Too funny... Mean Girls? LOL...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by amoona
Yea and what's wrong with that statement?! I wasn't saying that only private schools will influence her children to make the right decisions in life. I also didn't say it wasn't all about parenting. I said it was earlier in one of my posts. It doesn't seem that you fully understood what I was saying. Hope this clears it up.

There's nothing wrong with your statement dear, please don't take offense to what I was saying. I'm not trying to start a heated argument with you also. I know folks who went to private and public schools growing up so I know that what type of school they attend does not automatically mean good judgement or poor judgement. And yes, I did read what you posted prior to that statement, therefore I understand that you didn't single out that the type of school is a determining factor in a child's judgement. But by saying that because "your cousin sends her kids to private school they won't be influenced in making the wrong decisions so early" kind of implies my assumption. That's all.


Well-known member
I'm not taking any offense. I just think you're reading way too much into that statement. I explained what I was saying, take it as you wish.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
The most reprehensible part of the article was that the girls were allowed to get away with the disrespect.

Who's fault is that though? The kids or the Adults?

TBH I think a lot of it had to do with it being that the Principle was the mother of the Queen bee ( <3 Meangirls, one of my fav movies lol). So while these adults might have wanted to discipline the kids, there was that little voice saying, "She's your bosses daughter, just deal with it, it's better than losing your job." Is losing your job, or getting on the wrong side of your boss (when future raises and reviews might be at stake) worth having the last word against a teen? Which is why it was only until the Photo's got out, that the teachers had physical proof so to speak.

Teachers get shitty kids every year. You want stories about crappy kids, talk to my Mom, she teaches em. She's had money stolen from her, she been cussed out, attacked, you name it, she's seen it. There is only so much you can do though as a teacher.

If you discipline the kid, you get accused of being unfair by the parents. If you write up their kid, and their not white, you get acused of being racist. The kids who are the biggest problems, have the parents that take the least responsibility.


Thats like 1 kid a year. What you dont hear, are the stories about how student that were in her classes, come back years later because they were the first out of all their family, to ever graduate college. You dont hear the parents who break down in tears in the parent teacher meetings, because their kid isn't failing school anymore, because a teacher actually cares. You dont hear about the students who NEVER THOUGHT THEY WOULD GRADUATE, BECAUSE NOBODY GAVE A DAMN actually getting their diplomas.

Yah their are crappy kids in the system. But there are a lot of really good ones too. And also, a lot of good teachers, who put up with the crappy kids and parents, so they can help the students where they can.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Who's fault is that though? The kids or the Adults?

The adults. There were other avenues to take, IMO, for even the teachers. Complain to the superintendent if it's evident nepotism is going on. Human resources should be able to help. However, most of my anger is directed at the parents. I can't imagine raising a child who is so blatantly disrespectful like that and siding with them

It's one thing that the teenagers act like that (and it doesn't completely excuse them, because I think they're plenty old enough to understand their behaviors and form manners), but it's entirely unacceptable for adults to let them get away with that, particularly the principal.


Well-known member
The biggest problem each of these girls has is the socialite mommy and the oblivious daddy who pays for everything.
Both parents are enablers.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
The biggest problem each of these girls has is the socialite mommy and the oblivious daddy who pays for everything.
Both parents are enablers.

Mini hiltons? lol