Ugh. High heels = taller than your man. :(


Well-known member
So there is pretty much nothing I can do to remedy this situation. I love high heels but when I wear them I am an inch or so taller than my fiance. Anyone else have this dilemma? What do you do? Rock flats or still wear your heels? I am lemming for these boots but they have a 4 inch heel and I am scared I won't wear them



Well-known member
My man now is taller than me even with 6 inch heels on... But I've dated guys who were my height on an inch or 2 taller and I STILL rocked heels... SHOOT!!!! When people looked at me, I just stood up taller! I LOVE attention anyway so... I say WEAR THEM! BTW, I have a friend who is 5 inches taller than her new husband without heels and she still wears them and doesn't care!
I totally agree with Keisha. Your tallness (temporary or otherwise) shouldn't emasculate him, and if it does, then maybe there are other underlying issues.

I say wear whatever shoes you wish you wear!


Well-known member
I've dated guys who were taller than me when I wore heels and I rocked the heels. It felt kind of cool to be taller sometimes


Well-known member
I'm 5'9 so I'm pretty tall for a girl and I've dated guy my height or some shorter my current bf is 5'7 and he dosent care....rock them boots


Well-known member
Thanks girls <3
Y'all are 100% right, I shouldn't feel self conscious nor should he.
I'm so getting the boots.
my last ex was SO tall. i miss his height. even with 5 inch heels he'd still be towering over me but if he doesn't care about the heel issue, why should you?

if anything, he should be proud his woman will stand out.


Well-known member
i definintly know how it feels, i'm 5'11 (and a half) and even in flats i'm taller than most guys. but when i'm at a party i still wear the cute heels that i love


Well-known member
I would wear my heels no matter what ...I never wear shoes without at least a 3" heel...I am short however 5'3 and I have never dated a guy under 6' but if I did he would just have to bring his little short butt on and keep up with me and my heels


Well-known member
I'm 5'10 and dated a man that was only 5'8. I wore heels then and there is nothing anyone can say or do that will make me give up my heels now. I think he liked being looked at walking down the street with me and my heels. I think he felt that ppl were wondering what did he have that made an Amazon like myself want to be around him.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Blushbaby
If it works for Tom & Katie ...

haha true, it would help being as pretty her!

Originally Posted by TISH1124
I would wear my heels no matter what ...I never wear shoes without at least a 3" heel...I am short however 5'3 and I have never dated a guy under 6' but if I did he would just have to bring his little short butt on and keep up with me and my heels

hahaha i hear that!

Originally Posted by DILLIGAF
I'm 5'10 and dated a man that was only 5'8. I wore heels then and there is nothing anyone can say or do that will make me give up my heels now. I think he liked being looked at walking down the street with me and my heels. I think he felt that ppl were wondering what did he have that made an Amazon like myself want to be around him.

haha i never thought of it that way


Well-known member
i'm the same height as my boyfriend, and when i wear heels, i'm taller than him.

so what?!

he doesnt care, and neither do i! i say wear your heels if you want to and assure your fiance he's still 'the big strong man'! men like to feel like they are needed for protection, opening mayonaise jars, DIY etc etc

the only thing i'd say, if ur self concious about it, on your wedding day perhaps wear flats, so that the pics dont all come out with you way taller than him! plus you'll be more comfy!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by banana1234

he doesnt care, and neither do i! i say wear your heels if you want to and assure your fiance he's still 'the big strong man'! men like to feel like they are needed for protection, opening mayonaise jars, DIY etc etc
Hahaha isn't that the truth! Except mine is DIY challenged, I totally put together our walmart chest of drawers LOL

the only thing i'd say, if ur self concious about it, on your wedding day perhaps wear flats, so that the pics dont all come out with you way taller than him! plus you'll be more comfy!!
That is a really good idea and something I hadn't even thought of yet!


Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
I'm 5'7" and my husband is 5'8" and I wear heels all the time! I don't feel like me when I wear flats, lol! My husband doesn't care that I look taller and neither do I. A confident man should not feel threatened by a tall woman


Well-known member
My man is over 6ft so he is way taller then me. I'm 5'4'' and would really hate it if I were taller then him in 4inch heels. I would say just buy the boots only if ur going to feel comfortable in them! Try finding a sim. pair with a 2 inch heel maybe, that way u'll be around his same height if that makes u feel more comfortable.


Well-known member
I'm 5'7 and my ex is 5'8. When we were still together, I wore high heels all the time. It didn't bother him when I look taller
The boots are hot, go for them!