MAC and Iris Aphel Discussion


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EB is frikken fantastic. I already raved about it in my jumbo, post-haul rant. It's a HG brow bone color for me and my special needs puffy brows (oh those allergies - i DID drink a ton of strong black tea today and it's helped. I think i'll need to go on a black tea eye poultice kick for a while, now that the little stray cat I've fed for years has suddenly transformed from totally scared to 100% cuddle-mode adoration; that damned fluffy, little sweetheart).
Anyhow, EB is the best of the bunch as far as ease of application goes and is a wonderful flattering color that's very versatile for lots of different looks on the lids, crease or brow bone. I love the lipsticks in this collection and pretty much all the rest of the shadows, but Early Bird is the number one best, all-around winner for daily use of the entire collection. You have me on record for that!
I've resisted Free to Be and other soft coral mattes for years, waiting for something as good as Early Bird.
FtB was all kinds of sucktacular--glad to hear this coral e/s is easier to work with!


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Oh my lord, can I just say that Party Parrot and Scarlet Ibis are amazing? They applied SO smoothly, no problems with them at all. Only issue is that they're drying, but that's to be expected since they're mattes. I took a picture of a look I used Scarlet Ibis in, but I won't be able to upload them until Sunday night.


Scarlet Ibis is much more in the same zone as Hibiscus than Party Parrot, but they're both F.A.B.!!! so you're good. Do you have Rare Exotic Mattene? Because that is extremely close in color and texture to Pink Pigeon - PP is just a bit bluer, but they both are the same brightness, intensity and matte-ness. Very close match.
liba- I am so glad I ordered Scarlet ibis, MAC has improved on delivery. I think I may receive mine tomorrow *super excited* !! I also backed up my Party parrot, it's just too gorgeous and looks a lot nicer on the lips than Impassioned- which I didn't think was possible because that is such an awesome colour! The new formula kind of reminds me of Chanel's new velvet matt lipsticks.. You should check the shade in L'Exuberante, if you love PP you would also love that shade!

Pink pigeon is very similar to Nars schiap, only PP is a tad darker.. The only lipstick I didn't purchase was flamingo, I didn't think it would show up on my lips as much, kind of wish I had though because everyone seems to be loving it! All in all I'm happy with my new lippies, just can't wait for SI now! :)


PP is one of those colors that's going to look quite different on lighter and darker skin tones. On me (NC15) it's much redder and less blue looking than in your link. From your picture, my bet is it's going to be more like that on you too, but it'll look great. It's my vote for the newest looking color in the collection - the most "hmm never seen that one before" (never mind Impassioned) rather than "wow, what a super cute version of a color I've seen before" like Scarlet Ibis or Flamingo. Pink Pigeon is sort of in a class of its own as the "yay! I missed out on CYY" color.
LOL, I really don't have a clear cut favorite yet of all these - they're all pure love! No point in analyzing it too much, Miss Liba!

I missed out on CYY too!! And then purchased a million dupes to rectify it! LOL.. Everyone thought I was mad, I remember even paying £40 on ebay only to receive a fake.. But that's all in the past and I did end up finding an exact dupe :) On a final note, I love my Pink pigeon.. :)


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This is how Party Parrot looks on me! Here it's a touch redder than in real life.. it changes a bit in different kind of lights! And it's really neon!



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That's why I'm so impressed with this new matte formula - it's about as close to a high end lipstick as any MAC's come out with before, and at half the price! (with more wild & funky colors too, imo!)

I'm not quite sure what it is about Impassioned, but it just wakes up my complexion and brings out my eyes. All this talk about it made me open up my Party Parrot (which I bought just swatching on my hand against Impassioned). WELL......on my lips, I'd say Impassioned is a touch pinker, while Party Parrot reads redder, although not from every angle. It's more neon than Impassioned, which seems to be why it looks slightly different from different angles - more light reflective. I'd say this one will be very difficult to photograph. It's definitely wilder and crazier than Impassioned, which is saying something! 'Feels a touch drier than Scarlet Ibis, but doesn't feel or look heavier. Damn, I'm probably going to have to find a backup, now.

You would be surprised at how well Flamingo will show up on pigmented lips! Most of the lustres that MAC's been putting out since Semi-Precious have surprisingly good coverage and blend with your natural lip color in a very flattering way, letting just enough of it through to soften the color, but not change it much. I bet it'll be restocked, but it's still going to fly fast. 'Still, if it makes you feel any better, I personally don't feel like I need to back it up. I think there will be more colors like it on the horizon and also, I feel like too much of a tough, old broad to rock such a dainty little girlie color all the time.


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I swatched lady danger and scarlet ibis side by side in store and walked out into natural major difference. So, I guess I'm ok w having LD instead of SI. Still sucks that I couldn't b2m for SI cuz I would have had it if so smh
Yeah, I got there like 15-20 minutes after they opened and they said I couldn't B2M for any of the lipsticks from this collection either, and this particular store has even told me that I could b2m for limited edition items, so that sucked. I only had enough money to pick up the MSFs from Naturally, so I was really hoping I could B2M for a couple of the lippies; I convinced my mom to buy me the last Pink Pigeon they had there, they were already sold out of Party Parrot, so I ended up giving her some of my empty containers and let her use a bag of my stuff to B2M for a l/s for herself (I think she chose Pink Noveau? She's really happy with it) but yeah, I assume they're being so weird about it because they got such a little amount of them in stock, and I heard that these collections were only at "select stores" so I don't know if that played a part in their reasoning or not as well.

Pink Pigeon is really pretty, although I'm not quite used to myself in l/s yet, and this is the first pink I've ever seen myself in /owned, so it's a bit.. shocking, I can definitely see myself wearing it though. I kinda wish I would have tried Flamingo on, but it's probably best that I didn't. I hope we start seeing more of this amazing matte formula though, and soon! It was MAC mattes in bright colors that got me into the world of make-up to begin with, and they're probably what I continue buying the most of (although neutrals are growing on me quickly!).


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Bahaha, how fitting that a collection named after birds would fly off the shelves so quickly

I thought my black box would arrive today with all my Iris goodies, but it's still scheduled for Monday. I want to play with my lippies sooooo bad!

I did manage to go back to my local MAC store tonight and snag two Too Chic b/p! I misinterpreted the MUA last night, I thought she meant Too Chic was sold out, but she meant that the lipsticks were all gone. Whew! I'm super excited that I was able to get them because my Too Faced Candlelight is just about at pan, and I use it every day. I really did not want to repurchase it again if I didn't have to. I like the color of it and all, but it's just darn expensive ($27 for less product than a MAC b/p). Too Chic is so finely milled and the texture is lovely from what I could see swatching it at the store - I made sure to buy more than one because it's definitely a daily use item. For my NC15 skin it gives me just enough of a glow to not be radiating/blinding others by my paleness lol.


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This talk about all four of the LE lipsticks is what makes me so glad that I purchased them and they are all sold out online along with Too Chic BP. I will have to try the lipsticks out on my lips.


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Finally had a moment to post. I was the first person into the MAC store here on Thursday, and I had almost a whole hour and a MUA to explore the collection in full. I think we both had fun playing with the products. I didn't have as much $$ to pick up a lot because I rushed to buy a few of my favourite eyeshadows that just hit the goodbye list (Romp, Juxt, and Hush).

I loved the pigmentation of Robin's Egg. I was glad to see it was bluer than Surf USA, and it swatched beautifully. I tried it as an upper liner and in the crease with Brule and Shroom as a base which made the blue pop.

I didn't expect to like Diamond Dove as much as I do. It's such a beautiful shade with a lot of depth of colour. It borders on brown/black, and it matches my eyebrows perfectly. It applies lovely too.

Flamingo was a no go. It was neon shine on my lips with hardly any pigmentation and it felt and looked waxy. I'll stick with Fresh Salmon from last year which is more pigmented and more coral.

Pink Pigeon is more wearable than Candy Yum Yum, but I still can't pull the look off. It's amusing that the real pink pigeon bird is so muted in colour in comparison.

Scarlet Ibis scared me at first. It was so deep and so bright, I wasn't sure about it. After I did my eyes with colour though, I was sold. The colour is as bright as the real scarlet ibis bird. I found Heartless to be redder and deeper, and Lady Bug was much lighter. It goes on very smoothly.

The most neon of all the colours is Party Parrot, and it's also the lipstick that I found stained the most. I tried it on, and as neon as it was I didn't hate it, but I wasn't sure it was for me. I had already been playing with eyeshadows and I found it was a bit much. I did put one on hold though, and went back today to try it again. Today though, I was fresh faced, and had my hair pulled back with a band. This time the colour didn't seem too much at all. So for me, it's going to be all about the lip when I do wear it.

It was sad that they only got in about a dozen of each of the lipsticks. Between the first customers into the store, and the MUAs who purchased product, there was nothing left not long after it went on sale. I'm hoping people are able to get what they want when they restock online.


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It's kinda hard to explain what color Party Parrot is on me. It's a coralish, reddish, dark pinkish on me if that makes any sense lol It is very neon but I cant wait to rock it in the Spring! I LOVE how it makes my teeth look whiter. I had no makeup on when I tried it on, I cant wait to wear it with full makeup.

Flamingo looks very much like Ever Hip on me, which I was afraid of. But Flamingo is lighter slightly brighter and pinker with a different finish on me, so I'm not too upset about it.


Well-known member
This is how Party Parrot looks on me! Here it's a touch redder than in real life.. it changes a bit in different kind of lights! And it's really neon!
:boxday:   It's kinda hard to explain what color Party Parrot is on me. It's a coralish, reddish, dark pinkish on me if that makes any sense lol It is very neon but I cant wait to rock it in the Spring! I LOVE how it makes my teeth look whiter. I had no makeup on when I tried it on, I cant wait to wear it with full makeup. Flamingo looks very much like Ever Hip on me, which I was afraid of. But Flamingo is lighter slightly brighter and pinker with a different finish on me, so I'm not too upset about it.
Thanks, you two make me hopeful that Party Parrot will work on me, I was a bit afraid it was too light for me to wear.


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I was almost sure I was not going to be able to grab anything from this collection but I went to the mall this morning with my brother and I've told him to go near the MAC counter just to check and ... the MUA as setting up the IA display!!! I have had the chance to make the first swatch and instantly asked for Scarlet Ibis and Party Parrot

I believe I will be rocking PP tonight!


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I'm going to post swatches in the Product Swatch board and post the swatch comparisons for Flamingo, Pink Pigeon, Scarlet Ibis and Party Parrot.


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Oh, they *always* say that.
Sometimes it's true, sometimes not.
If Party Parrot is re-stocked, I hope I can resist going for a backup!


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Yeah, I got there like 15-20 minutes after they opened and they said I couldn't B2M for any of the lipsticks from this collection either, and this particular store has even told me that I could b2m for limited edition items, so that sucked.

I feel bad for all you guys who couldn't my local MAC, the SA didn't even bat an eyelash when I gave her my b2ms for Party Parrot and Scarlet Ibis. I guess it depends on the store and the SA, but my understanding was always that anything not in special packaging was fair game.


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I got my Party Parrot and Flamingo yesterday!! :eyelove: they are AMAZING! Flamingo is a very bright, yet nude pink. It's so different than anything I have! Party Parrot is super flattering with my green eyes, it's replaced Neon Orange as my favorite bright. I am NC20 for reference. Will try to post pics later. If this collection is by any chance restocked, I am going to get Pink Pigeon and Scarlet Ibis. I thought I didn't need them, but I am regretting it now.


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I personally prefer the neutral eye with the bright lip than the other way around.

I completely agree.
I like neutrals on the eyes, anyhow, since I have naturally bright green eyes. Bright eye makeup just sort of "competes" with my eye color, and comes out looking somehow pointless.
Now I'm wondering if I should go for Howzat, or Cloudy Afternoon from Naturally.


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My Flamingo came in the mail for me today! I was surprised a flamingo could fit in my mailbox though, they are pretty large animals (sorry, I couldn't resist

Back on topic, I love love love it! I think it will be a great color for the spring&summer being that orange/coral is the new trend! For an everyday look though, I like wearing it with a few coats of Myth on top of it for a beautiful milky coral pink. If you have Myth, please try this combo- it's gorgeous!

ha ha! cute! :)

i wore my items yesterday and i must say that the orange shadow worked really well on me. some had been saying that pigmentation was bad however when you apply it with a stiff brush it's fine :) i also find that applying it over coral crepe paint pot works nicely too!


Well-known member
ha ha! cute! :)

i wore my items yesterday and i must say that the orange shadow worked really well on me. some had been saying that pigmentation was bad however when you apply it with a stiff brush it's fine :) i also find that applying it over coral crepe paint pot works nicely too!
That's the way to do it with the matte formula. I love Early Bird! It's a gorgeous shade. I'm sure it made your eyes pop!

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