Next Mac Friends and Family Sale


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Originally Posted by Curly1908
I'm sure they'd make a profit even if they had a 50% off sale. MAC's prices have increased dramatically since they've been taken over by Estee Lauder even though the quality has remained almost the same. And MAC doesn't even have the high overhead charges that Chanel, Lancome, etc. do because MAC doesn't "advertise" per se. I'm sure they probably make a nice profit from CCOs, and those prices are discounted. I'm sure they even make a profit from the pro discount.

Years ago, I could purchase authentic MAC for cheap on E-bay. Now half the items are fakes and the other half are REALLY marked up above retail (even perm items). Why? Because MAC has become so en vogue that people will buy it at any price. Not only that but because MAC has such a cult following, many people collect it rather than only purchasing flattering colors that they will regularly wear so MAC sells over and above the usual amount per customer that other companies do. Most people will continue to splurge on collections whether or not MAC has a sale so I doubt it will have an effect on sales. The purpose of sales/GWPs/online discount codes/etc. is to move surplus product and to encourage brand loyalty. Folks are BEYOND loyal to MAC so that only leaves surplus as a motivator. I personally will be buying few MAC items with the exception of staple products (e.g. Blot Powder) and a *few* REALLY unique/super flattering things from the summer collections unless there is a sale.

I also want to add. MAC doesn't spend as much as those companies because they rarely, if they do at all, give samples. All high end brands (I don't consider MAC high end), give samples. Sometimes, you don't have to buy anything to get small samples from places like Chanel, YSL, Lancome, Dior. I know Chanel and Dior have a reserved amount of funds just for samples. I know from experience when you buy a certain amount from Chanel, YSL, and Lancome you get a free FULL sized sample. I've spent more than this amount at MAC in one pop and never got anything for free. MAC doesn't know how to treat their customers at times.


Well-known member
Hmm I tend to disagree that MAC don't give samples. I've had many an occasion where I've gone to a counter and had a chat with the MUA about what I'm looking for and walked away with 3 or 4 samples of various products without having bought anything. I think the difference with MAC to other brands is that they don't package and promote samples or 'free gift with' promotions but certainly if you ask for a sample they'll hand it over to you. It's all just different marketing strategies in the end.

Like everyone I hope for an F&F but as times goes on it's looking less likely


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rockin26
Hmm I tend to disagree that MAC don't give samples. I've had many an occasion where I've gone to a counter and had a chat with the MUA about what I'm looking for and walked away with 3 or 4 samples of various products without having bought anything. I think the difference with MAC to other brands is that they don't package and promote samples or 'free gift with' promotions but certainly if you ask for a sample they'll hand it over to you. It's all just different marketing strategies in the end.

Like everyone I hope for an F&F but as times goes on it's looking less likely

My whole issue, though, is you shouldn't have to ask. I've never gotten any thing for free from counters or from the site. I've never been to an actual store, though. However, it's a bit annoying to spend a certain amount and not get something when other companies do it. I suppose they could say it keeps costs down, but then they do things like make piggies smaller for the same price. In that case, would giving samples have hurt them? I hope I don't come off snobish, but I'm not talking about a free gift with every like 20 dollar purchase. If you're spending hundreds of dollars at a time, like I often do with make up, it's a bit annoying to not even get a free tube of mascara. MAC just does things that are off putting when you're not a loyalist and have shopped at other brands.


Well-known member
No company should have to give free samples. Those that do use it as a marketing tool, and hence, have higher marketing budgets. If MAC handed out samples and GWP like Lancome and Estee Lauder do, then their prices would have to be higher to compensate, and would probably end up being about the same as Lancome and EL. Chanel and Dior do occasionally give out free things, but that seems to be seasonal, and online only. The counters I frequent very rarely hand out samples mostly because they don't have them.

Besides, no other brand does B2M. That's a free product for every six, which isn't bad. And MAC has been giving out free Zoomlash Mascara samples if you enter in a code online. I have a ton of those suckers that I'll probably never use.


Well-known member
I agree. Why should a company be forced to give out samples or free products? Would it be nice? sure, but their a buissness, and pre packed sampling or even excess sampling eats into their budget. They do it online all the time where they have access to a warehouse. If they gave out free mascaras, what would happen when they started running low? Shipments (to any retailer) are often unpredictable... so i'm not suprised that they prefer to make 14$ off a mascara rather than give them all away to "loyal" customers. I think a f &F sale is a nice enough treat for us. I don't feel entitled to anything else.
And why shouldn't we have to ask for samples? Anytime i go in and ask, the MUA is always willing to make me a sample. They're not mind readers. How else are they going to know what you want. I mean, there not Sephora, where sampling seems to be as important as bathing. It's two very different ways of shopping.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Mabelle
I agree. Why should a company be forced to give out samples or free products? Would it be nice? sure, but their a buissness, and pre packed sampling or even excess sampling eats into their budget. They do it online all the time where they have access to a warehouse. If they gave out free mascaras, what would happen when they started running low? Shipments (to any retailer) are often unpredictable... so i'm not suprised that they prefer to make 14$ off a mascara rather than give them all away to "loyal" customers. I think a f &F sale is a nice enough treat for us. I don't feel entitled to anything else.
And why shouldn't we have to ask for samples? Anytime i go in and ask, the MUA is always willing to make me a sample. They're not mind readers. How else are they going to know what you want. I mean, there not Sephora, where sampling seems to be as important as bathing. It's two very different ways of shopping.

If there is no f&f sale? I think a lot of people, not myself, are loyal to MAC and MAC isn't as nice to its customers as many other brands it's trying to compete with. I've bought a lot of things from MAC and I'm starting to regret giving them my money. Things such as no samples and the bad customer service I've experienced at counters is making me leery of MAC. I also want to ad, I filed a compliant about the service and was told I would get a free gift as a sign of apology. They're taking their sweet time sending it. Me and MAC aren't very cool at the moment, but as I said I'm used to much better service from other brands.


Well-known member
I have only had excellent customer service from MAC over the years. I love my m/a's. They are well trained and so friendly and helpful. Of course I have come across an m/a here and there in traveling that wasn't great but that happens at any place. I've been buying MAC for 12+ years and I have received free products for comments and suggestions. Just about a year ago I ordered three 15 e/s palettes and received blush palettes instead. I called and they told me to keep the blush palettes and expressed the e/s palettes to me.

I would much rather they keep the cost down than to hand everyone a full size product that they probably won't use anyway. I have a ton of Chanel, Dior, EL, Lancome, etc, items I don't use. I agree it’s nice to get the freebies but I would rather they keep prices lower for the items I want and use than to budget for these freebies and increase product prices. I usually bag them up every so often and give them to my niece.

As far as the smaller piggie size goes this is just like any other retail item. Take for instance Frito Lay products (I know someone who works for them) Just about every year they have either a price increase or they reduce the amount of product in the bag. And given the time it takes to use up a piggie most people would rather have a smaller size than a big price hike. They were really quite a bargain when figured some people split a jar and it still lasts forever.

I am hoping for a F&F sale but if not that’s ok too.


Well-known member
re: free samples; it's not about "having" to give out free samples. Giving out free samples is just a good promotional tool, and it isn't limited to cosmetics. Think about all the times you've tried a free sample at a grocery store, or any other setting. If you liked the product, chances are you'll go back and buy it. For example, Whole Foods had an event where they gave out samples of goat cheese with fig spread, and subsequently, I've purchased goat cheese and fig spread for my last three house parties. Free samples are nice. They're a good way to get people to try products that they might not normally try. From a consumers' perspective they give people the chance to test a product before purchasing it; and from the companies' perspective they get the chance to reach a broader audience.

I think MAC makes a lot of good staple products, especially their array of eye shadow colors. They make good quality products, but they're not fabulous. As such, it's very important for them to stick to the lower end of department store price range. That being said, I think it is a good marketing tool for them to have a sale once or twice a year. For starters, the F&F discount is comparable to the discount make up artists receive at MAC, so it's definitely not cutting into their profit margins. Secondly, the sales usually encourage people to spend more than they would under normal circumstance. Lastly, like everyone pointed out, MAC so rarely gives out samples, the sale would give people a chance to try out products they might not normally purchase.


Well-known member
Anyone know if F&F is going to happen this year again?! I'm waiting to see if I should purchase what I want now or not.. *sigh*