MAC Cosmetics Dame Edna Discussion Part II


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It's understandable that the High-Light powders are so pale because they're supposed to act as a HIGH LIGHT and not blush. They're not like the beauty powders, which give you a nice flush.


Well-known member
a lot of things aren't working too well for me...I am guessing its the bugs being worked out!


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Originally Posted by contrabassoon
It's understandable that the High-Light powders are so pale because they're supposed to act as a HIGH LIGHT and not blush. They're not like the beauty powders, which give you a nice flush.

Most people's definition of "highlight" is reflective, catching the light shimmer or frost. The drag definition is pale compared to dark. These things would work for theatrical makeup, since when layered heavily they create a ghostly pale matte color. These do not work in everyday situations unless someone wants to have the obvious simulated highlight, and pair it with contouring using handwritten eyeshadow.

Sorry if that sounds mean. I just wish MAC would NOT release crappy or niche items unless it's MAC-store or Pro. These things are too hard to use for the average customer, and ME the MAC artist is expected to sell it to both drag queens and soccer moms. Ugh!!


Well-known member
The stickers on my 2 l/g are indeed rubbing at the edges, but it's not really bothering me because I am so in love with Possum Nose Pink!


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Originally Posted by BunnyBunnyBunny
Most people's definition of "highlight" is reflective, catching the light shimmer or frost. The drag definition is pale compared to dark. These things would work for theatrical makeup, since when layered heavily they create a ghostly pale matte color. These do not work in everyday situations unless someone wants to have the obvious simulated highlight, and pair it with contouring using handwritten eyeshadow.

Sorry if that sounds mean. I just wish MAC would NOT release crappy or niche items unless it's MAC-store or Pro. These things are too hard to use for the average customer, and ME the MAC artist is expected to sell it to both drag queens and soccer moms. Ugh!!

I agree that these are just sub-par ... I had the money saved for both of them and then didn't even get them because they were just so chalky. I am an NC20 and they wouldn't show up on me AT ALL ... not to mention being messy as hell. Definitely not a MAC-quality product IMO ... even though I loved the compact.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by elegant-one
That's awful that you guys have to wait so long! I would hate that. I can't even stand waiting an extra day for my shipment to arrive

Why doesn't MAC just release the collections at the same time everywhere?

Hahaha so true! we just got cremesheen and metal urge last week and still there is no sign for the permanent minerlise collection or the sheer minerals
so i'll be waiting a very long time for dame edna, chill, hello kitty and BBR

So i guess i've got it really baaaaaad, worse than Germany, Australia and Istanbul


Well-known member
i bought what a dame! wishing i never because it just doesnt do anything on me!! the sprayed sheen on the powder is a bit misleading in my opinion. i dont really know what to use this for now because it doesnt highlight anything!!!

i love hot frost l/g though!!!! the stickers are peeling up a bit already and the dodgy silver bits on the edge make it look cheap. but i love the colour of the gloss and thats the main thing


Well-known member
I just received Hot Frost and Possum Noose Pink. They're both so pretty for me. I love the shimmer in both. HF looks overly frosty in the container, but I find it to have a nice light shimmer.
PNP is my HG for right now, gonna git me a back up.

Hate the stickers, too. What a hassle, they keep catching on things in my bag. It's kind of unfortunate because I like the look of the glasses. I'm prob going to take them off.


Well-known member
So I managed to see the actual products on display at a counter, which made me excited, but when I told the MA I wanted to buy Coral Polyp, I was informed that the products would only be retailed from next week onwards. Boo!

I'm probably gonna get all 3 lippies. I might squeeze in Possum Nose Pink, Varicose Violet and Royal Tour pallet if budget allows. Sigh.

Are MAC nail lacquers worth buying? I haven't bought any yet, but I heard they're expensive and they come in such a big bottle! I seldom paint my nails, but this color is too freaking pretty to ignore.


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elegant-one, you and I are so similar, I'm head in heels in love with Possum Nose Pink! (Splendid too) but I'm so happy I didn't pass over this collection like I was going to originally.


Well-known member
I received my 6 lippies in the mail yesterday and OMG are they GORGEOUS! I have nothing like them in my lippie stash and was so excited by the pretty, bright colors. Kanga-Rouge is particularly beautiful, especially under Possum Nose Pink lipglass


Well-known member
Originally Posted by elegant-one
^^^its probably just the new site updating...hopefully it will get corrected

gotcha.. yeah i noticed its hard for me to even see any new posts most of th time, but hopefully its just the site working thigns out for itself.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by thelove4tequila
I'm with the rest of you girls, Gladiola is purdy! I got a few compliments on it last night. Love it! Now Coral Polyp is something that I will have to work with more. I love corals but they don't love me unfortunately.

Coral hates me too...Looked liked cantalope slices on my lips .. Not pretty on me


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Originally Posted by AdlersMommy22
does anyone know why i cant "thank" anyone?????

The majority of us asked Janice to please disable that button just for you....