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Tutorial Contest Winner July 2008: ***hot Purple***


Well-known member
Re: ***hot Purple***

lovely tut, you did a great job.

can i ask, if you dont mind, what e/s from MAC could be used for the eyes, as i dont think we get mufu over here in the UK and would love to try this, as i love purples.



Well-known member
Re: ***hot Purple***

Originally Posted by Mac_Wendy
lovely tut, you did a great job.

can i ask, if you dont mind, what e/s from MAC could be used for the eyes, as i dont think we get mufu over here in the UK and would love to try this, as i love purples.


thanks! well you can start off with the white cream coloe base, and use nylon, vanilla pigment, phloof, basically any pale or close to white color for the highlight. for the purples you could use...beautiful iris, violet pigment, vibrant grape, or deep purple. And def carbon for the outer v and darkening.


Well-known member
Re: ***hot Purple***

dont you love paula dorf's soft crease brush. omg its the best brush EVER and <3 the primer.


Well-known member
Re: ***hot Purple***

LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! purple looks are one of my faves...i so have been wanting to get MUFE #9, i love #92 it is the best purple ever


Well-known member
Re: ***hot Purple***

Originally Posted by mslips
thanks! well you can start off with the white cream coloe base, and use nylon, vanilla pigment, phloof, basically any pale or close to white color for the highlight. for the purples you could use...beautiful iris, violet pigment, vibrant grape, or deep purple. And def carbon for the outer v and darkening.

thank you, will definately be trying it out x


Well-known member
Re: ***hot Purple***

Love this! the color, application.. it's definitely something i'd love to try, thanks for the tutorial too.


Well-known member
Re: ***hot Purple***

What a gorgeous job! Your friend is lucky to have a friend like you who does makeup so well! Awesome!


Well-known member
Re: ***hot Purple***

this is such a beautiful look!
if i had more purples, i would definately try to pull it off