New website


Well-known member
Re: I hate the new website design

Can y'all write them? I wrote. If they get enough feedback saying it makes shopping IMPOSSIBLE and WE SPEND LESS and LESS time there, they will listen. I'm just one crank in the wilderness. But a bunch of us cranks....

When companies redesign, they put in a lot of money and the director of the project gets a sort of defensive ego thing about it. Even if it's a stupid flop, they won't admit it until it's rubbed in their face.


Well-known member
I'm just pondering why MAC would change the site at this time. With cosmetic sales down and EL cutting 2k jobs, launching such a vastly different site is an unecessary risk to take in that it could detrimentally affect sales and they really aren't in a position for that.


Well-known member
^^ That is exactly what I've been asking myself - and with Hello Kitty right around the corner no less! So short sighted of them!


Well-known member
yeah, the new site is a hassle. With the old site it was nice to be able to add multiple things in the shopping cart at once instead of item by item. It takes much longer to actually shop.
And I miss not having the product finishes listed or being able to filter out products by finish (ie just viewing the Amplified Creme lipsticks).
I am definitely going to e-mail and let them know.
As someone else said though, in the meantime you can go to - they are using the old layout, which is how I plan to order from now on. I'll just be using for the things I can't get elsewhere.


I cannot stand the new mac site. I don't even bother going on there anymore. It's way to flashy for it's own good. I have to just stick to the pro site now because its so much easier to get around on it.



Well-known member
I've noticed that they changed a few things around. Now instead of viewing everything as color swatches, you can change it to the names now. I think thats a TAD bit better considering how hard it was to navigate before. It's still WAY to flashy and is kind of uneccesary.


Well-known member
This is my first time viewing it, everytime I tried to it just redirected me to the Canadian site (like I'm not ALLOWED to view the US site?? gee that's fair! lol)

You can filter by finishes too!
Also, when you use the search bar and it brings up the product and then you click on the product, it has an Add to bag button now so that you don't have to go searching through all the little boxes.

First impression: The menu bar on the side takes up too much room. The text is a few sizes too small. I'm not hating it right now. Just figuring out how it works.

Hmm, I just used the "sort by name" feature on the eyeshadow page and I clicked on Digit expecting to be taken to a page with Digit but nothing happened. Then I figured out you have to scroll all the way to the bottom of the name list and the swatch appears there. Which I think is weird. Also I don't like how the search bar scrolls with you as you move down the page.


Well-known member
Omg! Did anybody watch the smokey eye video with Luc in the Artistry in Action section?? It looked like he was attacking her eye! I was wincing everytime he applied product to it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Winthrop44
^^ with Hello Kitty right around the corner no less!

Doesn't that just about kill you?

I've already trimmed my HK wish list considerably, simply because ordering from that site is such a bloomin' chore!
I never thought I'd associate MAC shopping with the word "chore," but that's how it feels to me.


Well-known member
I don't like it at all.

I used to check the website to do my wishlist and then buy in "my" counter (we can't buy online from italy) but now it's just impossible: only the items and colours in stock are listed and it's difficult to find the shade you're searching for.
Maybe the overall graphic design is cooler and of more impact but surely it isn't useful and it really goes on my nerves after a little while I'm navigating. I usually consult the pro site now, hope they will change it back to how it was before.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by fafinette21
The text is a few sizes too small.


I, too, hate that tiny text, but figured it was just my 44-year-old eyes.
I did write to MAC, outlining my dislikes of the site.
I complained particularly about "that subcellular-organelle-sized text."
SURELY somebody at MAC took biology in college!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by cno64
I've seriously thought about going to the Canadian site when a new collection comes out, just to see what everything looks like, then taking a deep breath and going to the U.S. site to buy.
You can tell how much my dislike of the U.S. site is actually going to dampen my MAC spending, after all ...

LOL that is what I did when HK came out ... I checked the Canadian site decided on what I want ... then ordered everything ASAP from the US site


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Liya2007
I checked the Canadian site decided on what I want ... then ordered everything ASAP from the US site

Yep, that's the "strategy" I followed yesterday, too.

The horrible thing is, I think I'm actually getting used to that wretched U.S. site.
I still much much prefer the former site, but I've found that as long as I take my time with the new site, it works okay for me.


Well-known member
I already placed this pic in the HK thread, but I have to share. This is what it is like trying to find the shade you want with the new website's colour cube system:



Well-known member
Originally Posted by laguayaca
I like the new site only downfall is the slowness but it seems to me more user friendly!

i take it back i take it all back


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
I have to share. This is what it is like trying to find the shade you want with the new website's colour cube system:

How utterly ADORABLE!
I probably had a similar expression, minus the cuteness and plus some hostility, on my face the first time I tried to browse the site.
Thanks for sharing this.
We're really thinking kitties this week, aren't we?


Well-known member
I can FINALLY view the site now! Hmmm I think it's "ok". I like the sleeker appearance of it, it gives MAC a new image, one I think compliments the counters and stores. I always thought the old site didn't do the brand justice and was a bit basic.

I like the real life images and that I have the choice to view products by name otherwise that colour spectrum would be pissing me off big time!


Well-known member
I hate the new site. It's slower loading and I hate how you have to click things individually to even see if something is in stock! It looks like they've listened to some of the complaints as I noticed you can now view the colors by name rather than the squares and can sort by finish. But whoever decided that the tiny squares were a good idea or that black squares on a black background is a smart plan, needs to be reprimanded. I had to hunt to find carbon and black tied!

The new color play feature is fun, but it's frozen up my computer twice and I'm not sure how useful it is. I like the artistry in action videos, but I'm very bemused by their choice to shoot the videos in low lighting against black backgrounds using models in black clothes. It doesn't look chic, it looks creepy, because in more than one video, all you can see of the model is her head. I mean obviously, that's all you need to see of the model, but it's really weird to see this disembodied head floating in front of the artist. The Smokey Eye video is the worst as the model must be wearing a high-necked shirt because she doesn't appear to have a neck or upper chest, and her hair is short so there's nothing to show the shape of a shoulder or something. It reminds me of that creepy scene in Return to Oz where you meet Princess Mombi and her collection of interchangeable heads.


Well-known member
I think it's rather gross...I hate how only the right side of the page shows what you've clicked on, how tiny the text is, how the menu on the side operates...basically, I hate everything about it. Blech! The worst part is how they show the swatches...I liked being able to scroll down and peruse the different products, now you have to specifically click on a teeny color box. Useless