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Surreal Crystallization


Well-known member
i love nyc lashes.. only 2 bucks!! and thanks for the tut. you look gorgeous and i love the tut. = )

Miss World

Well-known member
awesome tutorial! and you look great!


Well-known member
Oh my goodness....so so pretty.....what a beautiful look on you!

I've already got Hug Me on my list to buy, but you've just convinced me on it-it looks beautiful, so does Jelly-Babe!

Thanky uo so much for this wonderful tut xx


Well-known member
great tut, i love those colors and hun, you do a whole heck of a lot better than i do with liner, i think i am all thumbs when it comes to those liners.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by astronaut
That's the weirdest eye drawing ever lol

um, if you're talking about the circles and patches, they're just exaggerated and outlined to better show the placement of the colors.