oh my gosh oh my gosh!!!!


Ahh you're so lucky! I have to hop on a bus for an hour to my nearest MAC counter and there's no Sephora in the UK. I was in Barcelona recently and went to the Sephora there 3 times in as many days - spent a fortune on MUFE foundation/concealer and Sephora blush!


Well-known member
Oh, I felt that excitment last week. Just found out we're getting a Sephora! Granted, a Sephora in JC Penny but whatever, I'll take it LOL. Now I just need a MAC and I will never have any money.


New member
That's awesome. I'm spoiled and have multiple Sephora & MAC locations nearby...but I could imagine how excited I'd be if I didn't have any then they BOTH opened up!

Claudia NYC

New member
Originally Posted by LatteQueen
yeah at King of Prussia luckily there's both..MAC and Sephora...One stop shop there..

That is the best name for a mall ever. It just sounds so cool! It's in Pennsylvania, right?

We have a mall here in Dallas that has both Sephora and Mac.