RiRi Viva Glam 2014


Well-known member
Here I am wearing both the lipstick and lipglass with nightmoth lipliner. It looks more vampy in person..
Rock it girl. It looks beautiful on you.


Well-known member
Okay I'm gna post some swatches! Sorry it took me so long to get around to it. I'm NW11 or so. I want to put them on the VGR 2 swatches thread, but I'm not sure what to do because there aren't that many posts there and people still post pics in the regular thread... If you want me to delete them here and move them there, I can do that, I don't want anyone to be mad at me :( Here's the VGR 2 lipglass



Well-known member
Aw thanks :) I was really worried that I just looked terrible in brown lipstick because I'm so pale and colorless, (but wearing no other makeup sure didn't help with the colorless issue lol)
Its definitely a lipstick that needs to be worn with at least blush but you pull it off well.


I finally wore the lipstick and glass this weekend. I was a little apprehensive if my friends would get it (they're not into the lovely obsession that is makeup) BUT i was so geeked to try it. I threw on simple eyeshadow, some Format blush let my fro down, and picked it out obscenely big. I walked into the bar, is was like Bam! All I heard was Kanye West Can't Tell Me Nothing
I have a really light skin tone and I feel like I could never make this lipstick work, it just looks so weird on myself. The gloss on the other hand I find rather interesting. But when I see pics of you guys it really makes me want to try it out again maybe with a different makeup combo, maybe I'll like it then :)