i have sex with my car.. what on earth?!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
I will never look at rental cars the same way again. Who knows where they have been?

Yeah, who knows, those cars are probably all loose sluts who have been around the block a few times. (pun intended)

Har har.


Well-known member
At *least* he is having 'safe sex'.....using a condom. OMGoddess!

Men & their cars. But this guy's taken it a bit farther than most, I think.

Yes, a world full of people with weird obsessions. Isn't it a fascinating & wonderful world? (I am personally grossed out, for the record; however, as long as he isn't hurting anyone, may he enjoy! Who am I to judge?) LOLOL!

eek! Who did a song once,
"I'm In Love With My Car" ?? I don't know it...only the title.



Well-known member
eek! My own joke's on me! Yes, I might be obsessed with Mr. Mercury, but I was ~not,~ in the 70's (more recent obsession.....& when I say *obsession," I mean like with all his Music & his Messages, & his Beauty....)

But I've never heard this song.

I am *certain* nobody singing or playing this song did things like that guy in the article, tho.

YouTube - Queen - I'm In Love With My Car (Hollywood Records Remix)

I mean no offense to Freddie, nor to any members of Queen. I hope (think) they'd laugh.


Well-known member
I LOOOOVE cars, especially american muscle cars, so every time I see a really nice one I always *jokingly* say "omg, I'd so have sex with it" but of course I wouldn't ACTUALLY have sex with it...lol.

some people are just so weird



Well-known member
WOW, reading that article made me feel like I had entered Bizarro-World! I've heard some pretty strange fetishes before, but this one is a first for me. Like other posters said, it could be worse and at least he's not hurting any people/animals/bodies etc.
To each his own, I guess.


Well-known member
This reminds me that, about a year ago, I was online looking for information on some shoes. Well, I ran into a forum that was about shoes... but not quite what I was looking for. It was for people who got off of walking around on mud and dirt with gorgeus shoes and looking at the shoes all dirty... and men who actually had sex with shoes, they "penetrated" sandal's straps and rubbed their penis in the sandal until they orgasmed.
It was like a car crash, I was so disturbed, but couldn't stop watching!
And what's worse, one of those guys "had sex" with his sister-in-law's shoes while he was looking after his brother's house!


Well-known member
Aw who cares, other than to get a good giggle, esp. with so many worse things in the world? Whatever floats your boat.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by iheartcolor
I guess it could be worse....way, way worse.


I agree on that


But damn...
Why on earth, a CAR?
Its metal and cold stuff!!!


Well-known member
LOL what the hell, so many weirdos now days you never know whose your next door neighbor..

Isnt an exahust pipe too ahem "wide" for a wee wee?? That thing is like 3 inches across... GAHH thats so sick!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Nadeshda
This reminds me that, about a year ago, I was online looking for information on some shoes. Well, I ran into a forum that was about shoes... but not quite what I was looking for. It was for people who got off of walking around on mud and dirt with gorgeus shoes and looking at the shoes all dirty... and men who actually had sex with shoes, they "penetrated" sandal's straps and rubbed their penis in the sandal until they orgasmed.
It was like a car crash, I was so disturbed, but couldn't stop watching!
And what's worse, one of those guys "had sex" with his sister-in-law's shoes while he was looking after his brother's house!

lmaooo o god there are ppl out there who have sexual fetishes about practically EVERYTHINGG!! nothing surprises me anymore


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xxManBeaterxx
LOL what the hell, so many weirdos now days you never know whose your next door neighbor..

Isnt an exahust pipe too ahem "wide" for a wee wee?? That thing is like 3 inches across... GAHH thats so sick!!!

Ya know, I was wondering the same thing. Lol....we are wasting brain cells on the logistics of having sex with a tailpipe.

Do you think the high price of gas/petrol has caused a strain in their relationship?


Well-known member
Hey lizardprincessa this is a little off topic, but I'm In Love With My Car was written by Roger Taylor, not Freddie Mercury. And yes, knowing that makes me sick. I also know what album it was released on (without checking) and all the words.