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* "I'm Back!" * Tutorial! [VERY PIC HEAVY]


Well-known member
Any tips on the hair in the first pic? It's gorgeous!

I love this look -- all your tutorials are amazing.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lovelyweapon
Any tips on the hair in the first pic? It's gorgeous!

I love this look -- all your tutorials are amazing.

The first pic.... hmmm..... that was a wig! *hehe* I don't wear it out, seriously.. even though I should! it's beautiful
but it was for a costume when I was barbie/anna nicole smith last halloween. i got it at Ricky's NYC and it was a bit pricey, but so beautiful!


Well-known member
Wow girl, you are gorgeous, I wish my skin was 1/2 as good as yours lol
Thank you for the TUT it was very nice