Next Mac Friends and Family Sale


Well-known member
I was thinking maybe some time in Jan since that's what they did last year...idk. Can't wait 2 find out 4 sure tho. Need a special savings account just for the next F&F


Well-known member
I'm hoping for MAC's F&F sale next year. I'm hoping to get a lot from the sale next year since I didn't get the opportunity. Can't wait to hear more about it.


Active member
So there won't be any more F&F sales this year? I hope there will be one next January!
I remember last Jan I totally stocked up on the 2008 holiday collections...


Well-known member
I'm not too sure about them having one in January. We assumed that there was one this January because of the amount of overstock most stores/counters had (especially with the holiday collection). This year my counter (and few others around me) have said they have significantly less stock this year.
Just a theory...


Active member
im not sure if this will belong here but, if you know anyone that works at a nordstorm, the employee's get 40% off of the cosmetics and fragrances starting today and ending saturday.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Fancydymedout1
im not sure if this will belong here but, if you know anyone that works at a nordstorm, the employee's get 40% off of the cosmetics and fragrances starting today and ending saturday.

i wish i did

The next F&F sale also depends on what collections will be coming out in Jan and Feb, they usually don't do F&F sales when there is a huge collection launching. But i do remember summer of 08 the Mac stores did an F&F sale when cool heat launched but they didn't do one this year it was only online So im guessing every year they change the time frame ?? i dunno ... but yeah all of 09 i didn't buy any regular mac stuff except foundation i always wait until F&F.


Well-known member
When they fo FF sales, how much is usually discounted? I missed all of them and have no idea.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Mabelle
I'm not too sure about them having one in January. We assumed that there was one this January because of the amount of overstock most stores/counters had (especially with the holiday collection). This year my counter (and few others around me) have said they have significantly less stock this year.
Just a theory...

This makes sense to me. I dropped into a MAC store about a month and a half ago and then again this week and it was incredible how much less stuff there was. For example, there had been tonnes of paint pots from older collections --- all gone now.


Well-known member
i'm assuming what with the new pigment packaging there will be a sale to get rid of the old ones?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by reem2790
i'm assuming what with the new pigment packaging there will be a sale to get rid of the old ones?

Doubt it. MAC will continue selling the old ones until until the stock runs out, and then the new ones will be put out. Or the old pigments will be RTV'd and sent to CCOs.


Well-known member
I really hope that they have this sale! I agree that maybe with less overstock they won't be as interested, but since this sale was based on online stock not store stock last year, then maybe they'll still have it?
All I know is that I'm getting used to these sales every 6 months and I'll be bummed if it doesn't happen.