Sarah Palin and makeup


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Originally Posted by franimal
That man looks awful in High Def.

Ok, that line is so damn funny. I don't know why, but I love it. Can you imagine the headlines? "Biden looks awful in High Def." That just made my night.

I don't have high def, but I could tell that his t.v. makeup was a bit jacked up. Even on my ghetto analog....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lipshock
I guess I'm in the minority, but I don't see anything wrong with Palin's makeup. :] Her cheek contour definitely could be blended more but sometimes when going on television you need to go heavy handed on the makeup because it can get washed out and look non-existent when it translates over. I am actually a big fan of her makeup.

ha thats what I was thinking.


Well-known member
I noticed her contouring during the debate. Im not a big fan of her or her makeup.


Well-known member
alot of people, especially in the media, have been talking trash on her appearance lately. i don't know why when a woman steps on the scene, everyone's worried more about her makeup than what she's got to say. :\


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kimmy
alot of people, especially in the media, have been talking trash on her appearance lately. i don't know why when a woman steps on the scene, everyone's worried more about her makeup than what she's got to say. :\

agreed, and anxious about that myself. i could say many things, and go on, but i'll keep my opinions on the above and well spoken point short, and sweet:

because we live in a patriarchal society where "given few role models in the world, women seek them out on the screen and the glossy page...this pattern, which leaves out women as individuals, extends from high culture to popular mythology. Men look at women, Women watch themselves being looked at. This determines not only the relations of men to women, but the relation of women to themselves." (The Beauty Myth: How Images of Beauty Are Used Against Women, Naomi Wolf, pg. 58)

i don't agree with her political views. a single instance? i found myself laughing aloud when she responded to the proposition of gay marriage with some babble that amounted to "no, but hey they'll still have contract rights." gee, thanks, i didn't realize that the freedom to contract might be affected by my sexual orientation. i saw that, and many other things that she said, as evasive and moronic methods by which to avoid stating the true platform or agenda.

one more thing, it makes my skin crawl whenever she is referred to as a "pistol waving feminist." i really can't believe the world sometimes. for me, and many others i am hopeful and sure, feminism is defined as "the end of sexist oppression," a simple, reduced, yet all encompassing motto from 'feminism for everybody' by bell hooks (which i think is a must read for ALL)

anyway, to respond to the original poster lol: i don't like the makeup, but did get a kick out of her hair. good color job.


Well-known member
Honestly, I think this woman looks amazing. I have never noticed her blush being really harsh or anything significant with color differences. Lighting plays a lot with the look of her m/up. She may have it like that to show up from a distance in pictures. I don't know. It's possible that she does need to blend something here or there. I really haven't paid a lot of attention to it. I can tell you this - she does not wear m/up anything like I do.

Ha, I could never be in politics. The media would be on me like lint. I can hear the media now...

"Who does SparklingWaves think she is wearing that Silver glitter on her nails? I guess. She must think she is on the dance floor somewhere. Ha ha

She is wearing an extremely dark plum lipstick today. Is she wanting to be a vampire?

Oh, my! Did you see her flaming bright fuchsia lip gloss during the last debate? That was so over the top. She reminds me of Bozo the clown."...

Let her and all the other women in politics & media deal with that type of craziness.


Well-known member
LOL I think her makeup's a bit jacked, but then, women in politics usually have it rough when it comes to makeup. Wear too much, and you're portrayed a sex kitten that isn't taken seriously, wear too little, and you're portrayed as a frump that no one wants to listen to anyway. That said, girlfriend needs to chill on that bronzer-cheek contour combo. Maybe a soft peach blush? I'm not wild about the hair highlights either


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kimmy
alot of people, especially in the media, have been talking trash on her appearance lately. i don't know why when a woman steps on the scene, everyone's worried more about her makeup than what she's got to say. :\

i don't care that she's a woman, a lot of the things she's had to say i disagree with. i noticed her makeup sort of randomly once, after already having plenty of knowledge about her opinions and stances on things. i agree with you though, a lot of women lose credit for the things they have to say and have more weight put on the fact that they should wear skirt-suits with shoulderpads, a sensible hairstyle and a strong lipcolor to make their face say "i have something to say". it's very sad.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by purrtykitty
Ummm, I didn't think anything of it until it was mentioned here. I don't think it's so bad, though. It is TV makeup, so's laid on a little thick. I did find it interesting how she looked in different cameras, though. Some had the softening filters on them, and others didn't.

yes, It is TV makeup (totally different than what we use everyday) and there is a 99% chance she does not do her own makeup for these events.

So we can't really blame her for looking silly.

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
I'm much more worried about what she has to say than her makeup, although I did notice it, because some of the things she stands for are disturbing.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK
what exactly is so disturbing, if I may ask

I know this was not directed at me, but I take the same stance in terms of finding some of what she says to be disturbing. For one - She claims to be for "women's rights" and yet, when she was mayor of Wasilla, she had rape victims paying for their own rape kits to inspect them with(which can cost $500 and up). This victimized the rape victim a second time.
She has stated repeatedly that abortion should be outlawed. If a 15 year old is raped by her father, she should have to bear that child (she said this in one of the Katie Couric interviews). She says that she would council women to "choose" life, when in fact she would like to see Roe V. Wade overturned so there would be no "choice" about it.
She makes very little sense and can only barely manage to bring together an entire sentence that is grammatically correct.
She claims that her lack of experience will bring new life to Washington, yet at the same time she says that Obama would be a bad presidential choice because of his lack of experience.
She fired a librarian who refused to ban a book on homosexuality (that viewed it in a favorable light). She fired the boss of her sister's ex-husband because he refused to fire him after they got a divorce.
She thinks that dinosaurs and humans walked the earth at the same time and wants this to be taught in public schools.
She is against GLBTQ rights, though she says she "tolerates" them. I'm sorry, but as a member of the GLBTQ community, I don't want to be "tolerated". I want to be treated like any other person you would meet on the street, with respect, dignity, and kindness.

Here endeth the rant of why I will be voting for Obama/Biden as soon as early voting begins in my area.

Also - I find her to generally have a pleasing fashion/hair/makeup thing going on. But I can't stand her stupid crown tease or the harsh contour.

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK
what exactly is so disturbing, if I may ask

Lovekrumpet has already said everything that I was going to say, but I meant the victim having to pay for the rape kit as the most disturbing. It seems so backward to me that a victim has to pay for something. Make the rapist pay.

Anyway this is off topic but she answered it exactly as I would have.

So, she is good looking, I'm just not a fan of the style of her makeup.


Well-known member
I think Sarah Palin is gorgeous... but i also want to see if tina fay's makeup-- if she overdid the contouring to play on palin's makeup. haha.


Well-known member
Since we're on the subject, did anyone see this Pitbull Mom lipstick? Seriously they made lipstick after that played out joke she always uses. No thanks, plus I don't know what's more offensive, a hockey mom or calling yourself a pitbull.

PS- I appreciated the gender issues that were raised a few posts back, as I am currently taking a few Women's Studies course, and reading a huggeee ass feminist book (like 700 pages!) called Madwoman in the Attic - interesting read. HOWEVER, I don't think she or anyone else should complain about any one fussing over the fact that she's a woman - this election has been one of the most diverse - black, mormon, women, etc. - and all have and will be judged accordingly by some people, so she and her peeps need to suck it up and accept that it comes with the territory of putting yourself out there. People will jab at any "weakness" they see. Do I agree with it? No, but I hate when people play the victim card and act like they're the only one who ever had someone say something mean. But honestly if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lovekrumpet
I know this was not directed at me, but I take the same stance in terms of finding some of what she says to be disturbing. For one - She claims to be for "women's rights" and yet, when she was mayor of Wasilla, she had rape victims paying for their own rape kits to inspect them with(which can cost $500 and up). This victimized the rape victim a second time.
She has stated repeatedly that abortion should be outlawed. If a 15 year old is raped by her father, she should have to bear that child (she said this in one of the Katie Couric interviews). She says that she would council women to "choose" life, when in fact she would like to see Roe V. Wade overturned so there would be no "choice" about it.
She makes very little sense and can only barely manage to bring together an entire sentence that is grammatically correct.
She claims that her lack of experience will bring new life to Washington, yet at the same time she says that Obama would be a bad presidential choice because of his lack of experience.
She fired a librarian who refused to ban a book on homosexuality (that viewed it in a favorable light). She fired the boss of her sister's ex-husband because he refused to fire him after they got a divorce.
She thinks that dinosaurs and humans walked the earth at the same time and wants this to be taught in public schools.
She is against GLBTQ rights, though she says she "tolerates" them. I'm sorry, but as a member of the GLBTQ community, I don't want to be "tolerated". I want to be treated like any other person you would meet on the street, with respect, dignity, and kindness.

Here endeth the rant of why I will be voting for Obama/Biden as soon as early voting begins in my area.

Also - I find her to generally have a pleasing fashion/hair/makeup thing going on. But I can't stand her stupid crown tease or the harsh contour.

Isn't Obama against Gay marriage as well?


Well-known member
Barack Obama on Gay and Lesbian Rights - Where does Barack Obama Stand for Gays and Lesbians

just found this article, thought it was interesting. obama is against gay marriage but "he said he would support civil unions between gay and lesbian couples, as well as letting individual states determine if marriage between gay and lesbian couples should be legalized.."

what's the difference? seems like semantics to ease the right wing. i have a boyfriend, but it kind of makes me want to enter into a civil union with a woman.


Well-known member
I think she would be pretty if she went a bit more natural too....But its her politics I am concerned about.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lovekrumpet
I know this was not directed at me, but I take the same stance in terms of finding some of what she says to be disturbing. For one - She claims to be for "women's rights" and yet, when she was mayor of Wasilla, she had rape victims paying for their own rape kits to inspect them with(which can cost $500 and up). This victimized the rape victim a second time.
She has stated repeatedly that abortion should be outlawed. If a 15 year old is raped by her father, she should have to bear that child (she said this in one of the Katie Couric interviews). She says that she would council women to "choose" life, when in fact she would like to see Roe V. Wade overturned so there would be no "choice" about it.
She makes very little sense and can only barely manage to bring together an entire sentence that is grammatically correct.
She claims that her lack of experience will bring new life to Washington, yet at the same time she says that Obama would be a bad presidential choice because of his lack of experience.
She fired a librarian who refused to ban a book on homosexuality (that viewed it in a favorable light). She fired the boss of her sister's ex-husband because he refused to fire him after they got a divorce.
She thinks that dinosaurs and humans walked the earth at the same time and wants this to be taught in public schools.
She is against GLBTQ rights, though she says she "tolerates" them. I'm sorry, but as a member of the GLBTQ community, I don't want to be "tolerated". I want to be treated like any other person you would meet on the street, with respect, dignity, and kindness.

Here endeth the rant of why I will be voting for Obama/Biden as soon as early voting begins in my area.

Also - I find her to generally have a pleasing fashion/hair/makeup thing going on. But I can't stand her stupid crown tease or the harsh contour.

As it should be! A lot of times when this topic comes up, I feel SOME people against Gay Marriage/Rights refer to members of the GLBTQ community as if they were subhuman. I am not referring to anyone on this board, just society in general. It pisses me off.

To get back on topic, I can't stop looking at her lipliner.