Spooky Tales

Kristin Bacon

Well-known member
Is that stuff actually real? I was reading about it
yes it is. it hasnt happened in a long time but when i was a teenager it happened a lot. i remember one night it happened and i was jus floating above my body and next thing i knew i was like floating thru the house. things had been moved around from when i went to bed i started to panic and kept trying to wake myself up. so when i did finally move my hand i jumped outta bed freaked out and went thru the house and my mother had actually rearranged the furniture in the house.

Kristin Bacon

Well-known member
I reccomend watching the show Dead Files it really is fantastic. also i have some good books i will look at them for names


Well-known member
yes it is. it hasnt happened in a long time but when i was a teenager it happened a lot. i remember one night it happened and i was jus floating above my body and next thing i knew i was like floating thru the house. things had been moved around from when i went to bed i started to panic and kept trying to wake myself up. so when i did finally move my hand i jumped outta bed freaked out and went thru the house and my mother had actually rearranged the furniture in the house.
wtf that's trippy

Dolly Snow

My family isn't spiritual, we have always believed that there is an explanation for everything as most people do. But sometimes there are some things that just cant be ignored, am I right?
I've had a ton of experiences, so has most of my family.
I've floated out of my body, heard my name when no one was there. To much to actually list.
I have a question for everyone. When it comes to experiences with the paranormal/supernatural, do you find it has been stronger with your moods or with the death of a loved one?


Well-known member
My family isn't spiritual, we have always believed that there is an explanation for everything as most people do. But sometimes there are some things that just cant be ignored, am I right?  I've had a ton of experiences, so has most of my family.  I've floated out of my body, heard my name when no one was there. To much to actually list.  I have a question for everyone. When it comes to experiences with the paranormal/supernatural, do you find it has been stronger with your moods or with the death of a loved one? 
I think it def gets stronger with the death of a loved one. I lost 2 close family members a couple months apart last year and felt there was a lot more going on.


Well-known member
I think it def gets stronger with the death of a loved one. I lost 2 close family members a couple months apart last year and felt there was a lot more going on.
I lost a close family member almost two years ago now, but everyone in my house experienced/saw something and I didn't. I wonder why? Maybe coz I'm afraid


Well-known member
I shouldn't be reading these stories before bed lol..when I was a little girl I would wake up and couldn't move my body or speak. I would try so hard to scream and couldn't.


Well-known member
Speaking about humans being scary..when I was a little girl sometimes I would fall asleep on the couch and hear a knock on the window and it would be the tenant with her face pressed up against the window(literally like pushed up against the window)she would do it a lot ..pretty creepy...this would be late at night too..sometimes I would hear the porch gate open and knew she was coming..years later I told my mom about this and she knew about it!!!i felt like she did it a lot too like the tenant knew I was napping there and would knock to see if I would look.


Well-known member
Speaking about humans being scary..when I was a little girl sometimes I would fall asleep on the couch and hear a knock on the window and it would be the tenant with her face pressed up against the window(literally like pushed up against the window)she would do it a lot ..pretty creepy...this would be late at night too..sometimes I would hear the porch gate open and knew she was coming..years later I told my mom about this and she knew about it!!!i felt like she did it a lot too like the tenant knew I was napping there and would knock to see if I would look.

That is freaking creepy! :eek:


Well-known member
Do u guys hear sounds in your house and freak out? I hate hearing creaks and cracks! Hell i even hate it when someone knocks on my apt door loudly, too bad we are renting so we cant get a bell lol

Kristin Bacon

Well-known member
My family isn't spiritual, we have always believed that there is an explanation for everything as most people do. But sometimes there are some things that just cant be ignored, am I right?
I've had a ton of experiences, so has most of my family.
I've floated out of my body, heard my name when no one was there. To much to actually list.
I have a question for everyone. When it comes to experiences with the paranormal/supernatural, do you find it has been stronger with your moods or with the death of a loved one?
i feel both can affect it. but i do know my uncle has contacted me and felt him around. i believe they watch over us and are listening when we want them to. i also believe it was my uncle who whispered my name in the bathroom when i was looking in the mirror last yr on my bday. it is feb 21

Kristin Bacon

Well-known member
Speaking about humans being scary..when I was a little girl sometimes I would fall asleep on the couch and hear a knock on the window and it would be the tenant with her face pressed up against the window(literally like pushed up against the window)she would do it a lot ..pretty creepy...this would be late at night too..sometimes I would hear the porch gate open and knew she was coming..years later I told my mom about this and she knew about it!!!i felt like she did it a lot too like the tenant knew I was napping there and would knock to see if I would look.
wtf thats creepy omg!!! did her face leave a print? omg i would be so weirded out

Kristin Bacon

Well-known member
Im watching Resurrection County right now anyone seen this???? Lets jus say it falls into the scary humans category and why i am terrified of back woods and secluded areas...... yikes. when i was driving thru the south i wen thru some places i wouldn't wanna break down in. i hate the idea of being somewhere that no one would hear me scream


Well-known member
My mom had a friend that passed a tragic way..my mother was running late to the funeral and got a phone call all staticky asking "where are you?" ..my mother thinks it was her friend that passed..gives me chills that story.


Well-known member
I hate graveyards even going in day! They scare me. You would enjoy the cemetery here in salt lake. It's super creepy!
My cousin who used to work in a cemetery use to say at night something was pulling him out the bed scary oddly when I go to the cemetery to place flowers on my love ones grave I feel at peace I'm never scared there I'm always in tune with things around me im a little psychic