Sexy smokey bright arabic eyes!


Well-known member
Lovely!! Thanks for the inspiration


Well-known member
Everything about this look is flawless, in fact I think that's the best way to describe all the looks you've posted. They're all extremely flattering, professionally-applied and gorgeous!

I'm also amazed that there's someone so talented so close to me here in Dundee!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ritchieramone
Everything about this look is flawless, in fact I think that's the best way to describe all the looks you've posted. They're all extremely flattering, professionally-applied and gorgeous!

I'm also amazed that there's someone so talented so close to me here in Dundee!

OH MY GOD!!! I am in Dundee right now!!!!! lol - how weird is that!

I work at the care commission - so when I'm not applying my makeup Im building servers for the government! lol (boring!).

What about you? where in Dundee are you??

Also, thanks everyone for the amazing comments!! you guys are amazing and its brilliant to able to share my passion with so many other like minded individuals!