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Well-known member
That does it....picking up Restores Dazzle on the way home.





Well-known member
Will Restores Dazzle work for me if I am NC20 or will it be too dark???

No! I am super pale - they blend out beautifully. I just use my fingers to pat it on & smooth it out. The texture is very forgiving & you can go from a very very light application to heavy. Also, I would wait just a bit after you do the first appl. because it becomes part of your skin & then you can tell if you need to apply more.

RD blush is GORGEOUS for ALL skin tones!


Well-known member
Well, if they ever Restock the lippies, RD will jump in the cart too. I am hitting refresh like a crack addict today. I got a FEELIN


Well-known member
Nice haul lyseD! I was able to get the closest MAC to me ship WMS, QS and NS this morning so no more site stalking for me! I'm not sure why I got NS. I'll probably end up selling it BN. I got Flaunting, Runway Red and So Vain today. I don't think Flaunting is something I will like, so if anyone is interested (NS or Flaunting) lmk.


Well-known member
It is. I'll let you know once I try it on. My lips are stained (in a good way) with Quick Sizzle.


I skipped Confetti because it really did not look that pigmented on Christine's swatches but I have not forgotten about it. Your haulage looks awesome...


Well-known member
I was thinking the same thing......
I just started using my Nightfish again and it is such an amazingly rich deep dark brown....sooo pretty, and if Wholesome is the same I am totally going to snatch it up so I am not using a 3 yr old fluidline (even though it is still creamy!!!!).

I wonder how it will compare to MAC Nightfish fluidline, as they both seem like soft blacks.


Well-known member
I went this morning about ten minutes after they opened and was the only customer that didn't work for MAC

I've been good lately and resisting launches (besides VG Nicki) but I picked up Quick Sizzle and Dish it Up, plus a pearlglide liner from Vera in Designer Purple. I am so excited to try these lippies!

I'm tempted to go back for a quad tomorrow because they weren't doing giveaways today.


Well-known member
I went to Nordies to pick up my pre-order this morning. I got there at 10:04 (they open at 10) and they were already down to 1 WMS. After some enabling from my "skin twin" Ms. Elegant, I picked up QS after all. So my haul comes to this:

All of the lipsticks except Runway Red (which I have and also have a BU of). I have WMS x2
Call Me Bubbles Quad
Tread Gently Tendertone (this was my first one and I love it. Looks gorgeous over SI from Iris Arpel)

From Vera I got:
Industrial p/g
Flower Fantasy powder
Butterfly Party stack


Well-known member
I went to Nordies to pick up my pre-order this morning. I got there at 10:04 (they open at 10) and they were already down to 1 WMS. After some enabling from my "skin twin" Ms. Elegant, I picked up QS after all. So my haul comes to this:

I have to know what you think of Flower Fantasy Powder.

you're so cute ;)


Well-known member
Would anyone who has tried the Pearlmattes say they emphasise pores at all? I'm still trying to decide whether to add one to my list, but if they make pores more visible I don't think I should get one