Shadesticks to be discontinued?!?!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
I'm sure you're right. They are killing all of the paint and shade stick colours. I would like to think they are doing it for an infusion of new colours, but I am not holding my breath.

Yeah, we've got to have some colorful Paint Pots to replace the Shadesticks otherwise why do this to us! I picked up a backup of Sea Me because Delft as a base is just not the same.


Well-known member
No no no! Not Sea Me! NOT SEA ME!


Well-known member
I'll have to get a Sharkskin and Beige-ing backup when I next go to MAC, I use Beige-ing a ton.


Well-known member
The MAs at my pro store seemed to believe that shadesticks were being killed off one-by-one (no replenishments were being sent), and asked me to write to MAC/live chat/call to try to save them. I'm so sad to see Sharkskin go, and I'm guarding my Beige-ing.


Active member
Ugh this upsets me so much, i love the shadesticks! I luckily had blurberry but as soon as I saw sharkskin gone off of the site i had to snatch one at my local Nordstroms. My goodness, how could they get rid of sharkskin? I thought it was incredibly popular and versatile

I also got a royal hue making its way to me in the post. I'm hoping that Sea Me doesn't disappear off of the mac site before my pro card gets here



Well-known member
I am so so sad about shadesticks being discontinued.
Now everytime I go to the CCO I keep buying more and more backups of my precious shadesticks because I don't ever want to run out. This makes me so upset!


Well-known member
i actually got my first shadestick the other week (sharkskin) and i really like it. I also noticed they took Corn off the UK site
i really want Sea Me and probably a neutral shade before they all go


Well-known member

i love shadesticks:)

did they discontinue that hot pink one? (cant remember the name now..darn it)
i really wanna find a couple if they are!!

im really sad now


Well-known member
Oh, this ain't good. PPs just do not work for some people, and there are some that do not like the packaging for paints. Shadesticks are so perfect for throwing in your bag.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aznbaby4ever94

i love shadesticks:)

did they discontinue that hot pink one? (cant remember the name now..darn it)
i really wanna find a couple if they are!!

im really sad now

crimsonaire. yes, its gone.

Originally Posted by ms.marymac
Oh, this ain't good. PPs just do not work for some people, and there are some that do not like the packaging for paints. Shadesticks are so perfect for throwing in your bag.

paints are on their way out the door too.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by erine1881
crimsonaire. yes, its gone.

paints are on their way out the door too.

Man. Well, I hope they come up with something that works for really oily eyelids...I'd hate to have to suggest UDPP to customers. :X


Well-known member
aww darn

i need to go on a hunt

1. crimsonaire
2. sharkskin
4. Sea Me

poor shadesticks

and they are discontinuing paints too?? GRRR


Well-known member
I swatched Sharkskin Shadestick while I was at our CCO to see what the fuss was all about... it's just not a color I would use. But for anyone missing it, you might want to check out Black Pearl Double Wear Shadowstick from EL, from what I remember it looks very similar. I have a Shadowstick in a different color I use as a base and love it, no creasing even on my oily lids and very good lasting power
Unfortunately, it's the only deep shade that EL makes in them, the rest are very light.

I bought Royal Hue while I was at the CCO and am really regretting not getting Crimsonaire as well now. Oh well, a return trip will have to be made LOL


Well-known member
Re: Trying again: SHADEsticks question

Originally Posted by BloodMittens
I asked my MA if they were getting discontinued. She said no... saying that only some of them got discontinued... yet they still have ALL the shadesticks there. Including Shimmermint, Mangomix... all of them. So naturally I'm going to get them all before they run out.

But no, I don't believe they would get rid of them just yet.

My MA said that they were no longer going to be available at counters. Only free standing and pro stores now.


Well-known member
I've been nauseated about sharkskin leaving us for the past month because of course it had to happen when I quit my main job and couldn't pick up any more days at my other job for a few weeks. I was broke and thought I would never see another sharkskin, but thank god I just found ONE more at a MAC counter by my house.

I forgot to ask if they had sea me though. I'll just have to find out when I go to pick up my sharkskin.

So just call around ladies, I'm sure you'll find at least some of your colors somewhere!

Stephie Baby

Well-known member
I know shadesticks aren't available at most stores/counters now, but are paints still available? Or are both of these items only available online now?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Stephie Baby
I know shadesticks aren't available at most stores/counters now, but are paints still available? Or are both of these items only available online now?

i went to mac today and they still had the paints there.