Over it


Well-known member
Ok so I guess I could get in trouble for posting this but at this point I don't care. So I've been with the company for a year now (April will be my 1 year as a perm). I freakin LOVE working for the company more then anything, my co-workers are amazing, I love the products and I love most of the customers.

But when you get those mean heartless customers - the ones who yell and scream at you in front of everyone for no reason and you can't say anything back or you'll get fired. GRRRR! I was always planning on transferring in December down to LA and tryin to work for corporate but with the week I've had with these evil evil customers I'm over it. They have no heart, they have no respect, they feel like they're superior to you.

I know most people will say "well it comes with the territory" but thats not fair. I don't except that. Just because YOU see me as nothing more then some airhead who works in retail doesn't mean I am and doesn't give you the permission to treat me like that.


Well-known member
I am sorry to hear that. But remember, for every one customer who is a jerk and thinks you're stupid, there are 50-100 more of us who think that you a smart and knowledgeable.


Well-known member
Just ignore them as much as you can. I know it's difficult to stay quiet in front of those people but as Blazeno.8 said, you'll meet nicer people more often than jerks like that. Chin up girl and keep in mind that you're doing a job you like, that's all that matters.


Well-known member
There's a "jungle" out there, sometimes those people are so frustrating with their own lives and unfortunately, start to vent one’s anger in the first innocent that appears in front of them.
Don’t let them to bring you down, labour with the public is very complicated but remember, those people don’t belong to your world, so just ignore their negative presence. Concentrate yourself in the best costumers, those worth your attention in words.

(I hope that my english makes any sense, I just want to cheer you up)


Well-known member
There's nasty people all around! I think almost any job has their fair share of people who want to complain and make your day difficult. As long as you love everything else about your job, and the people you work with (this is huge!!!), don't give up!


Well-known member
please dont let this get you down... the public are HARD work... Whenever someone gets narked at me or complains or is downright rude I just totally detach myself and kinda think 'wha tis your life like that you have to go around shouting at strangers'... KNOW that you are the better person and that in a few minutes time you can be dealing with somebody who admries you and what you do...


Well-known member
I think some people go out looking to blow their top at some poor suspecting person. I think it's a bad choice they use to vent their frustrations. In all my jobs I've always had people like that. Don't even trip.


Well-known member
i find that more than half the time when people are asses, it isn't about you, it's about something that is going on in their lives. not that i am saying that makes it right for people to suck but i try to remember that it isn't me and they don't know me or my lifestyle. i totally understand! i work in a ridiculous high end mall, and people think that they are above us, and i just laugh because they have no clue about me or my life
the thing that works best for me is to just smile at them, more often than not they'll change their tune, or my favorite
get more pissed off! they can't getcha with anything if you're smiling and blowing their attitude off!

hope this thread helps you! don't give up and just know you are amazing & don't let the sucky people get you down!

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
Well I just think of it this way. People who I don't necessarily care about, I don't let those people get me down. Also, I find that when someone is horribly rude to me, the other customers around who have seen the nasty customer are even nicer to me and usually make my day a bit better. They can't bug you if you don't let them. I still don't agree that people should be allowed to treat anyone like that, regardless of their job. You can refuse to serve them though and you can't get fired for that.


Well-known member
Yeah, nasty customers do come with the territory, but that doesn't mean it isn't still hurtful, and just because you get paid to deal with them doesn't mean you can't still have hard feelings over it and complain like any other person does after their job, no matter how good that job is.

I'm so sorry there are nasty customers and that you have to deal with them, and I really can't understand how people can justify such dickish behavior. I mean, I refuse to believe that ALL of them were so poorly raised, so what gives? I always try to be the best customer I can possibly be, even though sometimes I'm shopping while horribly depressed and miserable and can't muster up being cheerful, and hope that it makes up for the crappy ones in some small part. And to this day it completely baffles me when employees are shocked that I'm polite.

What a strange world. I wish you many awesome and polite and funny customers to drown out the crazies.


Well-known member
I think people in general are getting meaner. I have worked in several different fields and the worst was in medicine. The staff & I were in tears many days. It's not just in retail.

People are treating others like this, because they think they can get away with it and get something more for doing it. It abuse no matter how you spell it.

Please don't give up what you love for those that abuse. We need people like you.


Well-known member
yes i agree with frakenstain. i work retail but in the cellular industry and i think it's just because it's retail. people forget we provide customer service and mistake us for customer servants! i felt much like you did my first year but i stuck with it. it's been 4 years now. i love everything about my job aside from the occasional a$$hole but the positives outweigh the negatives. hang in there!


Well-known member
I waitressed for a good 8 years of my life and honestly you think retail is bad, try waitressing horrible!! I'd work 16 hour shifts sometimes, and give my all only to be cursed out bcus the runner brought out the wrong food, or because the menu clearly stated that there is bacon in the queso dip but the customer who couldn't read thinks i'm trying to poison her because they can't eat pork and i purposely didn't tell her, or have someone bring in their children who decided to empty out all of the sugar packets onto the booth seats and crush crayons all over the table top and they tell you this place is a mess can't you clean up better, or the best yet when a table comes in and you are nothing but sweet and helpful but they laugh at you, tell you to your face that your an idiot and that's why you'll always be a waitress and then proceed to take the $60 check from one of the other tables in your section and leave you a 3 penny tip before running out, knocking over their drinks and calling you a bitch. i had that kinda table waaaay too many times and i had to grit my teeth, fork over the money to my manager to pay for both bills and greet the next table like i was so incredibly happy to see them. It's not just the service industry , it's life and there is no way you can avoid it. there is always someone who wants to cut you down but you can't take it personally. I was told it could have been anyone in any other place and that person would've still reacted that way. you just happened to be there when they decided they were going to be a jerk. Think about all the other people that you make happy. I remember you posted about customers commenting about you on the website. so you are awesome just don't let some miserable jerk tell you you aren't.


Well-known member
I'm sorry you're feeling that way. For me, it was either transfer or quit. I could not handle another person tell me that I was ignorant or that I didn't know how to do makeup on them-simply because of my skin color-when I was more qualified as an artist than anyone else I worked with. My transfer didn't come through soon enough (unless I wanted to drop back down to part time) so I ended up taking the opportunity to move out of the area and leave MAC (and retail) entirely.

I have the only counter up here wanting me to come freelance for them, but I am just not sure that I can handle that quite yet.

All I can say is follow your heart, but don't let the bad ones get to you.


Well-known member
Justremember that there's nothing wrong with you, there's something wrong with THEM. Never take these things to heart because in most cases it's not personal.


Well-known member
Just grit your teeth through a smile and think to yourself: "This person did not get enough attention at home/Is off their meds/will be bitten in the butt by karma". I know it is easier said than done, but please don't let these worthless people ruin something you love.

I saw someone being chewed out the other day while I was shopping and it was everything I could do not to tell that woman what a douchebag she was being.


Well-known member
Those customers are people who feel like they have no power in their lives so they get off by putting you down because you are a captive audience. Sadly, those petty little people are everywhere, in every business.

You know you are professional enough, smart enough and talented enough. The best way to deal with crappy customers is to be professional and straightforward. If you don't let them get to you and just kill them with kindness, talent, professionalism and logic, you will be good to go.

Oh yeah.....whilst you are being nice, professional and logical with them, don't forget to smile. Smile and think "fuck you, asshole".


Well-known member
don't let it get to you, all customers and people in general are rude. regardless of what you do, you'll always have to deal with people like this, but all you can do is not let it get to you and move on with it. If you let it get to you, then it's just going to bother you more. i hope everything gets better for you. .


Well-known member
You need a holiday, seriously. Take a week or two off, don't even look at a make-up brush, and let yourself recharge.