Products Being Discontinued


Well-known member
Re: Discontinued Product List

Originally Posted by amy04
We sent our Flashtrack and Velvet Moss eyeshadows back. We were not sold out of them. They are definitely DC'd. CCOs get shipments of DC'd items. Sorry, ladies..

ditto. i said this a long time ago too. they are history.


Well-known member
Re: Discontinued Product List

wtf, why NC15? I love that foundation and NC20 is really too dark and NW15 is cool-toned (I don't wanna have a pink face ;( ).


Well-known member
Re: Discontinued Product List

Foundation shades are normally discontinued because they're not selling. There's always those few customers who love what's being discontinued, but not enough people were purchasing.

Anyway, trimmed version of a Live Chat:
Amy Powell: I wanted to ask you about Flashtrack eye shadow.
Andrea: My notes show that it has been discontinued. I'm not sure how long ago this happened. We get updated information weekly so our notes could have changed.

TamEva Le Fay

Well-known member
Re: Discontinued Product List

You know? Sometimes the Makeup Goddess is lookin’ out…and sometimes she doesn’t even know who you are, as you’re staring at the palm side of her hand!

This time she was watchin’ my back and politely reminded me to get up off my lazy ass and order back ups of the GOLD MODE PIGMENT!
Which, I did, respectfully only four days ago! I ordered 3 containers of GOLD MODE!
Now, wouldn’t you know it? They no longer have GOLD MODE on the website…
oooooh…that’s a little too close for comfort for me. I think I’m going to have nightmares tonight!

To think I may have ordered the last three from their site makes the hair on the back of my neck standup! To say nothing of the fact I would’ve had to resort to secondary market drama.

Which Miss TamEva is still going to have to do anyway, since, she hoards certain colors like rice these days, ‘cause three backups isn’t enough the way she runs through ‘em!!!

Sorry, to anyone who was also procrastinating on getting a few backups of this Piggie. It’s such a glorious color as a basic wash for a neutral eye for evening.

See you on eBay kids!

Funny, I bought my first one at a CCO!



Well-known member
Re: Discontinued Product List

Originally Posted by amy04
Royal Hue Shadestick
Silverblue SHadestick
Blurburry Shadestick
Corn Shadestick

So I was just at the Pro store in Toronto and they still have all of the above colours as well as Sharkskin. The MA said she didn't know anything about them being discontinued and even checked her lists for me. She also said she hasn't heard anything about Sea Me being limited now (it has the black triangle next to it on both websites).

Does anyone know if these colours are still going to be available at the Pro store and only discontinued at the regular stores/counters? Or will they only have them until they are sold out?


Well-known member
Re: Discontinued Product List

Originally Posted by RaynelleM
So I was just at the Pro store in Toronto and they still have all of the above colours as well as Sharkskin. The MA said she didn't know anything about them being discontinued and even checked her lists for me. She also said she hasn't heard anything about Sea Me being limited now (it has the black triangle next to it on both websites).

Does anyone know if these colours are still going to be available at the Pro store and only discontinued at the regular stores/counters? Or will they only have them until they are sold out?

the store near us (ha, two hours away!) still has everything. i think counters get/process/ship out all rtvs and dcs way before stores. i'm not sure how often stores do this, but we do it every 4-5 months. i'm guessing all locations will get rid of the dc'd colors by the end of summer.

i don't think they will be pro only. i think the supply will be the same at all locations, and once they sell out, they won't be shipped any additional supplies. when we do stock concerns (ordering) we list everything we have 0-3 of. then they send us more of that stuff. we've been down to 2 sea me, 1 sharkskin, and 1 lucky jade for months and we've never gotten more in (making my previous prediction that lucky jade is getting the boot more likely. i called it with sea me.).


Well-known member
Re: Discontinued Product List

Originally Posted by erine1881
i don't think they will be pro only. i think the supply will be the same at all locations, and once they sell out, they won't be shipped any additional supplies. when we do stock concerns (ordering) we list everything we have 0-3 of. then they send us more of that stuff. we've been down to 2 sea me, 1 sharkskin, and 1 lucky jade for months and we've never gotten more in (making my previous prediction that lucky jade is getting the boot more likely. i called it with sea me.).

Thanks for the info!! ... actually I also stopped by another Mac counter (in the Bay) on the way home yesterday and they had a Sharkskin on the display ... I was going to buy it but when the MA checked they didn't have any in stock so she called another counter to check and I guess they told her that it was discontinued cuz she ended up giving me the (almost full) tester for free!!

I'm going to go back to the Pro store today to grab Corn & Lucky Jade before they're gone forever!!


Well-known member
Re: Discontinued Product List

Update: Incase anyone else is looking for the shadesticks (in Toronto), between the Pro store (Queen St.) and the free standing store @ Bay & Bloor, I've found Mangomix, Blurburry, Corn (altho I may have bought the last one at the Pro store), Royal Hue, Sea Me & Crimsonaire. I also got Lucky Jade, Shimmersand & Penny just incase those are going to be discontinued too ... and ofcourse my free Sharkskin.
Yes, my bank is now officially broken!!


Well-known member
man oh man....

did you all see the dc products MAC is taking out?!


I love MAC's Studio Mist, I just started to use it and now they're taking it out?!

Elegant, I remember you saying Sweet William blush cream, well it's being dc too.

They're getting rid of a lot of nice shadows too..

I hope they replace some of these stuff with better ones!

So sad.