Specktra.Net Barbie Raffle Fundraiser


Well-known member
I hope everyone buys at least one ticket!!! If you have learned anything from Specktra to help with your skill in makeup application, then I think you owe it to the site to contribute!!


Well-known member
Thanks for the support everyone, I've never tried anything like this before but I'm glad you're receptive to this effort to subsidize costs for 2008. I really appreciate your support in this, I've already been able to do a couple of KEY things that have been on the back burner due to lack of funds. You may notice the site running faster I was able to bring someone in to optimize the server Specktra is on. I was also able to purchase software to enhance the site, both of these great things happened because of your support with Barbie raffle tickets. I have many plans to enhance the site further for everyone, with your help through this fund raiser I can do that.
Thanks again for your support!
Tickets are available through the end of the month.


Well-known member
I bought one ticket, yay

I'm so new here but find the site incredibly helpful and inspiring!


Well-known member
I just got my ticket! What a great way to give back to those who have given the community so much! Show your support kids!!


My mom won't let me use her credit card on the internet, she's all paranoid. Because I am sadly underage, lol. Argh, I want a MAC Barbie!! Good luck to everyone entering though.


New member
If I win, this will be my Christmas gift to myself, at the same time I'm donating money to a great cause! Count me in on 4...


Well-known member
I'm in for one! Good luck everyone...although of course I hope I win!
Thanks for making Spektra great!


Well-known member
I've just drawn the winners and am working on putting up the announcement now. Thanks everyone for your support of the site!