SOO Frustrated by MAC!!


Well-known member
That poor girl, how dare anyone speak to her like that. I've been working in boots in the cosmetics department for 7 years, and NEVER have I heard of anything like that happening, if it did that MA would be fired so fast. COMPLAIN!!! And assure your niece there is nothing grossabout acne. It's part of everyday life in the cosmetics for the general public industry. MAC head office would be ashamed!!


Well-known member
Thanks to everyone for their advice and support. I know it's been ages since my original post and I'm sorry for never giving you guys an update. I was preggers at the time of my original post and had my first baby not long thereafter. I intended to let you guys know how the situtaion got resolved, but life got baby crazy and it just slipped my mind.

The MAC store that I took my niece to was not the normal store that I usually go to because my niece lives in a different city from me (about 30 or so miles away). The MAC store that I usually frequent is just fabulous, with wonderful MAs and SAs -- I really wish I could have taken my niece there to begin with!! Rather than make the drive all the way to make a scene, I actually went in to talk to the manager of the MAC store I usually go to. She was unbelieveably helpful and also quite upset by my story. She placed a call on my behalf to the other store manager to raise the issue.

The explanation that I got was that the MA that had worked with my niece was in no way trying to be rude, but was feeling "under the weather" that day. She was supposedly not being friendly and was eager to go on break because she had a bad cold. Personally, I know what I witnessed and I don't buy it. Not one bit. I made a point of stating that regardless of her explanation, I did not want this MA to get credit for the sale. The manager of my local MAC store assisted me in processing the full return and then rang me up again so that another MA in her store (one that has worked with me a lot in the past, and that I just adore) was credited for the sale. They then invited me to bring my niece in for a new appointment free of additional charge.

Since I had my baby, it was actually several months before I was able to plan a new outing with my niece and take them up on the offer. It was coincidentally around the time of the Hello Kitty release that I finally brought my neice in -- which was perfect because she loves HK!! She got a whole new makeover and detailed instructions from the MA on how best to apply concealer, and to clean her face and brushes well to prevent more breakouts. We also purchased several of the HK products.

All in all, a happy ending -- my niece was thrilled and looked just beautiful. Though now my sister is scolding me for creating such a makeup addict.

Thanks again to everyone for their support and feedback. You guys are truly wonderful. I actually thought about showing my niece your comments so she could see how outrageous the original MA's behavior was and that it was definitely not her fault. In the end, I didn't because I was afraid it would embarass her more, but I know that it would have warmed her heart to know that she had all of your support.


Well-known member
Thanks for the update and i am glad that your niece got a better makeover this time


Well-known member
So MAC are saying that if their SA has a cold or is unwell, you have no right to expect professional service? Plus, if your cold is so bad that you really really can't wait to take a break, you shouldn't be at work anyway and I would have thought the CUSTOMER would have more issue with that than the staff member.

Good going for following it through


The "under the weather" comment may have just been face-saving on the part of that nasty-tempered MA and / or the store manager at that location. (And after the fact, said IMP may have gotten raked over the coals.)

I'm glad your niece got a proper makeover by someone who took the time to treat her like the good, deserving person she was - and how wonderful of you to give her both the gift of the makeover, and the gift of not just quietly accepting that IMP's behavior!!

[IMP - ill-mannered person]


Well-known member
that's so good to hear that it worked out for your niece, i cant believe what happened! thanks for the update

being 'under the weather' just sounds like an excuse for the manager not to fire the MA. but i reckon she probably got a scolding anyway!


Well-known member
Thanks for the update! I am glad that everything turned out ok in the end. Congrats on the baby as well!


Well-known member
I can't believe they used "under the weather" as an excuse for her behavior! What ever happened to being a professional? Customer Service?

It's good to hear that your niece was happy in the end despite the MUA's appalling behavior!


Well-known member
I love that it turned out well
I have a little bit of acne too and I know it would make me feel absolutely horrible if I was treated that way by a mua.