
TamEva Le Fay

Well-known member
The reason, I was told, was because the paints last forever and I guess that is not good business sense for MAC.

Paint Pots have a bit of a shelf life to them, which cause one to buy more to replace them over and over when they start to dry out. God forbid…I hope I never experience this!

It was kind of a weak argument though, since, paints certainly don’t last forever - when you’re actively using them and you need to replace those too. I don’t know!


Well-known member
I really wish they'd keep the paints around because I like them wayyyy better than the paintpots, but I hope they at least keep Stilife and Bare Canvas. I wish they'd come up with a better package for them, though - a lot of product does get wasted.


Well-known member
I find that using the 242 brush with the paints is the easiest way to go. I only squeeze a TINY bit over the edge of the tube (like the thickness of a penny), and smoosh it with the brush.. I apply it to one eye, and then for the other eye I use up the rest on top and then stick the bristles inside the tube to get whatever else I need. It really is enough and I don't seem to waste much, if any at all.

By the way, if you are near a CCO they usually have a crapload of paints.. at least mine does. I think they're about $12 too, and a lot of pretty colors. Scoop them up while you can, if you really like them! I only use Bare Canvas (which they do have) at the moment, but I think I'll be adding more to my collection soon because I do like them better than p/p.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TamEva Le Fay
The reason, I was told, was because the paints last forever and I guess that is not good business sense for MAC.

Paint Pots have a bit of a shelf life to them, which cause one to buy more to replace them over and over when they start to dry out. God forbid…I hope I never experience this!

It was kind of a weak argument though, since, paints certainly don’t last forever - when you’re actively using them and you need to replace those too. I don’t know!

Mines had lasted forever. I have a Naturalism and Mauvism paint that has discontined for 2-3 years now and It is still creamy as the day I bought It. I have three paints as backup like Architecture, and Tan Ray.


I go back and forth between using other primers and bare canvas paint as a base and jeez Bare Canvas Paint just can't be beat for me. But it takes me forever to get through a tube. I apply it with the 266 so I can get in the inner corner of my eye really easy and then even it/smooth it out with my finger.


Well-known member
i'm glad i got flammable...if they're going to discontinue it for real this time. they better leave my damn paints alone. i just fell in love with them, it would be wrong for them to take them away now.


Well-known member
The CCO's are getting a ton of paints in, I think the one I go to has 15 different paints.