I met Lady Gaga last night!


Oh my goodness, how amazing was it?! That is so exciting! I am a beyond huge gaga fan, I cried when I read your post! I saw her in September in San Francisco and I already have my ticket for her August concert here in San Jose! I am definitely planning on waiting after as long as I have to! Hopefully I'll be lucky enough to meet her too


Well-known member
Aww sorry for the late reply love but it was truly fabulous! She was LOVELY to her fans! She was so nice so I would definately recommend waiting for her! I think we got really lucky there but my best bit of advice would be to wait, wait, wait and ignore security when they try to tell she wont stop/has left, etc, etc!



Well-known member
omg! you are so lucky! must've been such an awesome experience...

I LOVE lady gaga!


Well-known member
Awesome! A friend of mine met her at some sort of gay pride thingy... He said she was super nice.

I'd love to meet her.. There aren't a ton of famous people I think I'd like to meet but she's one of them.
Thats so cool. She does seem so nice when it comes to her fans. Thats part of how popular she has become now, it's adorable how she put her arm around u!