Swap Lifted?


Well-known member
Sorry if this is the wrong area to post this.. But I feel worried. I did a BIG swap with a girl on MUA and I sent 100$ worth of items.. And was expecting some items back (dresscamp pallet, ect) and we talked for about 1.5 weeks updating eachother on whether our packages arrived or not... And well, it seems about time that we should've got our packages and I went to message her and her username was gone! She's not on MUA anymore.. I'm freaking out and REALLY sad right now, I feel like crying.. Has this happened to anyone else with a good result in the end? Or did you never get your items.. Ugh.. I feel awful.


Well-known member
So sorry hon. I dont have any advise, never dealt with something like that, but think I may need some advice if I dont receive a package soon.

A swap on MUA as well


Well-known member
Yah it's so scary... I'm waiting on 4-5 packages right now from MUA and I'm pretty sure I'll get them, but I'm worried about that one... I mean why would her account just vanish.. I feel like she waited to receive the items, then deleted her account as soon as she got them.

I sent her a BNIB dazzlepuss dazzleglass, BNIB fashion mews and some heatherette stuff.. I'm so MAD!


Well-known member
Oh no, I am so sorry to hear that. I haven't had any bad experinces on there so far. Did she have a lot of tokens? Hopefully it will come!!!

I got booted off of MUA once for using naughty language on one of the boards.. oopsy!! So I disappeared for a bit. After begging for forgiveness they reinstated me. So it *may* be that something like that happened.

You could try contacting one of the mods to find out if they self-deleted or were banned so you have a better idea of what might be going on.

Good luck!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by leenybeeny
Oh no, I am so sorry to hear that. I haven't had any bad experinces on there so far. Did she have a lot of tokens? Hopefully it will come!!!

I got booted off of MUA once for using naughty language on one of the boards.. oopsy!! So I disappeared for a bit. After begging for forgiveness they reinstated me. So it *may* be that something like that happened.

You could try contacting one of the mods to find out if they self-deleted or were banned so you have a better idea of what might be going on.

Good luck!!

Oh that's a good idea!! Thanks for that
And she only had one positive token.. At that time though I think I only had 2 positive tokens so we both decided to ship at the same time.. I'm going to go message a mod now!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Sabrunka
Oh that's a good idea!! Thanks for that
And she only had one positive token.. At that time though I think I only had 2 positive tokens so we both decided to ship at the same time.. I'm going to go message a mod now!

oh crap, yeah that is the hard part about just starting out.. I hope it all works out for you!!

Come swap with me if you like


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Sabrunka
Oh that's a good idea!! Thanks for that
And she only had one positive token.. At that time though I think I only had 2 positive tokens so we both decided to ship at the same time.. I'm going to go message a mod now!

Oh!! I am so sorry that happened to you! Yes I have been swaplifted. It really sucks! You just really have to follow your gut and when you are a new swapper try to avoid swapping with people that are new swappers. I didnt follow mine and knew it... I felt something was wrong and ignored it... Lesson learned! Establish your self with Established people and then once that happens take a chance with a newbie!

Would you mind telling me her name, or pming me? I want to search for her on swaptawk for other issues?

Again Im sorry....


Well-known member
I had a terrible experience on there once...a girl and I agreed to swap and both were to send out the next day...I went to message her right when I got home from the post office, only to find out she had deleted her account! So I called the post office right away and had them hold the item for me to pick up...the best part was, she had given me her name and address and she lived in Toronto near me, so I looked her up online, called her house and threatened her with mail fraud!!!! lol...i think i scared the crap out of her...she just kept saying "uhhh...uhhh". good times

Im sorry to hear that it happened to you though, it is very frustrating when you are part of what should be a great online community and a bad experience like that ruins it. I read a tip once somewhere that someone suggested never swapping something you dont mind losing...it makes it less painful if something goes wrong
i hope it works out for you though.


Well-known member
I'm so sorry to hear that. Swaplifters are just..ugh! I can't believe people have the nerve to just steal from people like that

Maybe give it another week and if nothing happens, I think you should go to the police..
Hope this gets resolved ASAP!

mindlessgapgirl: LOL go you!


Well-known member
I don't want to jump to conclusions but as someone who swaps regularly on MUA this doesn't sound good. A deleted profile is usually the first sign of someone who has swaplifted.

Why don't you join Swaptawk so you could name the person & see if others had been swaplifted by this same person.


Well-known member
thats terrible. but also a reason why i just cannot bring myself to do that swap stuff. i might show up at someones address demanding answers and they won't like that very much lol


Well-known member
I'm sorry about that happening to you girl!

I've never swapped before and not sure if I'm willing to cause I tend to rush into things before checking everything out first. It's a bad habit of mines meh.


Well-known member
Sabrina I am so sorry.....If she lives in Dallas I can do a drive by egging!!!
That bites...Swapping is scarey....They have to have over 100+ tokens before i will swap unless I know them from Specktra


Well-known member
I have nothing of value to add, only my sadness that this has happened to you. It sucks!! I hope that it can be resolved.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissResha
LMAO@tish. do NOT waste good eggs on some broad....

throw sardines

Oh girl NO>>>they were gonna be the expired ones in my fridge that I keep for months without throwing them away...I swear I don't know why i keep buying eggs no one here eats them..so instead of just trashing them I thought I would let Alex do t-ball practice on her house and car...Surely they wouldnt take a 7 y.o to jail...even if his mama is hiding in the bushing edging the egging on


Well-known member
Originally Posted by michelle79
Tish is that Rihanna in your avi? That's a beautiful picture.

yes...isn't that a great picture of her...I try to use her hard to figure out ones...so you guys think it's me
You just ruined that for me!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by michelle79
Why don't you join Swaptawk so you could name the person & see if others had been swaplifted by this same person.

This is the BEST advice in this thread. Apply to SwapTawk. Follow the directions EXACTLY and you will find a great resource there to help you deal with this swap.

Also, as someone else said, ONLY swap with established members (50+tokens would be good) until you can ask newbies to send first. Do not swap with any newbies while you are one.


Well-known member
Oh, my. I hope it will work out for you. I just started using MUA not too long ago. And I did swap with one girl on there, I received her stuff and I wanted to give her a positive token, but her account was deleted too.
I know she received her stuff from me too, cause I shipped it UPS Ground and I tracked it.
I hope she is alright and if she wants her positive token from me I will gladly leave it for her. If you are reading it, let me know your new screen name