OMG here we go...


Well-known member
Sooo...first time posting an EOTD, but been lurking here for a long time...a couple things before we get started on this one-picture adventure...I did this last night while my son was asleep...did it over top of the makeup I already had on (you'll see a little bit of the wing I had going on my outer corner), and I admittedly didn't spend much time on it, so it kinda looks a little wonky...BUT I would like your opinions on it...I saw a picture that I really loved, and so I kinda based it on without further ado, the look;

Attachment 8636

Woo...I hope I'm doing this right (I'm at work, so I'm limited on photo editing capability...)...oh yeah, and I forgot to put on more mascara after I did this...if I were going out in public this way, I'd slather on the mascara, and put on some awesome fake lashes...and here's what I used (all MAC, unless stated otherwise);

Blitz N Glitz fluidline
Carbon e/s
Pink Papillion e/s (did I spell that wrong..?)
Crystal Avalanche e/s
Brun e/s (for brows)
Benefit Bad Gal mascara

...and not that you can see it, but I was wearing Pleasantry blush, and Love Nectar lustreglass.

Hope you like...lemme know what you think!



Well-known member
Thanks ladies...woo! ...and apparently the pic is clickable..? Or is it only clickable for me, cuz it's mine? I dunno...I'm all kinds of confusticated...but thanks for the kind words...I'll prolly post a bunch next week, since the baby will be with gramma, and I'll actually have time to do my makeup...hehe...