours are limited and who wants to go inside walmart sometimes. They fill my prescriptions no questions asked. it was just a transaction and the lady told me not to drink with the medication. Most useful info i've gotten from a pharmacist yet!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Holy Rapture
That is so bloody rude!! Wow, imagine going to the Pharmacy and listening to that bs. I'd have screamed right back at her and got her superior. I wonder what she does if people buy condoms or sanitary pads ??!! Does she tell them "Your history shows you're a horny whore" or "A leaking tap"??!! I mean c'mon woman!!

In classier words, I mean that it is never right to judge someone based on their health records. Never! You need to report her soon. I wish things turn out good in your favour

dude, I had tampons, panyliners, witch hazel, face wash and deoderant. It was pretty embarrasing.

Holy Rapture

Well-known member
Originally Posted by pumpkincat210
dude, I had tampons, panyliners, witch hazel, face wash and deoderant. It was pretty embarrasing.

I think she should be put on some kinda-non-judgmental medication herself, weirdo!! I feel ya ...


Well-known member
I would report her there is no reason for her to treat you this way even if you were a "junkie" you had legit rx.


Well-known member
Yeah, totally unprofessional, I've worked in a pharmacy and I would have been fired for that. My husband is a pharmacist and would take that very seriously if brought to his attention. Complain and move your scripts to another pharmacy, there are plenty of chains, but can you find an independent pharmacy? My husband will only work at an independent cause he can spend time with people whether on the phone or in person.


Well-known member
Find out her bosses name and ask to speak to them. I would ask someone else , because if you ask her, she might figure you out and try to trash talk you before you can speak to them. Ie: this crazy pill popper came in and acted psychotic blah blah blah.
I would go and file a complaint in person with whoever is highest up there. Make a big stink and threaten to take your business else where and write to corporate if it continues.


Well-known member
Okay she has no right to be rude to you. You had the right documentation to get the drugs that you needed. The only reason she should be suspicious is IF the prescriptions were fake which they aren't. She could've have done it in a nicer way. There is always a nice way and a rude way to do things. People are just crazy and think they need to get involved in people's lives. I swear, they need to teach a crash course in customer service to EVERY single worker that deals with an outside customers. Some workers are just plain rude.


Well-known member
I work in a pharmacy and Ive never seen any tech act that way. If a precription is ever questionable, they bring it to the pharmacist QUIETLY and he takes care of it. No techs or myself have ever talked to anyone like that. I know what a lot of people take. Ive never even called anyone crazy, not the lady who comes in and spends thousands of dollars on a billion prescriptions and cough drops, or anyoen else. Im nice and fair to everyone. Id report her to the STORE manager, tell them everything and tell them you're going to take your business elsewhere.
What a skank


Well-known member
I appreciate your support. It was dealt with very unprofessionally. I don't work at all except for raising attention and i know that privacy and professionalism are extremely important especially dealing with private matters. I'm sure the pharmacist calls in to check scripts alot just because of the illegible handwriting on a lot of them. And i don't know the little signs they use.. if i were to fake a prescription, which i would never do, it would be totally obvious...neat handwriting, no doctor license # or whatever they put on their.. plus docs keep count of their script pads. I honestly cannot think of a drug i want bad enough to fake a prescription for, in the long run they hurt you more than they help you, especially with the stronger drugs, like oxycontin. If offered that i might refuse, the last thing i want is a mini heroin comedown.
i'm definitely going to her superiors. Everyone's support has given me much more confidence to report her. I surely am not the only one she is rude too, nor am i probably going to be the first to make a complaint against her. While in a way I appreciate her "concern" for keeping things legal, she should have gone about it another way.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ernie
Yeah, totally unprofessional, I've worked in a pharmacy and I would have been fired for that. My husband is a pharmacist and would take that very seriously if brought to his attention. Complain and move your scripts to another pharmacy, there are plenty of chains, but can you find an independent pharmacy? My husband will only work at an independent cause he can spend time with people whether on the phone or in person.

I would rather go to a small independent pharmacy. Unfortunately, living in a big city, many have been put out of business and often they are alot more expensive due to this. I personally would rather have a pharmacist tell me the interactions, dangers, and what to expect from a med, since doctors have only a limited knowledge of interactions and are overbooked so they are in a rush.
When I lived in Tennessee, we went to an independent pharmacy and had the same pharmacist for 10 years. the town was so small we knew him from going to our country club. He was so nice, and actually acted like he cared about our safety.


Well-known member
Oh, I forgot to mention... I take 15mg of temazepam for insomnia as needed at night. Walgreen's screwed up and gave me 30mg tablets. When I got home I wondered why they were all white and not green and white like usual. So I checked it out and found they screwed up... could have killed me possibly, IDK. I took them back and they fixed it for me, just another reason not to go there.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Mabelle
Find out her bosses name and ask to speak to them. I would ask someone else , because if you ask her, she might figure you out and try to trash talk you before you can speak to them. Ie: this crazy pill popper came in and acted psychotic blah blah blah.
I would go and file a complaint in person with whoever is highest up there. Make a big stink and threaten to take your business else where and write to corporate if it continues.

I spend over $4000 on meds alone there. This does not count my mom's scripts, my dad's heart meds, my sisters meds...
and then all the stuff i buy on express pay! It's got to be well over 10,000 dollars a year easily. To lose that much money a year... i think that girl needs to be fired or out of the pharmacy altogether.


Well-known member
people suck...tell her boss, then take you business somewhere else..and tell your friends and family to do they same. That is where it will really get them.

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