New website


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Blushbaby
I can FINALLY view the site now! Hmmm I think it's "ok". I like the sleeker appearance of it, it gives MAC a new image, one I think compliments the counters and stores. I always thought the old site didn't do the brand justice and was a bit basic.

I can see your point, that the new site does have a sleeker, more modern look.
Low-tech creature that I am, though, I thought the old site was fine, and easier to browse.
HOWEVER, I think the new site may be starting to grow on me; I placed my Hello Kitty order from it yesterday, and had no problems at all!


Well-known member
Initially, the new mac website looks appealing and fun to work with. However, honestly, the previous setting was much more effective and less LAGGY! it truly aggravates me when Im browsing through different products and having to wait at least 5 seconds for the next page to load (with the previous site I barely had to wait at all!) Also the swatches are pretty off and unreliable most of the time which basically defeats the purpose of the color play feature which is super laggy. i really hope they can revert back or at least fix some of the new problems.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
I already placed this pic in the HK thread, but I have to share. This is what it is like trying to find the shade you want with the new website's colour cube system:


lols! that is hilarious/soo cute


Well-known member
The new website is AWFUL! I didn't like it at all looking at stuff, but now I really hate it...I have tried at least 5 times to order and it shuts down my entire Windows browser right after I enter all my info


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shriekingviolet
I hate the new site. It's slower loading and I hate how you have to click things individually to even see if something is in stock! It looks like they've listened to some of the complaints as I noticed you can now view the colors by name rather than the squares and can sort by finish. But whoever decided that the tiny squares were a good idea or that black squares on a black background is a smart plan, needs to be reprimanded. I had to hunt to find carbon and black tied!

The new color play feature is fun, but it's frozen up my computer twice and I'm not sure how useful it is. I like the artistry in action videos, but I'm very bemused by their choice to shoot the videos in low lighting against black backgrounds using models in black clothes. It doesn't look chic, it looks creepy, because in more than one video, all you can see of the model is her head. I mean obviously, that's all you need to see of the model, but it's really weird to see this disembodied head floating in front of the artist. The Smokey Eye video is the worst as the model must be wearing a high-necked shirt because she doesn't appear to have a neck or upper chest, and her hair is short so there's nothing to show the shape of a shoulder or something. It reminds me of that creepy scene in Return to Oz where you meet Princess Mombi and her collection of interchangeable heads.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by chickatthegym
I have tried at least 5 times to order and it shuts down my entire Windows browser right after I enter all my info


To be fair, I have to admit that the only time the new site seriously messed me up was when I was placing my first order from it; I wanted one Lavender Whip lipstick and one Lady Bug lipstick.
The durn thing put two Lavender Whips in my bag (or maybe I clicked too forcefully, trying to get something to *happen*).
I wasn't paying good enough attention, ended up placing the incorrect order, and ultimately had to cancel the whole thing and start over.

BUT, this past Tuesday, when I placed my Hello Kitty order, I tried to reconcile myself to the fact that it was going to take forever, and everything went very smoothly.

Guess I'll just have to accept the fact that the days of being able to "fire off a quick MAC order" on my way to do something else are over.

I'm thinking of switching to illegal drugs; I'll bet it's less hassle to get them ...


Well-known member
Well thank de lawdy that we can still save the face charts as PDFs! Someone IS actually listening! I noticed lots of improvements.


Well-known member

The durn thing put two Lavender Whips in my bag (or maybe I clicked too forcefully, trying to get something to *happen*).


Maybe it IS a good thing that we can't order as easily... good for the wallet at least lol.


Well-known member
Im liking the new website a lot! At first was like ughh.. since i was having such a hard time navigating. But after a few hours of playing around with the site thanks to the hello kitty launch, i like it it grew on me.

The only bad thing about it is there is no triangle of death on LE or soon to be DCed products :\


Well-known member
Originally Posted by chickatthegym

Maybe it IS a good thing that we can't order as easily... good for the wallet at least lol.

That's essentially what I thought - at first.
After the fiasco of my first order from the new site, I thought, "Ah; now it's going to be easy to not shop MAC!"

But then my second order went smoothly, and now I'm back to again having to talk myself out of buying backups!
So I've adjusted to the new site remarkably well.
Call it inner strength.


Well-known member
WHY I'm (whisper it!) GIVING UP MAC

Can't use the website. Just CANNOT. It is teensy little white letters I can barely see on that black background. It makes my tummy feel queasy even to use the site. The microscopic color palette is impossible to figure out -is it grey or beige there?

I wrote three times. I give up. I can't use the site anymore. The nearest pro store is far away.

Good bye. No buy. Unless a petition works, I am not able to purchase from this dismal site.


Well-known member
Re: WHY I'm (whisper it!) GIVING UP MAC

why dont u try can purchase mac makeup from there and the layout is the same as the old mac website..Or if you want just go on macys to get a better look at what you want and order it from the mac website.


Well-known member
I hate the new website, really. I don't find it user friendly at all and it's loading slowly. I was searching for some store addresses but nothing happened after I clicked, the site just kept loading.... forever.

If I'm looking for something, I'll go to MAC UK site.


Well-known member
Honestly, I rely on you guys to tell me what's going on... I hate the website with such a passion... Too much flash, words are too tiny, navigation is just about impossible. So I've given up...


Well-known member
i dont understand how everyone else is having problems, but it works fine for me. it loads a lot faster now that i've visited a bunch and my cache/cookies have everything saved. buying is faster for me. it doesn't crash on me at all, but then again, i dont use Windows IE. if you're using IE, i feel sorry for you lol. that is the WORST browser in the entire world. It doesn't support new technology, it isn't SAFE at ALL. it's like having sex without a condom. Many developers are just NOT going to support it anymore because people need to get with it and either upgrade, or use Firefox or even Safari. i know here at work, we're no longer going to support IE6 users because that shit is like 10 years old and if you haven't upgraded by now, then thats your bad. our clients are just going to have to bite the big one lol.

BUT, if its not working for you, try installing the latest version of Flash or something. Although I hate hate hate flash sites with a passion, you DO have the option of upgrading in order to see whats on the web. the web moves forward every day, so if you are still using old're going to be screwed lol.


Well-known member
It works, it's just unreadable--tiny font in white on black is hard to see and the teensy "swatch" palette is hard to see which colors are which. And it's fug fug fugly. If they want my business, it has to change.

By the way I have a new HP, Vista 64 and I use an up to date browser. It's the site design. Horrible. People PLEASE WRITE THEM.


Well-known member
Re: WHY I'm (whisper it!) GIVING UP MAC

Originally Posted by Asela88
why dont u try

I would do that only if the MAC free ship codes work there.
My Inner Cheapskate loves those free ship codes!

And are new collections online at the same day they're online at MAC?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by zipperfire
It works, it's just unreadable--tiny font in white on black is hard to see and the teensy "swatch" palette is hard to see which colors are which. And it's fug fug fugly. If they want my business, it has to change.

By the way I have a new HP, Vista 64 and I use an up to date browser. It's the site design. Horrible. People PLEASE WRITE THEM.

I could not possibly agree more!
I thought I was getting a handle on the wretched thing, but my Sugarsweet order this week was a real pain.
I couldn't get things to go into my bag, even though I double-clicked "Add to Bag," then took a deep breath and a swallow of water, and sat back and waited.
I STILL kept seeing "Items in Bag (0)," or whatever it shows when your bag is empty.

I did finally get everything I wanted ordered, but it took years off my life, and it was nowhere near as fun as MAC shopping used to be.
I have written MAC to complain, and have recived no response.
MAC, do you just not care anymore?