SOO Frustrated by MAC!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by wolfsong
(makeup and self esteem goes hand in hand regularly).


Agreed 10000%. A good makeup artist realizes that they are dealing with someone's FACE, the first thing that everyone sees, and that if someone is trusting enough to allow them to touch it, they should make every effort to make them feel comfortable and at ease.

Girl about town

Well-known member
Thats really disgusting and disappointing for MAC , what does the MA expect flawless models skin to work on all of the time!!! idiot!! . I would go down without your neice and ask to speak to the manager , keep your cool and explain how you and your neice were treated and how you intend to return the products as they are useless now your neices self esteem has been shattered. i would also complain to corporate , i don't think someone this small minded should be working in make up, surely they should be used to all sorts. Also the sanitation aspect of things i don't get ,the MA should be sanitizing all her equipment anyway between clients! what difference does acne make? . I had acne for years on my face back chest, i felt a mess , so i know how it feels,my skin is clear now due to medication xxx


Well-known member
Definately bypass the store manager and go directly to CORPORATE with this! The manager will probably keep the whole situation under wraps and nothing will be done. Call corporate and tell them you want to return every single item since all the makeup does is remind your niece of a horrible experience and demand that this "makeup artist" be reprimanded. I swear some of these girls' attitudes suck. The "makeup artist" should be thanking her lucky stars it wasn't me in there. She would have been the one in who ended up in tears.


Well-known member
Ah hunnybun, that's terrible! Chiming in with other posters and a little something new to add.

Go to the store, speak to the manager about this awful incident and get a full refund. That bitch MA
doesn't deserve to have her sales quota boosted by you. Complain to MAC corporate as well.

Take the $400 you spent and invest the majority of it on great skincare products. When I was in my teens, I had acne [not really bad but it was bad enough]. I tried to combat it with cheap drugstore products. Think about how much better off she'll be and how much she'll actually learn to enjoy the process of cleansing, toning, moisturizing, etc. with REAL skincare products.
Murad acne treatment complex or Paula's Choice is a good line to start off with. If you purchase directly from either Murad or Sephora you'll get your $$ bad if it doesn't work. Dept store lines like Clinique or Estee Lauder don't really work that well for acne IMO, way way too harsh.

Take the rest of the $$ and get her some great mineral makeup. MAC eyeshadows and lipglosses are great, but stay completely away from MAC skincare and foundations. I tried a couple samples of MAC foundation and they turned yellow, caused my skin to itch and when I look at the ingredients, YUCH. I won't touch 'em with a 10 foot pole. IMHO, MAC foundations are TERRIBLE for oily, acne-prone skin.

Instead, use liquid or powder MMU foundation, concealer and finishing powders. One touch of an uber soft kabuki brush and she'll be hooked.
Stay away from Bare Escentuals, however. The bismuth causes further irritation and an ugly, metallic sheen. I really wish I would have had mineral makeup when I was a teen. AT least the concealers and MMU won't cause further irritation and clogging and will help her face the day.

You teach her how to put on her makeup sweetie; if you post on this forum, you probably know more about it than most and you'll be able to mix the makeup lessons with love, kindness and consideration that MAC MA BITCH so totally lacked.

Please feel free to PM me for more info on mineral makeup and skincare routines, and give your niece a big hug!


Well-known member
how heartbreaking! It's hard to believe that people can be so cruel.

I agree w/ every single one of the above posts (and I'm so shocked I Just read every single one) and the only thing I have to add is this ...

Why don't YOU do your neices make up, take pictures w/ her (you can both get all dolled up) and then post them on here? Maybe a group of strangers like this board can help her feel better about herself ... everyone here is so sweet, it could work ...


Well-known member
how heartbreaking! It's hard to believe that people can be so cruel.

I agree w/ every single one of the above posts (and I'm so shocked I Just read every single one) and the only thing I have to add is this ...

Why don't YOU do your neices make up, take pictures w/ her (you can both get all dolled up) and then post them on here? Maybe a group of strangers like this board can help her feel better about herself ... everyone here is so sweet, it could work ...

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
That's so sad... teens can be so fragile and for her to be a bitch about?!

What I would do is reassure her that she's fine the way she is and point out how many celebrities have acne. She's seen those proactive commercials, right? A lot of celebrities and "beautiful" people suffer from it well into adulthood. They're just lucky enough to be Photoshopped and have makeup applied properly.

I'd return the makeup. As stated above, the MA doesn't deserve the commission. At least in my experience, MAC foundation did all sorts of awful things to my skin, so it might not be the best for her.

If you want to try this again, perhaps you should go to the store beforehand and personally speak with the MA. Show her a photo of your niece so she can at least decline beforehand and explain what had happened. I bet someone will be happy to treat your niece right


Well-known member
Dude...I would have given that bitch a piece of my mind. I'm with all the others here: take EVERYTHING you bought back. That little punk just did the makeover to make a sale. Call corporate and tell them what happened too! MAC is a damn good company and they shouldn't have people like that representing them.
I suffered with acne for years and still do - the big painful oozy type too - and I ended up going to a dermatologist because my face hurt so much!
As far as makeup in the meantime, no line or counter should turn anyone away unless there are open sores, so they had no reason to do that to your niece. If you're open to trying again, do what you did before and maybe take in a picture. I would meet the person doing the makeover too and explain everything so everyone is on the same page. Hope that helps!


Well-known member
OMG! I am absolutely MORTIFIED!

BEFORE going back to the store, call AND write a letter to corporate and explain to them EVERYTHING that you have just related to us. THEN go back to the store and ask for the manager. Hand over the $400 worth of products and again tell the manager everything that you just told us.. including your nieces low self esteem and how this despicable exp has crushed the little self confidence she had. Also tell the manager that you have already contacted corporate so that they don't try to dust this under the rug. This is too much of a serious situation to just be ignored. That bitch needs to be fired.

As for your poor darling niece unfortunately there isn't that much that you can do to rectify the horrible exp that she had to endure, but I would explain to her that people like this are IGNORANT (which the MA obviously is if she doesn't understand the whole sanitation concept :eye roll: ) and that this is just a refection of HER ugliness. Then maybe you could take her to another MAC counter, again explain the situation and have another MA make her over so that at least that way she can see that not all people are this ignorant, heartless and judgmental.

I do agree with some of the other girl s though that MAC foundation probably isn't the best thing for her skin.

Please let us know what you decide to do.. you're are such a sweetheart and your niece is very blessed to have a wonderful relative.


Well-known member
I feel so bad that your niece had to endure such humiliation. I can remember being 16 and I would have been very upset if I was treated that way.

I agree with what everyone is saying above TAKE ALL OF THE MAKEUP YOU BOUGHT BACK TO THE STORE! The lady who helped you should not get such a large sale. IMO the MA needs to be fired.

I hope that your niece has a better experience next time.
I am shocked that this treatment came from MAC. They are better than this.


Well-known member
What a wonderful aunt you are! I agree with the other posters, complain, complain, complain!! Not only to the store manager, but also to corporate.

Reassure your niece that there are a**holes in this world and the best thing for her to do is to rise above. Remind her that people like that MA are unhappy people who make themselves feel better by putting others down.

You should introduce her to Specktra so that she can use all the knowledge here, along with what you're teaching her to help her have a more positive image of herself.


Well-known member
All I can say is how incredibly horrible... I would be completely furious.... I agree with everyone of the previous posters!!!

What store/counter did this occur at???


Well-known member
what a horrible experience at mac =( the nerve of some people! everyone said it pretty well here and i agree. please keep us updated on your neice and what you are going to do about this.

btw you're an awesome auntie! =)


Well-known member
OH HELL NO! You really have to take those products back and tell that MA to shove it! I'm so pissed off for you right now. I have a soon to be 16 year old sister and if anyone had done that to her...omg that would've been it. I would NOT let this go. This H&O&E that did this to you should not be working with the public! I don't care how bad her acne was ..she has no right to be treated this way and you know what take your niece with you when you complain to the manager and MAKE SURE your niece sees that THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE!


Well-known member
I am beyond shocked. I agree with everyone's advice. Go in, talk to the store mananger, inform her that you will be returning the items and purchasing them at another location and that you will be contacting corporate. Also inform her that you expect to be informed about what she personally is doing about the situation. When you contact corporate tell them you want to be updated with what will be done about this employee.
I am so sorry for you and your niece, this is just toal BS.
Please update us with what measures you have taken.

I find it odd that she made her sale and then did the makeup.


Well-known member
That was the sadest thing I've heard of yet here on Specktra, as all the above posters have said I would take everything back, tell the manager and hope that the MA is around so she can see how her ignorance could have distroyed a young girls opinion of make up, the very thing she's there to promote. On another note once you've gotten your money back maybe you could invest it in BE it's suppose to be better for ones complexion; I shared this with my niece who has a mild to moderate case of acne and it has helped her skin quite a bit. Until she's comfortable enough to try an artist again teach her the way you do it at home in total privacy, a make up date so to speak, as I like to call it a big girls play date, do lunch/dinner and make-up, hair the whole works, we've done it where those of us who know a little about make-up did one side and made the newbie do the other side that way she was able to practice while we watched and/or helped without the embarassment of strangers looking on.