Most cliche'd day at MAC ever?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Bernadette
I like "How many days do these lashes last?" Me: "You remove them at the end of the night. You can however re-use them, just take care of them and place them back in their case. Peel the adhesive off carefully...." Customer cuts me off "UGH you can only leave them on for one night?!?!?! What a rip off!!!"
People are just dirty....

I HATE that!!!! I'm always like "oh, you must be thinking about eyelash extensions... yeah, those cost about $200"


Well-known member
girl you can get thos extentions out here at the nail shop for about $20 (they look a hot mess though and snatch out your lashes, but hey if that's the way you wanna go...)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Bernadette
I like "How many days do these lashes last?" Me: "You remove them at the end of the night. You can however re-use them, just take care of them and place them back in their case. Peel the adhesive off carefully...." Customer cuts me off "UGH you can only leave them on for one night?!?!?! What a rip off!!!"
People are just dirty....

LOL OMG I just had a lady yesterday ask me how many days straight can she leave the lashes on, and do they HAVE to take them off at night...EWWW!! hahahaha


Well-known member
How about.. "Oh can you do my eyes like yours" or "can you do my eyes - I'm going out tonight...oh but I'm not buying today" - AND it's 5 minutes to closing!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by diorgrl
How about.. "Oh can you do my eyes like yours" or "can you do my eyes - I'm going out tonight...oh but I'm not buying today" - AND it's 5 minutes to closing!!!

Love that...there's usually a line of girls waiting for smoky eyes on a Friday or Saturday a makeup factory. Gotta love the ones that try and be sneaky...come in at 8:45 and say, "oh, I just want to see how well it lasts" or "I've never tried MAC" and then slip up and mention they are going out. They also forget you and/or your co-workers have seen them there every weekend at the same time for the last two weeks.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Bernadette
Another favorite, "I have the lisptick in A27, where is that color?" Me: "Do you know what the name of it was? That letter and number represent the batch number and just show when the lipstick was made. The name is in a bolder larger print above that batch number." Customer: "Well can't you just show me where A27 is??????" I'll never understand why people read the batch number instead of the freaking name which is in a larger bolder print! Or why they can't freaking udnerstand what I am trying to explain to them in plain english.

I HATE when customers do that. At one particular counter that I work at, we get a lot of tourists that come in with their lists of things that people at home have asked them to get. They always ask for a color by batch number. No matter how much I explain that we don't go by the batch number, they will argue that the Nymphette lipglass that is batch A27 is not the same as the Nymphette that is now A29. Argh!!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ms.marymac
Love that...there's usually a line of girls waiting for smoky eyes on a Friday or Saturday a makeup factory. Gotta love the ones that try and be sneaky...come in at 8:45 and say, "oh, I just want to see how well it lasts" or "I've never tried MAC" and then slip up and mention they are going out. They also forget you and/or your co-workers have seen them there every weekend at the same time for the last two weeks.

That's why we wash all the brushes at 7:00 can't do makeup with wet brushes, now can you????



Well-known member
Originally Posted by giz2000
That's why we wash all the brushes at 7:00 can't do makeup with wet brushes, now can you????


this is SUCH A GOOD IDEA!!!!! I'm telling this to my counter girls!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-known member
Oh my God! I just about peed my pants! Little_Angel and Bernadette, you are killing me. I can't stop coming back to this thread because it is just HILARIOUS!


Well-known member
My favorite is that black women always accuse me of trying to match them with foundations that are too dark. I apply it & then they say "No, it's too black, it's too dark. Let me try a lighter color." Even though it looks perfect. So then I apply the next lightest shade & it looks all ashy & ridiculous. They sit there for 10 minutes checking each side of their face over & over & then say "Fine, give me the first one!" Oh & then when a like NW50 thinks that I am trying to give them a shade that is too dark & they ask me what shade I am wearing. I'm an NC44 for God's sake, don't even think it will match you! LOL, it's an every day battle.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by giz2000
That's why we wash all the brushes at 7:00 can't do makeup with wet brushes, now can you????




Well-known member
Originally Posted by Bernadette
I like "How many days do these lashes last?" Me: "You remove them at the end of the night. You can however re-use them, just take care of them and place them back in their case. Peel the adhesive off carefully...." Customer cuts me off "UGH you can only leave them on for one night?!?!?! What a rip off!!!"
People are just dirty....

I've been asked that! And I replied that they last a very long time if you take care of them. I didn't realize until later they probably meant how long can they wear them... oh jesus. I didn't think anybody would leave something like that on their eye, what a retard. O_O


Well-known member
we had a woman at my counter FLIP OUT that we were out of stock of her shade of studio fix fluid. when i say flip out, i mean not only was she irate, she went so far as to write the department manager a letter saying she demanded to have the foundation within 48 hours, and have it for free, as well as compensation for her trouble.


i can't even wrap my mind around that one.


Well-known member
alot of the time when i go to the counter in my area people assume i'm an employee, i guess cause i have a tendancy to wear black or darker colours? but when moonbathe came out, i was looking at the new stuff as most people were that day, and this lady came up to me asking why the shadows etc had white casings, and i did the best i could to explain it was just special packaging for the collection. she then when to the hybrid theory display and asked why that one didnt have the white casings, and explained to me that "your counter has all your displays mixed up, these aren't from the right collection, you need to fix all this." and that they were "the sloppiest displays she'd seen at MAC". i kind of just smiled and got one of the girls at the counter to help her.

i hate silly people like that.


Well-known member
Lets see last week right before I went on vacation I had -

- a customer ask for "Soft Brown Matte"
- a customer wanting a natural red lip
- a "Can you teach me to do a smokey eye?"
- the customer who tricks you into doing a full face, they start by asking if they can "see what this color looks like" and then want a foundation and mascara, and blush, and so on


Well-known member
Originally Posted by little_angel
we had a woman at my counter FLIP OUT that we were out of stock of her shade of studio fix fluid. when i say flip out, i mean not only was she irate, she went so far as to write the department manager a letter saying she demanded to have the foundation within 48 hours, and have it for free, as well as compensation for her trouble.


i can't even wrap my mind around that one.

I wonder who raised her, wow!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by amoona
Lets see last week right before I went on vacation I had -

- a customer ask for "Soft Brown Matte"
- a customer wanting a natural red lip
- a "Can you teach me to do a smokey eye?"
- the customer who tricks you into doing a full face, they start by asking if they can "see what this color looks like" and then want a foundation and mascara, and blush, and so on



Oh, it hurts... it hurts!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by calbear
girl you can get thos extentions out here at the nail shop for about $20 (they look a hot mess though and snatch out your lashes, but hey if that's the way you wanna go...)

YUP!! My co-worker has had hers on for over 2 weeks now...even though one is halfway hanging off, she thinks they "blend in" and nobody can tell! Crazy...


Well-known member
I had a VERY cliche day!!

I had a transgender customer, a woman that definitely resembled a hooker, got asked why the sponge of the lipglass was cut off, and watched in horror as a woman that comes to our counter ALL the time and NEVER buys anything ever put on 460984723806 of our products without even thinking to cleanse or clean anything at all, and also was halfway done by the time I had walked over to her (within like 8 seconds by the way). Wow. O_O